Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Ok, got to EPA. Myron forgot to tell me about golgotha stash, and has become "apathetic". He wont talk or do anything, but will fight at my side. He also won't follow me anywhere once we arrive at a location. He will go from zone to zone.

At EPA, tried to dynamite door on shack that has all the lockers and tool benches, CTD. I remember dynamite as a major bad thing in vanilla FO2 though too. Sure wish I could get in there.

Cleared surface area, and vents. Looted entire utility level. Any attempt to use elevators results in CTD for me too. This is on both installs.

Found the ghoul for VC village. Unfortunately, VC had already wiped out the village :o Question: The area I had to reach to convince the molerats not to attack... Was that in the vanilla FO2? I never saw it before in all those playthroughs, and yet, seems to fit in so nicely.

Installer, no kids, no FO1 sounds.
Solon said:
and has become "apathetic". He wont talk or do anything

...Yeah, same bug here. He only wants to talk when you're at the stables. Once he's with you, no way he accepts to talk. So you always have to go back to the Stables to talk with him
Solon said:
Ok, got to EPA. Myron forgot to tell me about golgotha stash, and has become "apathetic". He wont talk or do anything, but will fight at my side. He also won't follow me anywhere once we arrive at a location. He will go from zone to zone.
This is a known one and has been fixed for the upcoming release. You can actually grab the installer again since it was silently updated, but you can wait until the patch if you want.

Solon said:
At EPA, tried to dynamite door on shack that has all the lockers and tool benches, CTD. I remember dynamite as a major bad thing in vanilla FO2 though too. Sure wish I could get in there.
No dynamite is actually needed. You will see what can be done later.

Solon said:
Cleared surface area, and vents. Looted entire utility level. Any attempt to use elevators results in CTD for me too. This is on both installs.
Ok, this is what the other report said too. Can you provide me with a save?

Solon said:
Found the ghoul for VC village. Unfortunately, VC had already wiped out the village :o Question: The area I had to reach to convince the molerats not to attack... Was that in the vanilla FO2? I never saw it before in all those playthroughs, and yet, seems to fit in so nicely.
Guess you weren't fast enough. ;) Oh, and that area with the molerat was always there, just not really utilized.
Kaga encounter small problem but ...

Hello All,
I have installed with the exe "patch" in
/Program Files/BlackIsle/Fallout2
But in the first Kaga encounter , Kaga talk to me but the text of all the discussion is writen as "error". :oops: :cry: :oops:

Help, what can I do to correct it ?

tks for the answer
Is there anything specifically you're looking to test with those updated files? They didn't help my crash problem, and I won't be able to do any significant testing today, probably not until tomorrow night. If there's anything you want me to try, let me know, as I only have a little while today to test stuff. I'm sending you an email with that save file in a couple minutes.
:clap: I applaud you sir for making play fallout 2 for like the 50 time and not being bored. :clap:
*Just a question... installing the mod, I accepted all the things proposed: NPC armor, children, goris,etc... but it doesn't seem to work. I had to put manually the patch for the children, but I didn't managed to make the NPC armor patch work (even though, it's simple=> transformed b-team.dat in patch000.dat, and put the file in Fallout 2 directory... that's what I did, but it didn't work :cry:... did I do smth wrong during set up?
Re: Kaga encounter small problem but ...

khayo said:
Hello All,
I have installed with the exe "patch" in
/Program Files/BlackIsle/Fallout2
But in the first Kaga encounter , Kaga talk to me but the text of all the discussion is writen as "error". :oops: :cry: :oops:

Help, what can I do to correct it ?

tks for the answer
Sounds like the message files are missing. Are you not running a US/UK version of the game? Did you see a rock at the start of the Arroyo map? Did it give you text?

khayo said:
Is there anything specifically you're looking to test with those updated files? They didn't help my crash problem, and I won't be able to do any significant testing today, probably not until tomorrow night. If there's anything you want me to try, let me know, as I only have a little while today to test stuff. I'm sending you an email with that save file in a couple minutes.
It won't help the crash problem you mentioned but it should fix the horrigan encounter from not showing up as well as a final fix for the map travel speed. Let me know if the movement seems rights. Also, since you are running 98, you are the only one at the moment who is able to test the new tweaks made specifically for Win 9x. Timeslip had limited support in testing it and I have no machine to test it either.

