Mildly Dipped

MIB88 said:SkynetV4 said:Does the infinite party members mod work with this expansion?
Not completely. Since Killap's patch (and expansion) includes various corrections to party member's scripts, you can't just include the Infinite Party Member mod and expect things to work perfectly. The game will work, but if you include it, expect to lose out on some fixes that affect party members.
Aw shucks...I love that mod. If I only knew how to edit scripts...IIRC, what the mod did was disable Charisma and Party Limit checks when you asked them to join. If I knew what to change I would try to hack it up to get it to work but I'm a kludge when it comes to scripting. Any plans to fix the infinite party members mod?
Tried my hand with creating a nice expo, giving the PC a house for finding the wrong GECK (the Grove of Eve/Evan Creation Kit). The gist was that you started with a shitty hut made from Brahmin skins and you eventually upgraded to a nicely, walled ranch house with bar, ammunition/weapon storage, etc. I had the maps done but I could NEVER get the DAMN game to make the car appear in the map. The fallout map editor was rather easy to use.