Some advices/bugs i've found while traveling the wastes:
1) San Fran; when the battle of Dragon and Lo Pan ends, there was a "fade out", now they just disappear and no fade out occurs.
2) Bootleggers sell their liquor thru barter, cant they have a script like the trappers have?
3) Maybe its just me, but i've never encountered trappers that were wielding weapons and were dressing like a punk with green hair, is it just a bug or are they an addon.
4) NCR, dustys cantina; the table behind the barman has some items on it, so why does it not bother the barman that you take all those items?
5) After the death of a caravan master, the guards still say things like "no weapons near the master" or smth like that. Is it possible to change it that if the caravan master dies they start saying things like "guess i'm fired" or "damn! now i need to search for another caravan".
6) NCR; regarding the bozars on duppos guards... cant they just wear them? that way you can still get them if you really want them.
7) San Fran has a lot of empty containers (well, all of them are empty actually) and same goes for ncr.. i mean they should be like the richest cities that you can visit, so why the people have nothing in their houses?
8) Evil Caravan; they don't want to trade with characters having good karma, but when you talk to the guard he/she gonna say smth like "the master is a good guy most of the time", isn't that kinda not logical?
9) In order to decrease the number of encounters i've lowered the thingy in ddraw.ini, but it seems that something is either done too well or broke, because sometimes like 15 times in a row (same map square) i've encountered a caravan, or had like 30 encounters in 1 map square. After i reloaded the game, everything was fine for sometime and i could actually travel without getting a huge amount of encounters. Seems that when you get 1 encounter, you suddenly start getting them all in massive amounts.
Think about those, its worth it.
EDIT: another bug i think,
In the carslons residence, there r two guards. They have no talk scripts, and when u examinate them it says "you see nothing out of oridinary". I guess these r merks guards that should accompany him to the northren part of the map then, so i went there and yes the guards are there, they will respond when you talk to them and they have a nice description when you examinate them, but the problem is when you go back to the carlsons residence the guard "clones" r still there.
And also, cant the guard outside Carslons just check your inventory for the presidential key? i find it useless that you need to do a "use on" with the pass when you want to get in.
Some advices/bugs i've found while traveling the wastes:
1) San Fran; when the battle of Dragon and Lo Pan ends, there was a "fade out", now they just disappear and no fade out occurs.
2) Bootleggers sell their liquor thru barter, cant they have a script like the trappers have?
3) Maybe its just me, but i've never encountered trappers that were wielding weapons and were dressing like a punk with green hair, is it just a bug or are they an addon.
4) NCR, dustys cantina; the table behind the barman has some items on it, so why does it not bother the barman that you take all those items?
5) After the death of a caravan master, the guards still say things like "no weapons near the master" or smth like that. Is it possible to change it that if the caravan master dies they start saying things like "guess i'm fired" or "damn! now i need to search for another caravan".
6) NCR; regarding the bozars on duppos guards... cant they just wear them? that way you can still get them if you really want them.
7) San Fran has a lot of empty containers (well, all of them are empty actually) and same goes for ncr.. i mean they should be like the richest cities that you can visit, so why the people have nothing in their houses?
8) Evil Caravan; they don't want to trade with characters having good karma, but when you talk to the guard he/she gonna say smth like "the master is a good guy most of the time", isn't that kinda not logical?
9) In order to decrease the number of encounters i've lowered the thingy in ddraw.ini, but it seems that something is either done too well or broke, because sometimes like 15 times in a row (same map square) i've encountered a caravan, or had like 30 encounters in 1 map square. After i reloaded the game, everything was fine for sometime and i could actually travel without getting a huge amount of encounters. Seems that when you get 1 encounter, you suddenly start getting them all in massive amounts.
Think about those, its worth it.

EDIT: another bug i think,
In the carslons residence, there r two guards. They have no talk scripts, and when u examinate them it says "you see nothing out of oridinary". I guess these r merks guards that should accompany him to the northren part of the map then, so i went there and yes the guards are there, they will respond when you talk to them and they have a nice description when you examinate them, but the problem is when you go back to the carlsons residence the guard "clones" r still there.
And also, cant the guard outside Carslons just check your inventory for the presidential key? i find it useless that you need to do a "use on" with the pass when you want to get in.