Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Some advices/bugs i've found while traveling the wastes:
1) San Fran; when the battle of Dragon and Lo Pan ends, there was a "fade out", now they just disappear and no fade out occurs.
2) Bootleggers sell their liquor thru barter, cant they have a script like the trappers have?
3) Maybe its just me, but i've never encountered trappers that were wielding weapons and were dressing like a punk with green hair, is it just a bug or are they an addon.
4) NCR, dustys cantina; the table behind the barman has some items on it, so why does it not bother the barman that you take all those items?
5) After the death of a caravan master, the guards still say things like "no weapons near the master" or smth like that. Is it possible to change it that if the caravan master dies they start saying things like "guess i'm fired" or "damn! now i need to search for another caravan".
6) NCR; regarding the bozars on duppos guards... cant they just wear them? that way you can still get them if you really want them.
7) San Fran has a lot of empty containers (well, all of them are empty actually) and same goes for ncr.. i mean they should be like the richest cities that you can visit, so why the people have nothing in their houses?
8) Evil Caravan; they don't want to trade with characters having good karma, but when you talk to the guard he/she gonna say smth like "the master is a good guy most of the time", isn't that kinda not logical?
9) In order to decrease the number of encounters i've lowered the thingy in ddraw.ini, but it seems that something is either done too well or broke, because sometimes like 15 times in a row (same map square) i've encountered a caravan, or had like 30 encounters in 1 map square. After i reloaded the game, everything was fine for sometime and i could actually travel without getting a huge amount of encounters. Seems that when you get 1 encounter, you suddenly start getting them all in massive amounts.

Think about those, its worth it. :D

EDIT: another bug i think,
In the carslons residence, there r two guards. They have no talk scripts, and when u examinate them it says "you see nothing out of oridinary". I guess these r merks guards that should accompany him to the northren part of the map then, so i went there and yes the guards are there, they will respond when you talk to them and they have a nice description when you examinate them, but the problem is when you go back to the carlsons residence the guard "clones" r still there.
And also, cant the guard outside Carslons just check your inventory for the presidential key? i find it useless that you need to do a "use on" with the pass when you want to get in.
I have a big problem. Once i started playing fallout 2 with your patch i seem to have some serious pc problems. I can't even complete temple of trials, because at random point my pc throws out a blue window for a few seconds and restarts. Something about physical memory dump and shit. I haven't played games for a year, maybe my pc is fucked up. Who knows.
using latest nvidia drivers? if so then reinstall to the ones that came with ur graphics card, and its not a problem with the patch.
gracul said:
using latest nvidia drivers? if so then reinstall to the ones that came with {I'm trying to say your, you are, or you're, but I'm likely too stupid to know which to use.} graphics card, and its not a problem with the patch.
Make three installs/copies of F2; one normal humongous, one you Expand without the optional mods, and one you Expand with all the mods. That way when you find something that seems wrong, test it with the two other installations/copies. AFAIK you can just copy the installed folder to a different one and run it from there after editing the paths in the .ini file(s).

Solon said:
Pretty clean so far. WinXP, fresh humongous install from instructions on this site. Used installer, left out kids, ammo, sounds.
If the Ammo mod was available, then you're not using the latest Expansion installer. The latest one lacks that because of its incompatibility, and contains other fixes. I think the Installer .exe linked in the first post in this thread is just silently updated every now and then.
If the Ammo mod was available, then you're not using the latest Expansion installer. The latest one lacks that because of its incompatibility, and contains other fixes. I think the Installer .exe linked in the first post in this thread is just silently updated every now and then.

Correction, there was no ammo option in that install. I was thinking of the first install before I came in here and saw an updated release before even playing. Regardless, another new fresh install, same as before, new partition. Kids and sounds off, all other options on. New game and still crashes when I try to deliver the guns.

Something for quest inprovements I would like to see: The primitive village shaman is haunted, but I don't remember why, or what he needs, and the VC village told me to find a ghoul in Gecko (I think). If you don't remember the specifics of some of these quests you are screwed. I would like a couple of them with a "What was it you needed?" type option.

