Quantity matters if you're a fatcat who wants to line your pocket.
The fatcats being those who head the industry and dictate the way it evolves, yes, quantity matters and is important to everyone who is even remotely interested in games since the amount of income titles make determines how future titles will be developed, marketed and sold - and that affects everyone, from top gaming company CEO to a lowly basement dweller.
Quality matters if you're a consumer.
Exactly, but as you are obviously forgetting, everybody is a consumer - PC or console.
What one determines as quality is largely based on their subjective appreciation of the product. We here at NMA consider Fallout 4 to be a shitty product that lacks quality. Millions of players worldwide don't - they find that the quality of Fallout 4 isn't lacking. Therefore, the game sells well - quantity, and therefore, financial success.
Being a consumer, quality matters, ergo PC>Console plebs.
This statement makes zero sense. For one, PC doesn't necessarily equate to quality, as you have a large number of PC games that are nothing more but pure shit. PC also has a greater variety of games and selection which - as you already know - never sells near as well as most console titles.
So PC fails at quantity, since AAA titles on PC never sell as well as on consoles (and AAA titles and their developers/publishers hold the market by large), and PC doesn't necessarily mean quality in any way. In the end, it's all up to personal preference. Simple fact is that more people buy consoles and play on consoles regardless of quality of the product, so you should do a reality check and stop raging about a thing in which you have absolutely no control or importance whatsoever.
The only real advantage PC has in the gaming market is the indie niche. However, that it is a niche by itself makes it a very small element in the overall industry, at least at the moment.