McRae said:
*Just a question... installing the mod, I accepted all the things proposed: NPC armor, children, goris,etc... but it doesn't seem to work. I had to put manually the patch for the children, but I didn't managed to make the NPC armor patch work (even though, it's simple=> transformed b-team.dat in patch000.dat, and put the file in Fallout 2 directory... that's what I did, but it didn't work :cry:
What do you exactly mean? Did you uninstall the expansion from the FO2 directory before reinstalling it with the new installer?
* For me it's a new installation of Fallout 2 (HUMUNGOUS), and only then I authorized your patch to be applied. And during the installation, I accepted all the things offered, you know: NPC armor, Goris fast...etc..

=> nothing of these things worked... no talking head for cassidy for example.
Minor text bug, while talking to suliks sister this dialog appears:
[You put the key in the lock and unlock the gate, it sreeches as it opens.]
Did you mean "screeches"?
Wow does this board move fast...

Hence why I have an installer which does everything for you and all you have to do double click, click next, click finished, and then run the game.

Hmm. The version I been using asks for a location, I point it to a Fallout 2 folder, and it creates "New Folder" inside Fallout2 folder, and places all the files in there. They had to be moved manually to the correct folder. I am in process of downloading the newer version anyway. EPA save otw.

Also, I lost Sulik in Primitive Village. He ran off to "tell some tales" and came back. I told him to come with and he babbled his "by and by" whatnot speech. When I left the village I never saw him again.

It's been fun so far.
Re: Kaga encounter small problem but ...

killap said:
khayo said:
Hello All,
I have installed with the exe "patch" in
/Program Files/BlackIsle/Fallout2
But in the first Kaga encounter , Kaga talk to me but the text of all the discussion is writen as "error". :oops: :cry: :oops:

Help, what can I do to correct it ?

tks for the answer
Sounds like the message files are missing. Are you not running a US/UK version of the game? Did you see a rock at the start of the Arroyo map? Did it give you text?
My fallout2 is in french :roll:
I don't know if with a manipulation like in fallout 1 I can turn it in english easily
I just encounter Kaga after loading a preview save in Arroyo .The first discussion is with error text but after I flee Kaga tell me "Kaga va te massacrer" (or something like that :crazy: )

How can I see if the message files are missing ?

what do you mean by
"Did you see a rock at the start of the Arroyo map? Did it give you text? " ? :|

sorry for my bad english :mrgreen:
AND again :clap: :clap:
Solon said:
Hmm. The version I been using asks for a location, I point it to a Fallout 2 folder, and it creates "New Folder" inside Fallout2 folder, and places all the files in there. They had to be moved manually to the correct folder. I am in process of downloading the newer version anyway.
Well, the installer wont do *everything* but it will autodetect where you installed the game (if you installed it properly by the cd installer), copy over all the needed files to the right locations, delete the patch000.dat file, and make sure the files that need to be read only are that way. The fact that it isn't autodetecting means either you don't have the game installed "properly" or the install path is different than ones I have encountered. Could you please test this for me.

Go to your start menu and then Run.
Type "regedit"
Then "Software"
Then "Interplay"
Then "Fallout 2"
There tell me what the next folder reads. Mine says 1.0.

Solon said:
Also, I lost Sulik in Primitive Village. He ran off to "tell some tales" and came back. I told him to come with and he babbled his "by and by" whatnot speech. When I left the village I never saw him again.
He wanders. You sure he isn't among the trees?

khayo said:
killap said:
khayo said:
Hello All,
I have installed with the exe "patch" in
/Program Files/BlackIsle/Fallout2
But in the first Kaga encounter , Kaga talk to me but the text of all the discussion is writen as "error". :oops: :cry: :oops:

Help, what can I do to correct it ?

tks for the answer
Sounds like the message files are missing. Are you not running a US/UK version of the game? Did you see a rock at the start of the Arroyo map? Did it give you text?
My fallout2 is in french :roll:
I don't know if with a manipulation like in fallout 1 I can turn it in english easily
I just encounter Kaga after loading a preview save in Arroyo .The first discussion is with error text but after I flee Kaga tell me "Kaga va te massacrer" (or something like that :crazy: )
Sounds like it is looking the the French message directory when the new files are in the English one. Just go to BlackIsle\Fallout2\data\Text and you should see a directory called English. All the files in there are what comes with my patch and should either be copied to your French directory (this means you will get English and French)

what do you mean by
"Did you see a rock at the start of the Arroyo map? Did it give you text?
At the start of the game there should be a rock behind Klint at the Temple. If you put your mouse over it you should see some text appear in the message window.
*To Kahyo =>You know, perhaps you got problem because it's too fast on the world map... go in the files and put the value 0. It may prevent some ERROR :)