After all, I AM the chosen one, I can't be expected to remember the ramblings of every doped out hippie shaman in the wasteland, can I? Of course, it could be the fact that I'm home from work caring for sick children, so I can't give my undivided attention to the game.
I killed Kaga on the first enocounter, thanks to a 44HP critical hit that knocked him down, or out, I can't remember which. Poor bastard didn't stand a chance. I had both Vic and Sulik with me at the time.
french installation ok ?

Hello all
First of all THANKS SO MUCH for this FANTASTIC STUFF :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
for the Restoration Project MOD yeah yeah

I 'd like to now if I can use my fallout2 in french with this MOD?

TKS again
Khayo said:
I 'd like to now if I can use my fallout2 in french with this MOD?

*Yes you can. Just like you, I play with a french version...no problem!
I murdered Kaga in the face at the fifth encounter. His guts were spilled. Had a blank encounter right afterwards.
McRae said:
Khayo said:
I 'd like to now if I can use my fallout2 in french with this MOD?

*Yes you can. Just like you, I play with a french version...no problem!

thanks for the answer
I could not wait so I have already tested
everything is ok
I 'm going back to the game
Tks again for the JOB it is like a rebirth of fallout
:D :D :D :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Oh my, hard to keep up with this thread.

If I don't respond personally to your message know that at I at least have read it and am working on the issues you mention.

I will soon be testing out the blank encounters. Timeslip released a new version of his tweaks which fixes the horrigan issue, so I will see if this also takes take of the blank encounters.

I will investigate the crash with the Vault Village. I didn't have it when I was testing so either something crept in since then or I am retarded and didn't test enough.

Also, I don't think anyone answered this question, but has anyone made it to the EPA yet?

I appreciate everyone's bug reports. I knew there would be issues, and honestly there reports are not that bad. I suppose this could be considered an open beta (It is version 1.0 you know) but I did have 2 previous beta version tested by 2 individuals who were a big help. The problem is that I added a lot more since the 2nd beta and only did my own personal quick tests rather than getting it out to more people to test all the cases. Apparently (though expected) you guys do things differently than I do, since most of these issues I never had while testing.

While it is true that the installer is being silently updated now and then, know that a patch will come out soon. Thus, there is no need to keep checking the date on the file nor will there be a need to download all 21 MB again (though I think you get about 600 kbs from my provider if I'm not mistaken) since the update will include all the changes. I will update the main installer as well just for those who haven't installed yet or wish to have a full update without the need to apply additional ones.
killap said:
Also, I don't think anyone answered this question, but has anyone made it to the EPA yet?

*I managed to find EPA asking Myron to stay where he was. Before he used to talk about a stash in the Golgotha, but now it's only after having talked about EPA. That place is really great!

=>I have three bugs. The first is in Vault City. Can't find any village. Then, I got a bug of infinite XP and money with the rangers in the NCR. Concerning the Rangers, I didn't join them before to rescue Sulik's sister... so when I go back to talk to them, the only thank/reward me... but they do it every other times I talk with them...but I don't like to cheat! But even if I kill the slave overseer at the Bazaar, they don't allowed me to join them... so no ranger safe house (not a problem, I'm gonna start a new game!). The third bug... can't find Enclave Vertibird Landing Pad... search everywhere in Navarro... am I a fool or only blind?

However, I found the residential place at the Den. And the staff with the orphans worked... the same for the gang war. The quest with Chad in the broken hills worked too.

=> Still searching the abbey/Hubo's stash/.... and will see if I'll have the vault village...
McRae said:
*I managed to finf EPA asking Myron to stay where he was. Before he used to talk about a stash in the Golgotha, but now it's only after having talked about EPA. That place is really great!
Nice, so no crashes there? I got a report saying there were, but I guess not? Oh, and Myron isn't the only one that tells you of the EPA. Have speaks with the random travelers. They know a lot more now. :D

McRae said:
I have three bugs. The first is in Vault City. Can't find any village.
Speak with Stark.

McRae said:
Then, I got a bug of infinite XP and money with the rangers in the NCR. Concerning the Rangers, I didn't join them before to rescue Sulik's sister... so when I go back to talk to them, the only thank/reward me... but they do it every other times I talk with them.
A mistake on my part. Will be fixed in the upcoming update.

