Look, Ma! Two Heads!

I've been browsing older posts on this forum and it seems the initial response to New Vegas was positive, but it's obviously soared over the years. I think NV is overrated in the sense it doesn't deserve literally thousands of threads across websites like Reddit but I enjoy it and it's definitely better than Bethesda Fallout's I think.
So, now that NV is almost a decade old, is it better than Fallout 1? Fallout 1 is pretty basic. NV is made in the Bethesda engine but it has so many memorable quests and characters. I mean Elijah for instance.
So, now that NV is almost a decade old, is it better than Fallout 1? Fallout 1 is pretty basic. NV is made in the Bethesda engine but it has so many memorable quests and characters. I mean Elijah for instance.