Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

sydney_roo said:
Don't worry, Ausdoerrt. The game looks nothing like on Tagaziel's screenshots.

I am actually hurt. What's so bad about them? Except for AA and aniso, I'm running the game on full details.
I wish it would be possible to side with the dragons somehow. I mean. WTF. YOu have have damn "dragon soul" inside ... fighting against them ? Screw Acatosh, Talos or what their whole pantheon is called.

Crni Vuk said:
I wish it would be possible to side with the dragons somehow. I mean. WTF. YOu have have damn "dragon soul" inside ... fighting against them ? Screw Acatosh, Talos or what their whole pantheon is called.


Maybe some creative modder will make it happen once the Creation Kit is released.
yeah ... so sad that Oblivion was such a boring game. It had some great mods.

Anyway. I am sure people will get mods out where you can "transform" in a Dragon or something like that.
I assume by lasdt four games you mean morrowind, oblivion, FO3, and skyrim. I wouldn't really call them fugly. Generic maybe, but they were well rendered and the animations are ok for games of these scales. I don't really expect to be attracted to any of them though, I mean it is a game and all. Some more variety within races would be welcome though.
mobucks said:
Are all the NPCs still fugly like in the last 4 Bethesda games? Just curious.

depends in what you define as "fugly". NPC's (and your own character) look so much better than in Oblivion. it's worlds apart, really. Skyrim might not be the most beautiful game by todays standards but the weird plastic doll thing they had going on in Oblivion is gone. in Skyrim characters look a lot more realistic.
OakTable said:
So far the voice acting is schizoid in quality. On one hand, you got people like Jim Cummings, Keith Szarabajka, and a couple other good voice actors. But then you get people like whoever voiced the court wizard in Whiterun, that vampire kid in the Dark Brotherhood, and some other retards who have no idea how to put emotion into their voice. I don't know whether to violently hate the vampire kid for sucking so bad or find it cute that she's trying to sound evil.

I'm pretty sure the vampire kid's (her name is Babette) voice actor also voiced half the kids in Little Lamplight in Fallout 3. And she is truly horrible at it. The character was interesting and occasionally funny, but the voice killed it.

An interesting thing about her (Dark Brotherhood spoilers below):

[spoiler:29577ca18c]the Dark Brotherhood guildhall is attacked and almost everyone inside it is killed, but she's nowhere to be found when it happens. She appears again once the carnage has been completed, with no explanation for her whereabouts, not even "this shit got heavy so I escaped until it was over." I find it amusing that even though she's technically not a kid -- she's 300 years old! -- because she has a child's voice and body, Bethesda refused to do her any harm or place her in a dangerous situation. The way they tiptoe around the issue is silly, especially considering they made a game where you can find a child's skeleton, in a cage, wearing a party hat -- but couldn't even kill children in the same game.[/spoiler:29577ca18c]
Bethesda is the king of double standards/moral. It was always that way.

violence is "ok". But anything that hurts wallmart sales is a "no no". Though Skyrim is a bit "more" mature then Oblivion.

Though already in Fallout 3 it was a rather comical situation. You cant kill "kids" but you can blow up Megaton which had at least "one" kid inside ... :roll:
Regarding visuals, there's a neat tool called "FXAA Injector", which is good for... using things other than FXAA. I use it for sharpening, tonemap and technicolor effects:

Vanilla (brightness turned up because this mod darkens the image):

Injector on:

It's very customizable and doesn't cause me any FPS drop.
Uh, I find the bottom version highly ugly and way too sharped up.
I use it to lightly sharpen objects so textures are less blurred at distance and sliiightly more saturation.
Not keen on the overkill saturation but whatever floats your nordic boat.