Dragon Age II: now more like Mass Effect 2

Am I the only one who gets this sick, perverted feeling of "told you so" after seeing those 6/10 and 5/10 reviews? Not to mention horrible user scores on metacritic.
After few hours of playing I can say that it's definitely not the game for me. I can't compare it to the first one as haven't got an option to play it.
Too much combat and "never ending fights"(If only you have to use some brain ;_; They are just too long, totally boring and not challenging even on higher difficulty levels) - it looks silly when you whack that bastard for like 20 time just to see how much more blood can living person spill in DA universe. And that's the first thing.

Story? "Baldurs Gate spiritual successor", huh? I don't know how about first one(Can't trust game reviews/Youtube "let's play" these days.) but this thing is simply...dull. You just know what will happen next, how dissapointing it will be and just forget about "thrill".

Add to that pseudo-mature topics, far-east action orientated game effects(Flashes/epic jumps/charges) and plastic elves(When you take a look at their skin you'll get the picture)

Up to the point I've played, few characters were fine and little more interesting than whole story thing, but nothing special really. Maybe I shouldn't play "heroic" fantasy games? Damn, I didn't knew that heroic can aim in such direction. Better call it "epic".
Still, 'gonna end it anyway, sooner or later.
- omfg -

1) Install

2) Start game

3) Do the immense complex process of creating your character (1 mouse click, six choices in total) :D

4) First combat: Click the same mouse button a few times in a row and you character do awesome stuff! Win (on hard)

5) Uninstall

SmartCheetah said:
Add to that pseudo-mature topics, far-east action orientated game effects(Flashes/epic jumps/charges) and plastic elves(When you take a look at their skin you'll get the picture)


RPG Codex
As of now, the game has a whopping user score of 3.6 on Metacritic based on about 150 reviews, in addition to a Metascore of 84/100 (for the record, Origins has 91/100) based on 12 reviews so far.

Very interested in seeing more reviews when the game unlocks in Europe in 2 days.
Give me a break i can't see his face from that sword xD

But figured that out. Why would they put that in anyway? They just confirmed dumbing down, i don't find that a joke. Space hamster on the other hand in ME is a good joke.
Who cares about awesome swords when you can consistently have crazy up against the wall awesome sexz with that girl just by tapping a button.


A= Awesome button
Well, got my hands on me copy. Yay for low Amazon prices.

A few hours in so far, and I can say it's definitely worse than I hoped for a sequel to Origins, but also better than I feared after the JeuxVidéo.com review. The worst part is easily the prologue, character customization gets rolling after you gain a few levels (I like that your family resembles you based on the chosen preset character, no more adopted black guy in a white family) and the system offers more choice and flexibility than Origin's. I am currently building a DPS and crowd control sword and board warrior with Aveline as a pure tank (she is more or less unbeatable at this because of her kickass unique skill tree), and it's working well so far since the weapon you use matters only for 2 skill trees out of 6, not counting the specialization which are much more worthwhile this time by the looks of it.

I started playing at Hard, it was about on the level of Hard in Origins, sans the Friendly Fire. Then i decided to try Nightmare and, boy, one hell of a jump. A lot of abilities in DA2 do AoE and friendly fire (for example, Mind Blast now also knockbacks or even stuns anybody in your party too, no spamming it as a panic button like previously), much more than in Origins, and just spraying fireballs around will kill your party very quickly. It,s very enjoyable and tactical, apart from the fact trash mooks now have a bit too much HPs and some fights can drag on.

Biggest issue is certainly the environment. I didn't see much reused assets, but every level is a damn corridor, an outdoor area being perticulary bad about this. Still, will continue playing for sure, no regrets in my purchase.

Oh, and Metacritic user reviews are almost all 0s from users that never rated any other game. I would not be surprised if it's a few or even just one dork bombing the shit out of the ratings for teh lulz.
SmartCheetah said:
Lexx said:
People saw this already?

And floating text makes everything even more clear. The beautiful downgrade.
Elven comparison is silly as well. :clap:

Stop making Berserk look bad by comparing it to this PoS. :evil: BTW, I love how the wpns float in mid-air a few inches from the body, and how that spear (?) clips so tastefully (:roll: ) into the floor. How anyone could've praised the graphics is beyond me.

And yes the "dumbing down" joke is in poor taste.

Anyway, nice to see great justice being served. At least one subpar AAA title not getting straight 100s is delightful to see. Well, IMNSHO DA:O deserved that too, but can't have all you want, eh?
one of the reasons I already love the Witcher now. FUCKING scabbard for swords damnit. Finally! No more floating "prittiness" around the character. With all those awesome visuals game developer needed like 10 years to get something like that ?
Ilosar said:
I started playing at Hard, it was about on the level of Hard in Origins, sans the Friendly Fire. Then i decided to try Nightmare and, boy, one hell of a jump. A lot of abilities in DA2 do AoE and friendly fire (for example, Mind Blast now also knockbacks or even stuns anybody in your party too, no spamming it as a panic button like previously), much more than in Origins, and just spraying fireballs around will kill your party very quickly. It,s very enjoyable and tactical, apart from the fact trash mooks now have a bit too much HPs and some fights can drag on.

I understand about fireballs and AoE like Inferno spell from DA:O or similar. But mind blast? Just to add difficulty they made it retarded area damage spell to everyone?
Then why not make two handed swords as possible friendly fire hit if your teammate is very near you or next to you?
What's next, darkspawn taking a piss does area acid damage?
I would like to know also if there is a Nightmare spell, which did great combo with sleep thrown before it, and would it instantly make your entire party insane now like the game combat system that already is.
Well, there's actually a skill that makes two-handers do AoE damage with friendly fire (only 1/10th of damage, but still). And playing a bit more, they really went far with the FF, it invalidates several builds and spells; Firestorm is simply not usable (I do not complain that much; the hardest difficulty should only be completed by a very min/maxed party, whereas it was easy to breeze through it in Origins). Fortunately, the Primal spell tree (earth and lightning spells) offers AoE damage that does no FF, and comboing Chain Lighting with special Rogue moves make it do 6x damage.
Man oh man are BioSocial forums heating up. Either lot of people are realising the game isnt good or the old Bio RPG fans are on crusade. Still EA is doing the damage controll, that just might noth have turned out as they wanted. I mean the guy who got temp ban for badmouthing EA. That set off outcry of outrage that managed to catch atention of lots of sites, fueling more oli to the fires raging on BioSocial forums. I have to ask, when Fallout; BOS came out was the situation similar in Interplay forums?