Examples of Bad Writing in Fallout 4 [Spoilers]

Now - not more than a minute after we bid the salesman farewell the TV starts blaring. How's that for timing? Not one minute after I agreed to be in one of their vaults the bombs start falling, but ok... let's roll with it.

(You could have done this another way you know, you could have had a conversation with your husband were you said "lucky with signed up for that vault-tec package two weeks ago! But no, Bethesda had to go for the contrived option)
As bad as it sounds [and it does], the conversation is absolutely playing out for player exposition. There are players that have never heard of Vault-Tec; and others that have zero familiarity with the brand coming into it.

It was posted in the Fallout 4 topic of the Order by @Akratus ... but I feel this also fitts in here just nicely.


and a Bonus:

Spoiler for plot detail - not that it is such a big deal ... but still.

ok, I have to know... is that trump image hacked from a website? That looks WAY too good for a photoshop...
Here's an example of some awesome Bethesda-style writing...


Anyway, that pissed me off so bad I QQQ'd instantly after the screenshot to come and publicly shame them for yet another fallout 4 fuck up.
Wow, that's just.... holy shit.
From the first part of the game I knew how the rest was going to be. You're forced into the role of an army vet, appearing to a decent human being with steady happy marriage, the whole "muh wife muh kids" package.

The timing of the vault tech was way too coincidental 2 minutes before the alarms sounded. Same with the power armor and meeting the deathclaw right then after. It all just felt very rushed and forced along, like a chore they wanted to skip over.

Fallout 4's entire dialogue wheel is just a bastardized version of Mass Effect, though Bioware actually did a decent job with their dialogue wheel.
So, right from the start everything about the writing in Fallout 4 seemed wrong. And I don't just mean the vertibirds and stuff like that. I mean pacing, believability and character progression.

I choose to play as the female and at the beginning of the game I'm in the home, caring for the baby and being a homemaker and what not. Fine, not what I'd like to role-play as but let's roll with it.

Yeah, having the branches cut off is an annoyance.

Now - not more than a minute after we bid the salesman farewell the TV starts blaring. How's that for timing? Not one minute after I agreed to be in one of their vaults the bombs start falling, but ok... let's roll with it.

Uh, this is a mistake on your part. You didn't agree to be in the Vault. Your petition to be in the Vault was ACCEPTED. Your character wants to be in the Vault as they sent information in so you could be part of it.

(You could have done this another way you know, you could have had a conversation with your husband were you said "lucky with signed up for that vault-tec package two weeks ago! But no, Bethesda had to go for the contrived option)

That's what happened.

So we reach the vault elevator and as we're about to go down of course a bomb hits, of course. And with not one second to spare we are lowered down into the vault. Lucky us, the Gods must be smiling etc. But let's roll with it.

Uh, you don't go down until the world is being nuked.

Then we are taken for decontamination but for some reason we are cryogenically frozen instead... may I ask WHY? Why were we lied to about being decontaminated? Why could we not be told that we were going to be frozen? Who instructed the doctor to lie to us? Not to mention that doctors have ethical codes.

Because this is an experiment and no sane healthy person would willingly be frozen to death on the vague chance they could be woken up again.

So now I am frozen but wake up just in time to see my husband get shot and my baby taken. Then I am frozen again. So - the thieves probably unthawed us both because they didn't know which of us was holding the baby.

They unthawed everyone then let everyone else die. You can see it in Kellog's flashback.

(later we learn that they were more than ordinary thieves and then the question arises... why not bring the whole family? But let's not go there)

They don't want you as friends. They want you as people to take DNA samples from. This is part of the story which makes sense.

Now that is a very analytical and task oriented homemaker I'm playing... She just saw her husband get killed and her baby taken, and within 10 seconds of waking up and seeing this she already has an action plan. There are five stages of loss and grief, it took her no more than 10 seconds to jump to the last one which is "acceptance". Sound like any woman you know? I certainly don't know any women like that. Heck - even Ellen Ripley would be in the corner crying for a minute before putting her war face on. So apparently I'm playing the most bad-ass ex-special-forces task-oriented homemaker in history. Good to know.

I played my character wandering around in a fugue for several minutes, just taking in the horror of it all.

Didn't you?



Oh, the game has awful writing, don't get me wrong but it's like the scenario where you see the Capital Wasteland for the first time. The horror of it all really falls on you as the player to appreciate rather than the game. It can't exactly just say:

B. Fall down to knees weeping
C. Sarcastic
D. You burned it all, you blew it up!
Maybe Bethesda isn't even writing anything for their games, they just use chat/e-mail messages from their employees throw it together and call it a 'story'.
Whats even worse is once the voice actor has recorded the lines, they then have to put them in the game - so some Creation Kit JOCKEY has heard the lines, or read it and either was TOO STUPID to realise the lines and voice were fucked or they just said, "Fuck this shit! I don't care! Just cram it in the game, they won't even notice because no one reads or listens any more anyway".

Well I read and I listen to things.

I noticed, now other people are noticing too.
This game is a power fantasy set in post-apocalyptic setting, almost any situations will be contrived. I found maybe 2 or 3 side quests that were decent (in the main game, Far Harbor is a different matter). The plot of 4 is better than 3's, but still garbage.

