Play Deus Ex again and come back to say Morrowind is not uninspiring in my face, I dare you.
Morrowind combat is not uninspired...
Deus Ex combat is nothing special either to be honest... While the game is great, the combat is quite bleh too.

you can go through the entire first part just by sneaking and attacking with a crowbar no matter how good your simple weapon skill is... Also Deus Ex is focused on stealth and guns (yes you can use melee and explosives, but using those is quite bleh like I said). Both games focus on different styles.
Yes, but they were made in 1990s, and in Daggerfall you virtually swing your sword with mouse, unlike press LMB to roll in TES3. Also no backstabbing, replaced with sneak crits and never changed since then up to Fallout 4. Also, Dodge was in Daggerfall.
The mouse movement was stupid as hell to be honest, and you needed a big mouse pad space to be able to do it properly, have to keep doing it over and over until it's your turn to have another attack (since there is a "cooldown" time between attacks) and it was quite clunky, nevermind trying in a laptop touchpad. Morrowind does it better because you can chop, slash or thrust depending on the direction keys you press while attacking. Not to mention that particular types of weapons deal different ammounts of damage depending on the attack type, so for example axes deal more damage with chops while dealing less with slash and even less with thrust.
Sneak Criticals are the backstabbing, the idea is that if you sneak and have all the time in the world to hit the enemy without him seeing or be on guard you can hit where it hurts... An arrow between the eyes would hurt as much as a backstabbing or more and can only be done if you're in front of the enemy, for example.
Dodge works differently in Morrowind, it is not a skill and works by this formula: ((Agility / 5) + (Luck / 10)) * (0.75 + 0.5 * Current Fatigue / Maximum Fatigue) + Sanctuary spell effect Magnitude. For a skill you would use Block, which uses the same formula as the Dodge but it adds the Block skill value too.
Also in Morrowind you have the stagger and knockdown combat effects, which depend on damage dealt and the character's being hit Agility, hammers for example have a higher chance of doing that, unarmed attacks also do that if the character being hit runs out of stamina (KO), spells are completely superior in Morrowind too compared to Arena and Daggerfall, combat is more complex and complicated behind "the scenes" and it is definitely "superior" since it takes into account a higher amount of values, attack types, stats, etc.