Here some ideas about factions.
Brotherhood Of Steel In DC:
Now, having BoS in DC makes little sense to begin with, as their resources were already limited in Fallout 2, they just dont have the ability to cross wasteland. So we have the option remove them from DC.
However, if we want to keep them, we would have to change them, if we want them to be believable.
The ones who would be send, would most likely be hard-core BoS fanatics, "elite" to make sure they havent wasted precious manpower and technology sending them to DC, no nice guys ala lyons. Also, a CLEAR reason is needed, maybe a top-secret military base with high-end pre-war tech. Or a nuke so they could destroy/win NCR, because the NCR is threatening their monopoly and aquiring of technology and even their sovereignity. They arent nice guys, all they care about is preservation of technology, and themselves. They would kill outsider to get to the tech, or the nuke, if it was very important for their survival. Entire town sized hub ? you bet they would.
Enclave in DC:
They manage to make even less sense currently than BoS, as their main force was supposed to be destroyed in Oil rig. Navarro was just an repair/refuel outpost, and vertibirds had short range, so flying to Dc would be unlikely.And their personelle wouldnt really be numerous enough to safely make a trek like that to DC. First Option is to remove them out., making EDEN just a lonely super computer spouting empty propaganda based on old commands given by the enclave president before events of Fallout 2.
If we want to keep them too, we need to change them too.
Example, nothing serious:
EDEN managed to keep Autumn in check for a while, but soon Autumn took control, and uses EDEN as a front, and HE is de-facto leader of enclave. He would use enclave for his personal agenda, and hunger for power and might. (making the player choose between two evils, a BoS which only wants technology,and is willing to cause deaths of many, for its own dubious purposes or enclave that wants to rule, without any opposition, but not to kill the wastelanders. Pc has to decide which one he sides with
The current enclave would have been from secondary base , a one formed in mid-west ( to aquire some materials, and to recover a emergency goverment "stash" of fusion cells and other equipment), few years before the chosen one blew up the oil rig(even though they really werent supposed to have more bases, but makes more sense than coming all the way from navarro).
So the point of this extra long post is, that we would have to make more factions or just modify old ones. Also quest would need to be changed, as mentioned earlier by others.
Also expansion of settlements, or new settlements would be required, as it seems ludicrous to have just a junktown sized town in DC, an area that would be bound to have vaults. More important locations and more trading.
Saving the main quest requires the saving or creation of new ones.
here is one for megaton:
Talon Company & Tenpenny:
Tenpenny could be a man, who is in reality is from a Vault, and has learned his wanky accent there, but claims to be from Britain. He is old, but he still has a lust for power (who wouldnt ? ). He controls large part of the low-tech firearm and meds production in DC , and has made a fortune. Now he wants to have more, and starts to try and force megaton to join his economic "rule", as they are producing non-tenpenny firearms, in effect hurting his business by lowering prices(is he gizmo ?), and one of the most important citizens resisting him is Lucas Simms. He cant send his cronies to take the sheriff out, and he has sent burke to town to try and settle things diplomatically, but Burke sees the PC, and decides that even if he/she gets caught, no one could really prove anything, and hires him/her to kill simms (does this OUTSIDE the town). However, first he of course tests the PC, to find what he is made of, and sends him or her, to steal something from a towns person during the night(the gunsmith perhaps, his blueprints/tools ?) for some caps. Then he decides to have a final test if she/he is capable of killing, and sends the PC to kill a unlucky scavenger/homeless person for no reason, the reward being money and stimpacks. once completed, Burke gives the Pc the task of killing simms way he/she wants to. Now PC can kill simms by several diffrent means.
1.Kill simms directly,inside town, in broad daylight causing the town to hate him/her.
2. wait for cover of darkness, and then kill him while he heads back to home on an alley., making townsfolk suspicious of him/her (a new person comes to town and suddenly sheriff dies violently), but not hatefull.
3.Convince that you saw man fitting description of Burke near town, with a few armed men with him, talking about attacking the town. Promise to help him kill the non-existant men,kill simms, make a fake wound, and then go and lie that you ran into a bunch of armed men, possibly raiders, and they killed him, and wounded you.Speach skill 40/50 Cha 6+( some townsfolk are suspicious, but cannot prove anything, and most belive you, as you can convince people easily, thanks to you charismatic persona)
4.poison him, with a chemical compound the PC can cook up, then poison his food, or beer. science skill 35/40 required, int 6/7+. (No one knows how exactly he died or why, but people suspect Moira, or a unknown disease. Pc can also frame moira, who then will be inprisoned and lynched by angry townpeople. (They burn Simms body, in effect ruining any chances anyone could find out what really happened, in the fear that what ever he got was infectious.)
