Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

it's easy to navigate, but it's annoying to use, and it has some serious desing flaws, like the ones on the image they posted some pages prior.
RogerMaxson37 said:
I must have been the only one to find Skyrim's menu system easy to navigate.
Uh-uh. Tell it to the million times that I've gotten the wrong dialogue option even though I clicked on the correct one.
Trying to select the right book in the inventory is the hardest for me. Seems the mouse really doesn't like that section.
Use the keyboard for everything as much as possible. Just forget about the mouse. It's annoying, but you can't get it more precise than that.
yeah, as soon as you stop trying to use the mouse in the menus it becomes a lot easier.

I still haven't figured out how to rotate items in the inventory btw. any ideas? all I can do it hit the C-key and it zooms in on the object. still can't rotate, though.
I was gonna ask the same thing, neither the WASD or arrows or mouse roating seems to rotate the items, I had to solve the "Puzzles" of the Key Claws by squinting and guessing the symbols I had to choose.
I don't know how to do it as well. Tried everything I could think about, but nope... just doesn't work.
Well, don't know why, but rotating with the LMB held on the item portrait did the trick. Bigger problem for me was dragging bodies and other things, figured it out after long while.
So I guess the general opinion is that this game is like Mass Effect 2 in that it isn't really an RPG but is still very entertaining?
Truly a sad day for PC gaming when the solution is to stop using a mouse.

Rotating with LMB works for me. But I don't know how to drag bodies :D
Ehhhhhhhhhhh, kinda. Depends on your definition of "role playing". Concerning character development, I think Skyrim is more of an RPG due to the perks and the you-are-what-you-use system. Gameplay-wise, once again Skyrim. Less corridor shooting, more open-world exploring. While I consider them both action RPGs, ME doesn't have you considering much other than shooting, reloading and hiding behind cover for the quick health regen.
Jury's out for me as far as the choices and consequences go. Seems like ME takes the cake so far, but I haven't come close to finishing Skyrim yet.

You can drag objects by holding E. Sometimes, if you check inside objects(broken vases in dungeons specifically), there's treats in them for you.

Found out why my crossfire wasn't using more than 45% per card. CPU was bottlenecking the performance. OCed my CPU(Q6600) from 2.4 to 3.2 and now I bottom out at about 25 FPS as opposed to 14 on ultra settings. Get a solid 60 FPS indoors. Guess I gotta give up on the LGA775 board soonish :(
so far one of my biggest annoyances in Skyrim is actually the lack of choice when it comes to quests. it's pretty rare that you get any type of choice, either you do the quest or you don't. and often you don't really know what you're getting yourself into before it's too late. this means that it's pretty common to do things in the game that are out of character with how you want to play. I guess this depends on wether you see it as a role-playing game or not. personally, I feel that this is where the game fails as an rpg.

for example:
[spoiler:6c5c9c142e]having to become a werewolf to continue the Companions quest-line.

or the Forsworn Conspiracy in Markarth - you end up in prison and the only way out is either siding with the Forsworn, or going on a murderous rampage. both choices felt really awkward for me and neither let me do what I really wanted to do: rid the town of the Silver-Bloods who were the real evil behind it all.[/spoiler:6c5c9c142e]

this is only for side-quests by the way, I have barely thouched the main quest.
Makagulfazel said:
Found out why my crossfire wasn't using more than 45% per card. CPU was bottlenecking the performance. OCed my CPU(Q6600) from 2.4 to 3.2 and now I bottom out at about 25 FPS as opposed to 14 on ultra settings. Get a solid 60 FPS indoors. Guess I gotta give up on the LGA775 board soonish :(

I'm sure that's an issue with the engine that will get patched.
I have seen a lot of people with i7 processors (and good gpu's) who also dip below 30 FPS in some areas for no good reason.

Apparently Skyrim uses the cpu to render shadows which causes slowdowns so turning down the shadow quality might help.

edit: link
aenemic said:
so far one of my biggest annoyances in Skyrim is actually the lack of choice when it comes to quests. it's pretty rare that you get any type of choice, either you do the quest or you don't. and often you don't really know what you're getting yourself into before it's too late. this means that it's pretty common to do things in the game that are out of character with how you want to play. I guess this depends on wether you see it as a role-playing game or not. personally, I feel that this is where the game fails as an rpg.

for example:
[spoiler:3583e650a0]having to become a werewolf to continue the Companions quest-line.

or the Forsworn Conspiracy in Markarth - you end up in prison and the only way out is either siding with the Forsworn, or going on a murderous rampage. both choices felt really awkward for me and neither let me do what I really wanted to do: rid the town of the Silver-Bloods who were the real evil behind it all.[/spoiler:3583e650a0]

this is only for side-quests by the way, I have barely thouched the main quest.

I've seen a handful of quests that allow you to double or even triple cross people

[spoiler:3583e650a0]Like that hunter dude in riversomething city that gives you fake letter to give to the girl in the store and you can do that, or go to the bard that's getting set up and expose the hunter dude, so the bard would give you another fake letter(this time from the "hunter") and you can either give it to the store girl, or expose bard for writing a fake letter.[/spoiler:3583e650a0]
Sam Ecorners said:
aenemic said:
so far one of my biggest annoyances in Skyrim is actually the lack of choice when it comes to quests. it's pretty rare that you get any type of choice, either you do the quest or you don't. and often you don't really know what you're getting yourself into before it's too late. this means that it's pretty common to do things in the game that are out of character with how you want to play. I guess this depends on wether you see it as a role-playing game or not. personally, I feel that this is where the game fails as an rpg.

for example:
[spoiler:e346795203]having to become a werewolf to continue the Companions quest-line.

or the Forsworn Conspiracy in Markarth - you end up in prison and the only way out is either siding with the Forsworn, or going on a murderous rampage. both choices felt really awkward for me and neither let me do what I really wanted to do: rid the town of the Silver-Bloods who were the real evil behind it all.[/spoiler:e346795203]

this is only for side-quests by the way, I have barely thouched the main quest.

I've seen a handful of quests that allow you to double or even triple cross people

[spoiler:e346795203]Like that hunter dude in riversomething city that gives you fake letter to give to the girl in the store and you can do that, or go to the bard that's getting set up and expose the hunter dude, so the bard would give you another fake letter(this time from the "hunter") and you can either give it to the store girl, or expose bard for writing a fake letter.[/spoiler:e346795203]

And yet there are no real consequences so the only thing you see there are fake choices.
TwinkieGorilla said:
Anybody find the drunken quest? That shit had me lol a little in my pants.

It was nicely ripped off of Witcher 2 (where it was better done aswell). ;) But yeah I admit I had to laugh a bit too.