Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

It's just the Tamriel heightmap being used to generate raw terrain that is then developed, focusing on the province the game is set in. It's the same thing as with Oblivion, which also included a sizeable chunk of Tamriel's other provinces.
It'd be pretty awesome if a future game actually had the whole Tamriel map you could explore. With quests, creatures, items, cities, stuff like that.
If it's like Skyrim quest and dialogue wise-- no, thanks. :>
There are some, true. Maybe it would be a pretty cool idea to list all the dungeons/quests which were fun, as opposed to the countless boring ones. I remember a huge dwemer city which eventually led to a visually very impressive (and large) cave system and a (rageworthy ;P) puzzle at the end. Does anyone remember that name?
It has good moments, which is the reason why the sucky ones make so angry. It could be a really good game, "if only..." etc.
Well, it would be very very cool if they have released a game with so much random content and all Tamriel provinces while making Creation Kit much more user friendly to easily create new content (especially quests/factions/faction related quests and stuff like that)
You know, pure sandbox to which you can plug people content.
There is far too many house/armor/weapon/graphical tweak plugins while so little quests/factions for TES games. ;_;
agreed. everyone is of course entitled to their opinion and free to speak it, but it's a bit tiresome to hear the same complaints today as we heard back when Oblivion was released. no one expected Bethesda to change the core gameplay of the TES games.

chill out, don't expect to much of the game and just enjoy it for what it is. I'm glad I didn't hope for anything more than a refined Oblivion. it's what I expected, it's what I got and it's what I enjoy about it.
I found Oblivion to be a total failure, while Skyrim is not-- which was a surprise to me (I've expected absolutely nothing from the game).

The game easily could have been much better- even Bethesda should have been able to do that. Now I am not pissed because Bethesda hasn't delivered the next holy grail, I am pissed because Bethesda could have delivered a better game with just a bit more foresight.

/Edit: 6666 posts. :revolution: What a wasted post.
Lexx said:
The game easily could have been much better- even Bethesda should have been able to do that. Now I am not pissed because Bethesda hasn't delivered the next holy grail, I am pissed because Bethesda could have delivered a better game with just a bit more foresight.
I can imagine the mad modders out there will iron out all the wrinkles, given time...Bethesda can only take a game so far before they fall over, then it's up to others to transform it into a gem. Any news on when they will release the editor for Skyrim?
I did the whole marriage thing, only character the option appeared for was The Unbroken girl, so I did that. Pretty lame, but well 100 gold coins a day and a special food item is better than nothing. only 5 people attended the ceremony, maybe I should complete more major quests.
.Pixote. said:
I can imagine the mad modders out there will iron out all the wrinkles, given time...Bethesda can only take a game so far before they fall over, then it's up to others to transform it into a gem. Any news on when they will release the editor for Skyrim?

Nah, ones again it's not fixable by modders, just like modders couldn't fix Fallout 3's real problems.




Skyrim will still be shitty even after the Creation Editor is released.
Walpknut said:
I did the whole marriage thing, only character the option appeared for was The Unbroken girl, so I did that. Pretty lame, but well 100 gold coins a day and a special food item is better than nothing. only 5 people attended the ceremony, maybe I should complete more major quests.

I did as well. I married Ysolda from Whiterun. she left after the "I do's", while the priest was still talking. haven't seen her since. the little bitch.

oh, and yesterday I sneaked up on and one-shoted a Frost Dragon with a dual sword backstabb. it was pretty awesome.
So did anyone finish the mainstory yet? I've only played till the point where

[spoiler:8638c80c89]you had defeat Alduin the first time after getting the elder scroll, then I had to do all those quests for the Stormcloaks to liberate the towns and eventually catch a dragon in Whiterun[/spoiler:8638c80c89]

and don't have the game here anymore (rented it) - what happens after that? You can set it in Spoilertags. :)

And yeah, I don't know if there will be any bigger content mods, just like there were barely any for FO3, NV, etc...
there are some talented modders out there who have done some really good work. the thing is, no one is interested in creating new content in the form of quests and larger areas when not getting paid for it. it's simply too much work when they probably won't enjoy playing through it themselves and can't be sure if anyone else will even be interested. the great gameplay mods that come out do so because the modders create them because they want these changes in their own games. the same goes for graphical and animation improvements (note: not counting simple reskins).

every now and then there's some fool who'll try to recreate the entire TES world map, but such project are never completed. it's a fulltime job with no pay.

so don't diss modders on a whole, there are a bunch who do great work and put time into it. but they do things that make sense and they know that people will use.