Fakenews website Screenrant lies about Fallout

Pre-Fallout 3 release time was the worst in all of crpg history, imo. The amount of brain fucking garbage written about "why turn based is outdated now" by mainstream media and generic peasants was mind-boggling and just more than borderline retarded. Even thinking back to that time now just makes me want to facepalm non-stop.

It's almost 15 years later and I still want these "gaming journalists" to crash and burn with their dumb blogs and youtube channels.
On the plus side, these people made me realize that game reviews are almost always bullshit and don't help me to decide if a game is worth my time or not. So there is that, I guess.
The hilarity of the claim that turn based is outdated is that down the line games like Persona 5 and Dragon Quest 11 were released to great financial and critical success.

And of course the journalists sucked those games's dicks so hard that it reached the point of hilairity, proving that "gaming journos" are just retarded trend chasers when they aren't being contrarians for the sake of getting clicks to their "controversial" articles.
The hilarity of the claim that turn based is outdated is that down the line games like Persona 5 and Dragon Quest 11 were released to great financial and critical success.

Was just thinking about this yesterday. The Japanese market has still built some of its most popular franchises around mechanics (and aesthetics) that the western AAA industry has either abandoned or never explored. Dragon Quest is still a pop culture phenomenon on its own. Weird to think about that disconnect, considering that the entire console gaming industry was imported from Japan when it took off.
The hilarity of the claim that turn based is outdated is that down the line games like Persona 5 and Dragon Quest 11 were released to great financial and critical success.
Was just thinking about this yesterday.
It's not only the Japanese games.

My Steam Top-Sellers page, tells me that an Early Access game released 6 month ago with only Act 1 out of 3, and has a level cap of 4 (in the Early Access version) is the 20th top selling game. And to make things more hilarious, this game is the first in a popular series to have turn-based combat, the previous games had RTwP.

The game is Baldur's Gate 3 (obviously).

This leads to hilarious articles like this:
It sucks that Baldur's Gate 3 is turn-based
And avoid the comment section, unless you want to suffer.

At the bottom of that article, there's a twitter poll from last year, named "Let's settle this". Where people voted for Real-time with pause vs Turn-based.
With 33,337 votes total, we got 53.6% for Turn-based against 46.4% for Real-time with pause. So there's hope yet
This leads to hilarious articles like this:
It sucks that Baldur's Gate 3 is turn-based
And avoid the comment section, unless you want to suffer.
At least turn based won the poll.

I will add another hilarity of claiming RtwP is more "strategic" than TB (according to a comment) when RTwP literally allows you to stop the game, look at everything that is happening and make decisions while the opponent can do jack and shit. RTwP might as well be turn based given how often people pause the screen to micromanage everything.

Also, turn based is only slow when the devs make it slow. There are turn based games with well paced encounters, like there are slow RTwP games.
Also, turn based is only slow when the devs make it slow. There are turn based games with well paced encounters, like there are slow RTwP games.
Yep, and not to mention how RTwP games sometimes just decide to throw a fuckton of trash mobs at you in late game areas. I guess because they don't have to stop the game and take turns. Annoying.
real time with pause only makes sense if you have a lot of A.I. making decisions etc. But when you have just a few A.I. making decisions take Civilization vs Europa Universalis IV for example. Turn based makes the most sense. But when you have many nations like in Eu4 it would be a slog honestly to wait for each and everyone to "Wait their turn" granted there are downsides to doing real-time with pause over turn based in other games.

This is why I think real time with pause works for some games better then others and other games may very well benefit more from being turn based.
I think the NMA ranking has some credit. I think having some dedicated hero compose the total by reading people's opinions and personally surveying them so you could give a general blurb (I.e general sentiments agreed that whilst Fallout 2 had this, NV had this, however etc etc) and also throw a bone to the odd few who will champion positive elements of the later games just so it's not the predictable outcome we'd all guess just from the title, and without much elaboration.