After delivering good news to Tenpenny & comp, he would then give him apartment in tenpenny towers, and give him more quests
Tenpenny would now give him quest to meet a representative of talon mercs with Burke, and hire Talon mercs to his service. (talon mercs consider PC friendly if PC accepts) and things go on from there. Tenpenny now can utilize his economic power, and now also has the hired guns to do that.
Possibly in the games ending Tenpenny starts expanding his power, with the help of talon mercs, taking over megaton easily without violence (by threatening them with mercs), and takes over vault 101 with force, utilizing the technology inside to further strengthen his town.However, if vault 101 is not taken , the new town that has the residents of tenpenny towers AND megaton, will not grow to have much power, but will still be prosperous. After Tenpenny dies, Burke takes over. The new town becomes growing, properous settlement, that will not have great signifigance. ( due to the business nature of Tenpenny and having the tech from vault 101 ) that has mildly authoritian rule, and a strong force of soldiers at its disposal. The town will become a powerfull state, that joins the enclaves rule under autumn or becomes a stand alone power, that has a say in how smaller towns live.
There is also sub-plot that involves the player finding Burkes journal, that reveals that he is planning to kill tenpenny, so he can take over, and it also shows that he has been stealing money from him. Pc can take the journal and take it to tenpenny, who will give the order to kill Burke,as he fears that he might kill him. The reward will be some of the stolen money that the Pc finds in Burkes persona.
The killing of burke will make the talons take over, and make the town military dictatorship, in effect stagnating the economy, and leading to its demise and disapperance, regardless of the side the player takes.
(PC can effect the ending by not telling where he came, or telling it to either tenpenny or burke, saving or dooming the vault, and siding with BoS or Enclave.)
Misc: In this version Nuke-In-the-Puddle is nothing but an old shell, that has had most of its components taken long ago, and is damaged beyond repair. Megaton name comes from Megaton brand of cigarettes,that had its main office in DC. This comes clear as the PC remembers that he/she saw an old pre-war commercial inside the vault 101, called "smoke Megaton, the brand with the most yield!". Also there are old cigarette (empty) cases, with the brand of "megaton" on them, in Simms's house. Simms doesnt know about vault 101, but he remembers seeing an middle aged man fitting the description of PCs dad pass by, but he left some time ago.( Farms would have to be added to Megaton and few npcs.) The blacksmith used to wrok for tenpenny, and will give the location off the ghouls
Brotherhood Of Steel In DC:
Now, having BoS in DC makes little sense to begin with, as their resources were already limited in Fallout 2, they just dont have the ability to cross wasteland. So we have the option remove them from DC.
However, if we want to keep them, we would have to change them, if we want them to be believable.
The ones who would be send, would most likely be hard-core BoS fanatics, "elite" to make sure they havent wasted precious manpower and technology sending them to DC, no nice guys ala lyons. Also, a CLEAR reason is needed, maybe a top-secret military base with high-end pre-war tech. Or a nuke so they could destroy/win NCR, because the NCR is threatening their monopoly and aquiring of technology and even their sovereignity. They arent nice guys, all they care about is preservation of technology, and themselves. They would kill outsider to get to the tech, or the nuke, if it was very important for their survival. Entire town sized hub ? you bet they would.
Enclave in DC:
They manage to make even less sense currently than BoS, as their main force was supposed to be destroyed in Oil rig. Navarro was just an repair/refuel outpost, and vertibirds had short range, so flying to Dc would be unlikely.And their personelle wouldnt really be numerous enough to safely make a trek like that to DC. First Option is to remove them out., making EDEN just a lonely super computer spouting empty propaganda based on old commands given by the enclave president before events of Fallout 2.
If we want to keep them too, we need to change them too.
Example, nothing serious:
EDEN managed to keep Autumn in check for a while, but soon Autumn took control, and uses EDEN as a front, and HE is de-facto leader of enclave. He would use enclave for his personal agenda, and hunger for power and might. (making the player choose between two evils, a BoS which only wants technology,and is willing to cause deaths of many, for its own dubious purposes or enclave that wants to rule, without any opposition, but not to kill the wastelanders. Pc has to decide which one he sides with

The current enclave would have been from secondary base , a one formed in mid-west ( to aquire some materials, and to recover a emergency goverment "stash" of fusion cells and other equipment), few years before the chosen one blew up the oil rig(even though they really werent supposed to have more bases, but makes more sense than coming all the way from navarro).
So the point of this extra long post is, that we would have to make more factions or just modify old ones. Also quest would need to be changed, as mentioned earlier by others.
Also expansion of settlements, or new settlements would be required, as it seems ludicrous to have just a junktown sized town in DC, an area that would be bound to have vaults. More important locations and more trading.
