Ausdoerrt said:
LinkPain said:
I played Devil May Cry thank you very much .
Don't need to press xyz for something to happen in Dragon Age or so i thought .
Once DmC comes out you'd probably want to go back and play DAII instead, though
Oh gawd i just remembered that awful dream ...
On topic :
OK first of all . What the hell is with that moves , Gray Warden ain't shit compared to that what they do now . 50 kilos of equipment for instance and i parkour myself to cut the balls of a dragon , that's something only someone like Goku from Dragon Balls can do . So all those people that say combat is now evolved need to look at it more intently . Just look at it !
I like fast paced but not -epic reaper slash crush 10 darkspawn- move . Like consoles don't get enough of that . Comparing it to hack and slash is insane , Diablo looks and feels waaay better . This is on a Final Fantasy scale , like XXII only worse . No real sense of who or what you hit , just hit it with something . In other words , stupid for a western RPG . Basically everything can be AOE now , even jumping . Double jumping @.@ . And god that Ogre felt like a Skeleton boss from Dakrsiders , let's mash it until he falls down . Stun , pummel , stun , pummel . Button mashing conception is on a tight line here , you can't compare it to anything that isn't senseless when you start to hit those monsters . So combat can go Jackie Chan Kaspersky commercial like and be awesome . Poor Stan had to actually make effort to swing that 2 hander , these guys do it like they fap . Consolishly deranged .
Second ,
a girl in there is a mage . In Lothering . Which was full of Templars . They can feel a mage after all , but her they didn't somehow . It's a templar-girls thing ? Fell fuck , they made them so badass in DAO you had second thoughts about being a mage because of it , and now they look like tards . Orlesian seeker ? Riiight .
Their family all the equipment they need to kill horde of darkspawn than you do in the first mission in DAO and people in Lothering fight for bread . Nice , didn't see that coming . My Human Warden almost got killed but peasants rip to shreds darkspawn now . Bioware will say , this is a new branch of darkspawn which are just basic ones and die easily . WTF?! Really .
Third ,
Speech options ,

Holy shit , i didn't beleive it when i saw but my eyes don't lie somehow . Drama/Neutral , Angry/Renegade , Nice/Paragon . Only you don't get the points for it , probably only fuck-teammate-points .
Fourth ,
Inerface is gone to hell on PC , haven on consoles . Why do they get so much attention ? What did PC do wrong so they make every exception for them ? WHAT ? I want to know ! I demand it .
That's it . IMO this game is hype then crap like Oblivion , will play it probably because of the story and because i played first one . Spit on me but i'm not giving it even a try till all DLC comes out . And i think most PC users will do similarily , or simply play pirated version . I most certainly am not giving my money to the consoles marketing as outrageous as this .