The quest's I found good, or more acurately, let's say decent in writing, are:
- The Last Voyage of USS Constitution
- Human Error
- Kid in the fri... Just kidding! Out of the Fire.
Maybe Bethesda isn't even writing anything for their games, they just use chat/e-mail messages from their employees throw it together and call it a 'story'.
Doesn't look like this. Chat/E-mail is more personal thing and therefore, have more personality (pun intended) and interesting content. Or Bethesda employees IRL just like their writing.
Uh, this is a mistake on your part. You didn't agree to be in the Vault. Your petition to be in the Vault was ACCEPTED. Your character wants to be in the Vault as they sent information in so you could be part of it.

The rep says because of the S.S's service to their country they've been pre-selected. It doesn't outright say they applied to enter as far as I recall.

Besides, if they DID apply, why is there an option to say "Go away"?

Uh, you don't go down until the world is being nuked.

The whole sequence is contrived though. Wouldn't be as bad if the S.S. hadn't just met with a Vault-Tec rep and if the platform went down just before the bomb went off.

But of course we need to see the mushroom cloud don't we? Even though it would blind everyone who looked at it (same issue with destroying Megaton).

Because this is an experiment and no sane healthy person would willingly be frozen to death on the vague chance they could be woken up again.

Ok this point I can actually agree with. The people are in shock, so they're less likely to question anything at this point rather than let them settle and THEN try to get them in.
Oh, the game has awful writing, don't get me wrong but it's like the scenario where you see the Capital Wasteland for the first time. The horror of it all really falls on you as the player to appreciate rather than the game. It can't exactly just say:

B. Fall down to knees weeping
C. Sarcastic
D. You burned it all, you blew it up!
Capital wasteland... wait, that's Fallout 3. So, yeah it's shit there too.
Here's an example of some awesome Bethesda-style writing...


Anyway, that pissed me off so bad I QQQ'd instantly after the screenshot to come and publicly shame them for yet another fallout 4 fuck up.

You guys don't get it! It was clearly a very subtle hint of how the process to liberate synths also creates bugs in their code, effectively making the railroad a grey faction.

Unless he's not a synth, then it's just an example of how detailed the writers are, having in mind the deterioration of languages in a post-apocalyptic society. So immersive, genius!
I did hate when the Vault Tek rep came by, the wife made my character go to the door and then my character kept saying to the rep stuff like "No" and "Go Away" with his voice showing more and more anger at the rep and the rep just kept pushing it over and over... My character had 10 STR and 10 CON, was getting really angry and almost shouting for the Vault Tek rep to just leave him alone and go away and yet a nervous and scared sounding rep would still stay there and not leave... Defying a muscle bag army veteran that sounded like it would be breaking the rep's neck if he didn't leave...

And what does the game do? After I said for the 4th or 5th time for the guy to leave in a very angry tone of voice the game makes the wife say something like "Do the papers" and after the character said once again angrily something like "NO! I SAY THIS IS OVER NOW!" the wife just says something like "And I say it is not and that's that." and our guy just does the papers... It is so damn forced, why even have the option of saying no and go away so many times (each time the character gets more and more angry and loud) just for the wife to hand wave our choices and we do the papers right away... Why not let the wife do the papers? Why not have the wife saying something like "remember honey, we discussed this yesterday and you promised you would do it today." or something like that instead of just a "And I say no and that's that!"? Why not have the poor vault rep break into tears and beg to us to not send him away or he would be fired and his life ruined, then our character would show remorse and agree or his wife would show remorse instead and change our character's mind by telling him that he is a veteran and a nice person and so on (since our character's personality is already pre-made we couldn't argue about it if the wife affirmed it).

I don't know, right from the beginning it just showed that it doesn't even has the illusion of choice, that the game will in a very lazy way tell you outright you can't do that and you have to do this! for a so called RPG and specially a so called Fallout game that just broke the enjoyment for me right at the start.
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why even have the option of saying no and go away so many times ... just for the wife to hand wave our choices

Because IMO they are following the mainstream "feminism is cool" agenda, conditioning young stupid male minds to think that taking orders from females is normal and correct in everyday life.

I'll try to back this up by talking about how I noticed that throughout the entire game, the male player voice actor is made to sound like an absolute moron, high-pitched voice, over the top happy attitude [KIDNAPPED SON] and generally coming off as just another dimwitted millenial retard that can barely save the day let alone the planet, he's made to say some of the dumbest things I've ever heard in a video game, including bad grammar as posted above.

While the female voice actor is pretty much the opposite - confident, smart, rough strong voice [for a female] and I'm fairly certain that her grammar was much better compared to the males lines.

Thank fuck for Silent Protagonist.
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Whats even worse is once the voice actor has recorded the lines, they then have to put them in the game - so some Creation Kit JOCKEY has heard the lines, or read it and either was TOO STUPID to realise the lines and voice were fucked or they just said, "Fuck this shit! I don't care! Just cram it in the game, they won't even notice because no one reads or listens any more anyway".

Well I read and I listen to things.

I noticed, now other people are noticing too.

Not the first time either.