Saving the main quest requires the saving or creation of new ones.
here is one for megaton:
Talon Company & Tenpenny:
Tenpenny could be a man, who is in reality is from a Vault, and has learned his wanky accent there, but claims to be from Britain. He is old, but he still has a lust for power (who wouldnt ? ). He controls large part of the low-tech firearm and meds production in DC , and has made a fortune. Now he wants to have more, and starts to try and force megaton to join his economic "rule", as they are producing non-tenpenny firearms, in effect hurting his business by lowering prices(is he gizmo ?), and one of the most important citizens resisting him is Lucas Simms. He cant send his cronies to take the sheriff out, and he has sent burke to town to try and settle things diplomatically, but Burke sees the PC, and decides that even if he/she gets caught, no one could really prove anything, and hires him/her to kill simms (does this OUTSIDE the town). However, first he of course tests the PC, to find what he is made of, and sends him or her, to steal something from a towns person during the night(the gunsmith perhaps, his blueprints/tools ?) for some caps. Then he decides to have a final test if she/he is capable of killing, and sends the PC to kill a unlucky scavenger/homeless person for no reason, the reward being money and stimpacks. once completed, Burke gives the Pc the task of killing simms way he/she wants to. Now PC can kill simms by several diffrent means.
1.Kill simms directly,inside town, in broad daylight causing the town to hate him/her.
2. wait for cover of darkness, and then kill him while he heads back to home on an alley., making townsfolk suspicious of him/her (a new person comes to town and suddenly sheriff dies violently), but not hatefull.
3.Convince that you saw man fitting description of Burke near town, with a few armed men with him, talking about attacking the town. Promise to help him kill the non-existant men,kill simms, make a fake wound, and then go and lie that you ran into a bunch of armed men, possibly raiders, and they killed him, and wounded you.Speach skill 40/50 Cha 6+( some townsfolk are suspicious, but cannot prove anything, and most belive you, as you can convince people easily, thanks to you charismatic persona)
4.poison him, with a chemical compound the PC can cook up, then poison his food, or beer. science skill 35/40 required, int 6/7+. (No one knows how exactly he died or why, but people suspect Moira, or a unknown disease. Pc can also frame moira, who then will be inprisoned and lynched by angry townpeople. (They burn Simms body, in effect ruining any chances anyone could find out what really happened, in the fear that what ever he got was infectious.)
After delivering good news to Tenpenny & comp, he would then give him apartment in tenpenny towers, and give him more quests
Tenpenny would now give him quest to meet a representative of talon mercs with Burke, and hire Talon mercs to his service. (talon mercs consider PC friendly if PC accepts) and things go on from there. Tenpenny now can utilize his economic power, and now also has the hired guns to do that.
Possibly in the games ending Tenpenny starts expanding his power, with the help of talon mercs, taking over megaton easily without violence (by threatening them with mercs), and takes over vault 101 with force, utilizing the technology inside to further strengthen his town.However, if vault 101 is not taken , the new town that has the residents of tenpenny towers AND megaton, will not grow to have much power, but will still be prosperous. After Tenpenny dies, Burke takes over. The new town becomes growing, properous settlement, that will not have great signifigance. ( due to the business nature of Tenpenny and having the tech from vault 101 ) that has mildly authoritian rule, and a strong force of soldiers at its disposal. The town will become a powerfull state, that joins the enclaves rule under autumn or becomes a stand alone power, that has a say in how smaller towns live.
There is also sub-plot that involves the player finding Burkes journal, that reveals that he is planning to kill tenpenny, so he can take over, and it also shows that he has been stealing money from him. Pc can take the journal and take it to tenpenny, who will give the order to kill Burke,as he fears that he might kill him. The reward will be some of the stolen money that the Pc finds in Burkes persona.
The killing of burke will make the talons take over, and make the town military dictatorship, in effect stagnating the economy, and leading to its demise and disapperance, regardless of the side the player takes.
(PC can effect the ending by not telling where he came, or telling it to either tenpenny or burke, saving or dooming the vault, and siding with BoS or Enclave.)
Misc: In this version Nuke-In-the-Puddle is nothing but an old shell, that has had most of its components taken long ago, and is damaged beyond repair. Megaton name comes from Megaton brand of cigarettes,that had its main office in DC. This comes clear as the PC remembers that he/she saw an old pre-war commercial inside the vault 101, called "smoke Megaton, the brand with the most yield!". Also there are old cigarette (empty) cases, with the brand of "megaton" on them, in Simms's house. Simms doesnt know about vault 101, but he remembers seeing an middle aged man fitting the description of PCs dad pass by, but he left some time ago.( Farms would have to be added to Megaton and few npcs.) The blacksmith used to wrok for tenpenny, and will give the location off the ghouls