Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

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Briosafreak said:
MutantDwarf said:
Also: The voice over in that teaser was terrible.

I'll have to disagree there. Everything in the trailer leaves me cold, except the voiceover. Every RPG or sandbox game needs Max Von Sidow. Hell every game needs him. He's just that cool.
I thought that it sounded like he needed a few more takes to get it right. It was lacking, I like the idea behind it but the voice over had issues.

gumbarrel said:
Not in this thread specifically, but you don't need to search far and wide to find that type of attitude on these forums :roll:
The point was that your brought it up out of nowhere seemingly in an attempt to start yet another console vs. PC argument.

What is all the hate towards dragons anyway?
UncannyGarlic said:
Briosafreak said:
What is all the hate towards dragons anyway?
They're pretty lame and have been over-used, much like the faceless space marine fighting aliens scenario.

frosty_theaussie said:

New, maybe.. spectacular, doubtful. These guys are generally all hype, much like Peter Molyneux of Fable. I wouldn't get too excited until closer to release, then prepare for the web of lies!!

MutantDwarf said:
Meh - maybe it's just the frankly horrible writing that makes the voiceover sound so not good to me.
That can happen. And there's sometimes the opposite effect like with Benny in New Vegas. I like his dialog but Matthew Perry was fucking terrible. That or they just picked the worst takes.
Everything has been over used, this isn't new. Once you've been gaming for over 20 years you've seen everything at least twice.
Ausdoerrt said:
I bet it just means "brand new Gamebryo".
I don't think that would be a bad thing.The Gamebryo Light Speed Engine was release in 2009,and by the video on there website it looks quite nice!I'm not so doubtful for future games looking great,I just want better writing and voice actors!
korindabar said:
Everything has been over used, this isn't new. Once you've been gaming for over 20 years you've seen everything at least twice.

[Intelligence] So you say you are no longer impressed with the generic roadkill Bethesda is churning out and subsequently convincing consoletards are RPGs?
TwinkieGorilla said:
korindabar said:
Everything has been over used, this isn't new. Once you've been gaming for over 20 years you've seen everything at least twice.

[Intelligence] So you say you are no longer impressed with the generic roadkill Bethesda is churning out and subsequently convincing consoletards are RPGs?

[Charisma] That's a mighty fine codpiece you're wearing.
100LBSofDogmeat said:
New, maybe.. spectacular, doubtful. These guys are generally all hype, much like Peter Molyneux of Fable. I wouldn't get too excited until closer to release, then prepare for the web of lies!!
Maybe as a lidle pet project someone should save any article or comment ever done about Oblivion 2 (I dont wnat to remember Skyrim, TESIV, its Oblivion 2 for me! Period) and as soon the game is out get some kind of webpage up showing what Bethesda promised and what the fans got in the end :mrgreen:
MrBumble said:
So that is GOTY 2011 then...

Lol, every other game of 20xx is GOTY 20xx...

Stanislao Moulinsky said:
I want screens, dammit! I want to see if they are really still using Gamebryo and how much they managed to improve it.
I'm guessing FONV should give us all a pretty solid idea of where they're at at the moment.
So it's a teaser that basically consists of a dungeon and a dragon? How original.

Show me at least a screenshot, otherwise I don't care.
Oh ye of little faith, doubting the visceral immersiveness of a Bethesda title.

Won't you all feel silly when the demo comes out, and you can judge the game for yourself instead of having to rely on previews disguised as the Bethesda PR press kit.

Play the demo then decide, until then, you have no right to complain about TES.
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