Everything in Fallout 4 looks too new

Personally, I'd love to see the settlement building branch out into an actual quest.

Setting up trade networks, establishing and training town guards, surveying for agricultural needs.

You know, the stuff that actually happens when towns exist.

But Beth pretty much confirmed that it's only a timesink.

Which sucks.

Because it's like they're stunting themselves.

I would really embrace it if it contained actually decisions. One of the trademarks of Fallout 1 and 2. Just on paper the idea to build AND run your own settlement sounds awesome. I imagine a situation where you interacted in the past with the likes of Gizmo, Killian, Lynette and now you actually are in their positions. Imagine situations with refugees. Do you help them? But at the cost of your reputation in the village? Or do you exploit them? Do you send them back to the wasteland? The idea for moraly decisions are endless, if done well.

However I guess you are absolutely right though, Beths approach will be Heartfire DLC x 10, no real substance, no real consequences and most probably time sink ...
I understand the "realism" (well not really) complaints but as it is a video game, it can't be barren or it'd be beyond boring. This is why House had a defense system to protect Las Vegas so they didn't have to go "Oh it's all gone, start over". It'll likely be a similar reason here, and it's done for game design purposes. So I don't have a problem with it, because I want to see the Old World post apocalypse.
Yeah but the explanation is going to be bullshit. It's something we can expect from Bethesda. They might rob the Mr House defenses.
The explanation is already there.

The bomb that was going to hit Boston missed and landed in the Atlantic, creating a region known as the Glowing Sea.

Now, why Boston only had one bomb fired directly at it when Vegas had more than a Baker's Dozen fired at it, I don't know.
The explanation is already there.

The bomb that was going to hit Boston missed and landed in the Atlantic, creating a region known as the Glowing Sea.

Now, why Boston only had one bomb fired directly at it when Vegas had more than a Baker's Dozen fired at it, I don't know.

Where is that explanation listed? I'm just curious because I haven't seen it.
The explanation is already there.

The bomb that was going to hit Boston missed and landed in the Atlantic, creating a region known as the Glowing Sea.

Now, why Boston only had one bomb fired directly at it when Vegas had more than a Baker's Dozen fired at it, I don't know.

Where is that explanation listed? I'm just curious because I haven't seen it.

They could also plausibly tie Boston's survival to Mr House since he went to MIT, and therefore could have used the same technology to save Boston, or at least the Institute. They may be able to write in that he had plans for the place post-war, but those plans have not yet come to fruition.
Water in Fallout does now, apparently.

I mean, so long as they actually treat it like a problem and not like a mere plot point.

Otherwise it'll be the same Fallout 3 water problem.
Yeah sure, I'm on mobile at the moment, but I'm fairly sure I can find it when I get back home

Eedeet: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Boston

They have a link to a Todd Howard interview where they talk about it.

Couldn't find the tweet, hard to search at the moment.

But essentially, one bomb detonated around Boston, but not directly in Boston.
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I'm not excited for Fallout 4, but I kind of see this as a good thing. The nukes didn't happen yesterday, society had 200 years to re-develop, I would expect Boston to look a little more pretty than it did in 2077.

I have no problem with things being rebuilt or salvaged.

I just really hope they don't fall back on the dirty steel aesthetic so many towns in Fallout 3 had.

Because I can imagine that even with the total collapse of America, there are still some people with the knowledge to build new things out of materials that aren't dirty scrap metal.
Well, there seems to be a lot of "junkiness" to Fallout 4's aesthetic. As in, skyscrapers made out of scrap metal and boxcar scrapyards.


As much as I know I'm gonna dislike Fallout 4's mindless action pandered to 14 year olds, something about fighting strong enemies on the rooftops of post-nuclear urban environments sounds comfy as hell. I think I might start working on a New Vegas mod.


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Those structures in the distance look like made of Lego blocks.

And is it just me, or will the Super Mutants in F4 be again generic "we needz moar 'uman flesh!" enemies? It already made me cringe in F3 that they have been basically just Orcs in a post-apoc setting. I mean seriously, at least Vegas had a reason to have the Super Mutants around. Here again they seem just to be again flesh hoarding monsters.
Well you can see some gore bags in the background so I'll say yes. What is weird tho is that they look more like the Mariposa Super Mutants with the more human face and green skin, yet we saw there are still Behemots in the game so they gotta be Capital Orcs...