However to curtail autistic essayists like myself, I'd put like a 250 word cap on your thoughts on each game.
Yeah I bet they haven't even played the original 2 those bastards probably 76 and mean they're just scared of Fallout 1 and 2s dark and brutal atmosphere. You can't compare them to modern games either because they were made in the late 90s and Bethesda trashed story and Happy go lucky ones were made in the late 2000s and 2010s I mean games have changed since then these are not first person shooters these are RPGs with stories and quests not a fucking OH SHOOT EM UP to play the new games stories are shit! I don't want a bland side quests and do nothing all day I want to explore towns and help them Save the fucking wasteland not "Find my son, or dad" JESUS why is it hard to have a good story like the old ones have factions that really scare the shit out of me places to explore that are not just one huge market place I want to explore the wasteland with its dark environment not OH SHIT THERES A RADROACH WELP IM JUST GONNA IGNORE HIM oh wow! power armor this early! AND A MINI GUN? New Vegas right direction fallout 4 right gameplay mechanics JUST WTF WITH the story 76 is just bugs eating the shit out of the game.
They compare a game made before 23 years back. It would be best if they completeley ignore classic fallouts when ranking in the same list of modern games like fallout 4,3,NV and 76. I saw a review by GameRanx(YTchannel) Saying fallout 1,2 are nothing compared to fallout4. No one played a fallout 1,2 for their graphics. And the comparision is not even fair considering it was before 20+ years.
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they act like games that are more then 5 years old should be forgotten.

people go back and play older games all the time just like with books, movies, tv shows and music.

the irony is by this logic they are gonna dismiss fallout 4 the instant fallout 5 or tes 6 comes out and call it archaic.
they act like games that are more then 5 years old should be forgotten.

people go back and play older games all the time just like with books, movies, tv shows and music.

the irony is by this logic they are gonna dismiss fallout 4 the instant fallout 5 or tes 6 comes out and call it archaic.

True. A lot of people treat books, movies, and music the same way, but it's probably even worse with games. They're missing out on a lot, though. I spent last month playing SNES games, listening to 80s music, and reading a book that's at least three hundred years old. No regrets.
True. A lot of people treat books, movies, and music the same way, but it's probably even worse with games. They're missing out on a lot, though. I spent last month playing SNES games, listening to 80s music, and reading a book that's at least three hundred years old. No regrets.

same. i tend to not listen to the music of my generation at all. when i was growing up i listened to oldies stations so 60's and 70's music. now adays i listen to 80's music

and i have been playing alot more older games and indies then newer games.
They compare a game made before 23 years back. It would be best if they completeley ignore classic fallouts when ranking in the same list of modern games like fallout 4,3,NV and 76. I saw a review by GameRanx(YTchannel) Saying fallout 1,2 are nothing compared to fallout4. No one played a fallout 1,2 for their graphics. And the comparision is not even fair considering it was before 20+ years.

It's really funny when you see the author of an article related to this to be very young or very old. I mean, how the f*&^ they made such claims.
I read people unironically saying they cried when the character's dad dies in Fallout 3, thus proving how "emotional" the story is. The man barely has any character, he has maybe like at best 10 minutes worth of dialogue, and dies in the most retarded way possible.

Fallout 4's story is somehow even worse, because i don't even know what is going on for a lot of it. And it's not because the story is mind-bending and ultra complex, but instead that it's completely retarded and makes no sense.
I read people unironically saying they cried when the character's dad dies in Fallout 3, thus proving how "emotional" the story is. The man barely has any character, he has maybe like at best 10 minutes worth of dialogue, and dies in the most retarded way possible.

Fallout 4's story is somehow even worse, because i don't even know what is going on for a lot of it. And it's not because the story is mind-bending and ultra complex, but instead that it's completely retarded and makes no sense.
I didn't feel shit when he died. I guess Fallout 3 fatigued me so much finally getting to him for the first time I didn't even care.
Fallout 4 dad's death is a meme.
Forget about patrolling the Mojave, shit as this makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

Well given Bethesda fans look down on new vegas claiming it isnt fallout due to you not looking for a family member and being set in a desert.

Looks like bethesda gave them the wrong idea what the series is.
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James from Fallout 3 is like a Christopher Nolan protag. He does things for simple, if ideological reasons but doesn't have much depth outside of his noble altruism and family ties. Usually, that's ok because Nolan movies focus more on plot and concepts than character depth. But Fallout 3 happens to do NEITHER. So like, what's the appeal here? What does the player gain?