=> to killap: By the way... I noticed the link in your signature concerning NPC armor. It works very well! But a little problem. Cassidy has changed a lot... screenshots so you can see by yourself=>

- http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs123&d=08023&f=change1262.png

- http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs123&d=08023&f=change2227.png

- http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs123&d=08023&f=change3408.png

- http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs123&d=08023&f=change4106.png

- http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs123&d=08023&f=change5351.png

...but I don't care of Cassidy's new farmer appearance... he's gonna wear a power armor... so I won't notice it :mrgreen: .... it was just to let you know.
Well I tried that Win95/98/ME fix thing, and after a bit of wandering the world map, I have not found the Horrigan encounter, however I should note I have not, so far with the Ressurection mod, found a "blank" encounter.

The world map travel speed is way too fast now, though. It was actually just right for me before I tried this little fix, now it's ridiculously fast. I dunno if running the game in a VM makes a difference or not. I'm not using "regular" video drivers (supplied by nvidia or ati), VMware provides a set of video drivers that are better for using the OS in a VM, and actually they've been working just fine. But from what I've read the world map thing depends on CPU speed. Perhaps it was running OK before because the VM was simulating a slower processor? I dunno, perhaps I'm not a good test case since I'm using the OS in a VM. I'll play more tomorrow hopefully, and let you know if I run across the Horrigan encounter.
Polynikes said:
Well I tried that Win95/98/ME fix thing, and after a bit of wandering the world map, I have not found the Horrigan encounter, however I should note I have not, so far with the Ressurection mod, found a "blank" encounter.

The world map travel speed is way too fast now, though. It was actually just right for me before I tried this little fix, now it's ridiculously fast. I dunno if running the game in a VM makes a difference or not. I'm not using "regular" video drivers (supplied by nvidia or ati), VMware provides a set of video drivers that are better for using the OS in a VM, and actually they've been working just fine. But from what I've read the world map thing depends on CPU speed. Perhaps it was running OK before because the VM was simulating a slower processor? I dunno, perhaps I'm not a good test case since I'm using the OS in a VM. I'll play more tomorrow hopefully, and let you know if I run across the Horrigan encounter.
Go into the Fallout 2 directory and find a file called ddraw.ini. Scroll down until you see "WorldMapFPS=" Is this at 30? Does increasing it make a difference.

Also, you won't get the horrigan encounter until a specific date (I believe this is the case, but cannot remember it off the to of my head). Same as it was in the original game though.

Don't use the appearance mod from my sig. This is for my patch, not the expansion. Use the one that comes with the expansion installer if you want to use it with that mod.
McRae said:
*To Kahyo =>You know, perhaps you got problem because it's too fast on the world map... go in the files and put the value 0. It may prevent some ERROR :)

thanks for the advice :D
but in what files should I put the value 0 ?

...If I give Cassidy metal armor=>

- http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs123&d=08023&f=change6730.png ....etc...it's more or less the same for each armor. It gets back his appeareance giving him leather armor=>

- http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs123&d=08023&f=change7585.png

To Kahyo=> follow the link (everything is explain by HawK-EyE=> http://wasteland.nukacola.com/viewtopic.php?t=1308 )

Killap said:
At the start of the game there should be a rock behind Klint at the Temple. If you put your mouse over it you should see some text appear in the message window.

and by the way here's a screenshot to show you the rock behind Klint to prove the mod works=> http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs123&d=08023&f=788555448652.jpg
Polynikes said:
perhaps I'm not a good test case since I'm using the OS in a VM.
I disagree; in a few years we may all be forced to run the game in an OS in a VM. Unless ScummVM supports the Fallout engines by then. =]
Solon said:
Cleared surface area, and vents. Looted entire utility level. Any attempt to use elevators results in CTD for me too. This is on both installs.
So, I just tested the save from the other person and I did not get a crash. Still waiting on your save, but please tell me exactly what you did to cause this crash.
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