McRae said:
The third bug... can't find Enclave Vertibird Landing Pad... search everywhere in Navarro... am I a fool or only blind?
Actually, it is nothing special, but note the name of it. We aren't speaking of the organization here. Oh, and let me know if taking the vertibird to the Enclave works as it should. Again, no new movies or cool things with this. Just another ability to get to the Enclave.

Could someone with windows 95, 98, ME, please test something for me. Please download this file, extract it and copy the three files over to your main Fallout 2 directory replacing the three already there. Please let me know if you experience any odd behavior and/ or crashes.

download here
Killap said:
Speak with Stark

*I understand why I didn't find it. I had already talked to Stark, but there is the quest asking you to go to the NCR to do before. Only then he talks about the village. That made me laugh... reminds me of the film with the same name... thanks for all.

P.S=> by the way, like the others, I didn't meet Horrigan next to Vault city this time. And think about another bug... concerning Chad. I was searching papers in the chest when he saw me... so far, that's OK... but then, I gave him a punch in the head, so he was K.O. so I get back in studying the chest (so he was still alive)... and oh surprise, another Chad next to the door (and the same conversation...) Two Chad, that's too much :D !
I don't know if anyone else reported this problem, but here goes:

I went to the slaver encampment, killed all of them, then went to the shack where Sulik's sister was. Used the key ring and said I wanted to free the other slaves first. Went to the other cage, unlocked it, and tried to open it, but it wouldn't. I ran around trying to talk to the people inside it, kept trying the door, eventually it opened, but I don't know what made it work. Problem two was when I went back to the other cage. I picked the 1st option in dialogue both times and the screen goes black, presumably to load the part where Sulik's tribe is, but I just crash to the desktop. It happened twice in a row.

I'm using the installer w/ all options except UK children patch/ap ammo/gun sounds, on Win98 on a vmware server VM.

Update: I tried all options (including freeing the other slaves in her pen) in conversation with sulik's sister. I tried both talking to her directly (by clicking on her) and by clicking on the door. All options lead to a crash. This is a definite show stopper. Lemme know if you need the save file.
*Yeah... the same for me. I had to take back the sister to sulik's primitive tribe first... then I came back to the slaver camp, and ABRACADABRA, I managed to open the door.
McRae said:
P.S=> by the way, like the others, I didn't meet Horrigan next to Vault city this time.
I have tested Timeslip's newest tweaks and I successfully got the horrigan encounter. In addition, no blank encounters. Seems all is well now.

McRae said:
And think about another bug... concerning Chad. I was searching papers in the chest when he saw me... so far, that's OK... but then, I gave him a punch in the head, so he was K.O. so I get back in studying the chest (so he was still alive)... and oh surprise, another Chad next to the door (and the same conversation...) Two Chad, that's too much :D !
Ah, I never seem to take criticals into account. I shall find a way to address this.

Polynikes said:
I don't know if anyone else reported this problem, but here goes:

I went to the slaver encampment, killed all of them, then went to the shack where Sulik's sister was. Used the key ring and said I wanted to free the other slaves first. Went to the other cage, unlocked it, and tried to open it, but it wouldn't. I ran around trying to talk to the people inside it, kept trying the door, eventually it opened, but I don't know what made it work. Problem two was when I went back to the other cage. I picked the 1st option in dialogue both times and the screen goes black, presumably to load the part where Sulik's tribe is, but I just crash to the desktop. It happened twice in a row.
Hmmm. I shall investigate. Any chance you can provide me with a save game just as you killed all the slavers?

Polynikes said:
...on Win98 on a vmware server VM.
Any chance I can get you to try out the file I posted above?
Unfortunately I just kept using the same save after I killed the slavers. All I did was loot, put some stuff in the car's trunk, then the other stuff I told you about in my previous post. I also forgot to mention the guy coming from around the back of the pen, that all worked fine. I can give you that save if you want it, tho. What was your email addy again?

Trying that file now...
Polynikes said:
Trying that file now...
No, I mean this:

Could someone with windows 95, 98, ME, please test something for me. Please download this file, extract it and copy the three files over to your main Fallout 2 directory replacing the three already there. Please let me know if you experience any odd behavior and/ or crashes.

download here

My e-mail address can be found in the readme

McRae said:
*a proof that I really found EPA=> HERE
Amazing quotation catch in there too! :D :clap:
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