SmartCheetah said:Add to that pseudo-mature topics, far-east action orientated game effects(Flashes/epic jumps/charges) and plastic elves(When you take a look at their skin you'll get the picture)
Lexx said:
SmartCheetah said:
Ilosar said:I started playing at Hard, it was about on the level of Hard in Origins, sans the Friendly Fire. Then i decided to try Nightmare and, boy, one hell of a jump. A lot of abilities in DA2 do AoE and friendly fire (for example, Mind Blast now also knockbacks or even stuns anybody in your party too, no spamming it as a panic button like previously), much more than in Origins, and just spraying fireballs around will kill your party very quickly. It,s very enjoyable and tactical, apart from the fact trash mooks now have a bit too much HPs and some fights can drag on.