Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Go to your start menu and then Run.
Type "regedit"
Then "Software"
Then "Interplay"
Then "Fallout 2"
There tell me what the next folder reads. Mine says 1.0.

I have nothing in the registry at all. Fallout 2 won't install on this pc, so I have to use the instructions posted on this site. You know, copy Fallout2w.___, copy DATA folder, copy master.dat, etc. Create new .cfg file. It is handy when you want multiple comparable copies of the game though. I had stated this on an earlier post, but as there was no reaction to it, thought it had no importance. The opening screen does say 1.02.22 Exp 1.0 though.
Solon said:
I have nothing in the registry at all. Fallout 2 won't install on this pc, so I have to use the instructions posted on this site. You know, copy Fallout2w.___, copy DATA folder, copy master.dat, etc. Create new .cfg file. It is handy when you want multiple comparable copies of the game though. I had stated this on an earlier post, but as there was no reaction to it, thought it had no importance. The opening screen does say 1.02.22 Exp 1.0 though.
Ok, well since nothing exists in the registry you will have to manually tell the installer where the game is installed. Just make sure the last part of the path is \Fallout2 (assuming you called the directory that) and everything is fine. Those of you who manually got Fallout installed I assume can then handle manually installing the expansion/patch. 8-)
Oh boy, i got the mod installed a few days ago, but couldn't post because of some trouble registering.

First of all: Thank you killap. Great job.

Now for the bugs:

After a while, all the sprites (or objects or whatever) appear as if they were in front of me although they are behind me. For example, i am standing in front of a tree, wall or whatever, but that object appears superimposed on the image of my character. It's ok in an open area, but when i enter a hallway, i can only see my legs because my upperbody is behind the wall next to me. I reinstalled the game and all the other stuff (except for the sounds in FO1) and it was ok in the first map i loaded the game. After i left, the next place i went to showed the same problems.

Also, in combat, the badguys can walk into the hex i am standing. I cannot walk into theirs.

The game crashes randomly. Like really, at random.

If i die from radiation poisoning the game crashes (i realized that when i had the toxic waste dump encounter)

Oh, if you preaviously had the encoutner booster, be shure to remove the worldmap.txt file from the Fo2/data/data/ folder. I forgot all about it. I was crawling through the map, with one or two encounter on each square. (i encountered the rave twice, and 3 special encounters before i was level 6).

I killed kaga on my second encounter without difficulty: i played a hth character. Walked next to him and stabbed him in the eye with my combat knife. Critical damage, pow! The dialogue was entertaining though.

No creature attacks me if i don't attack it first. I encounter bandits, cannibals, radscorpions. Not one of them attacks me in anyway unless i attack first.

It also seems that i miss a lot: i have a 70 -95 % chance to hit but i miss a lot... my luck is ok, too.

The get my money back from Fred quest for Becky in Klamath:
Fred was in her casino, but i couldn't initiate conversation. I had to get out from klamath and come back in again.

Sometimes the setting does not match the encounter: i encounter scorpions or geckos, next to houses. Also, when i meet traders or caravans the houses and vehicles are in some place, and the traders sit in the bushes. Seems a little odd.

There seems to be an abundance of sharpened spears in the game. I have found only sharpened spears so far. The only normal spear was the one i got at the beggining.

I'll be back with more.
Re: Kaga encounter small problem but ...

McRae and Killap,
TKS for your help :mrgreen: :clap: :mrgreen: :clap:
Now everything is ok with the text with a french installation you need to put
in the fallout2.cfg

I found also the rock at the begin of the game (little very good idea :wink: )

back to the game for more and more fun
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Blakut said:
After a while, all the sprites (or objects or whatever) appear as if they were in front of me although they are behind me. For example, i am standing in front of a tree, wall or whatever, but that object appears superimposed on the image of my character.
I remember hearing about this before. If I recall, Per mentioned something about the problem relating to the game thinking you are dead. Did you do a clean install before applying my expansion?
If I recall, Per mentioned something about the problem relating to the game thinking you are dead. Did you do a clean install before applying my expansion?

Yup, reinstalled everything.
Oh, i forgot. I also got hit for like five hundred million-something points of damage.... (500.000.000+) I didn't die, no damage was actually deducted from my current hp.
Blakut said:
Oh, i forgot. I also got hit for like five hundred million-something points of damage.... (500.000.000+) I didn't die, no damage was actually deducted from my current hp.
Ah, that would be it. You installed the ammo mod, right? If so, please uninstall the game, and redownload the installer. There was an issue with the ammo mod module and it has since been corrected.

I haven't seen much of the new things yet but thank you very much.

I encountered a problem with keeng rat: he (or any other rats) doesn't take damage from the cave in. If I get hit I'm dead but enemies just get stuck under the rocks...

Made a clean install and used the installer with all extras.
As for the weird damage,
My friend told me that he killed the bridge keeper dealing no damage but passing a succesfull critical in the head, and also he killed a boxer in the same way. He however did not take the screenshot of the first death, but the boxer one can be seen here:

While i was playing , ive created a char with 300% on all skills and 500 melee damage. 90% of the criticals ive made did over 200-500 damage, but some of them the "odd" ones only made about 10-30 damage. I had the "better criticals" and "more criticals" perks, while my friend had none. I was using the new enchanted Glovz ap ammo mod (thnx for that) incorporated in the sfall, my friend on the other side did not have any ammo mod running.
sammael666 said:

I haven't seen much of the new things yet but thank you very much.

I encountered a problem with keeng rat: he (or any other rats) doesn't take damage from the cave in. If I get hit I'm dead but enemies just get stuck under the rocks...
Yeah, I know. The problem was I kept getting crashes when other enemies would get hit by the rocks. If you have an NPC they get killed just like you, just not the rats. I will look into getting this to work properly.
While the patch fixes quests such as the Brahmin one with the Dunton Brothers , new locations do not appear on the map.

I have been looking for that the Primitive Village, having asked in Klamath about it and even got Sulik on my team, but the place never appears and I have been looking around Arroyo and Klamath, going as far down that I am near Navarro.

The new area of the Den also doesn't seem accessable.

Has anyone had this too?
Re: Grave

Robert Czarwolski said:
Abbey grave marker:
Here lies Per Jorner. Died one rock too short.
3rd row, 2nd column in Abbey :D
Heh, yay easter eggs. There was going to be more to that (ie you dig it up and find something, but this hasn't materialized yet)

BTW, keep your eye out for things like this. I try and add such details like the devs did. The EPA is such an example and has many hidden things that you may miss on the first run.

@The Dutch Ghost.
Are we sure the expansion installed? What does the main menu say? What does the rock say at the start of the game?

I actually had another report like this and it was solved by the user disabling his firewall (or something along those lines) for the moment, redownloading, and installing the file again.
Hey killap, thanks for the all the hard work. The restoration's been a treat so far except for one problem I've had in the Primitive Village. As soon as I entered the main village area Sulik left, saying he was going to see his kin. Unfortunately I've done seemingly everything I can in the Village aside from rescuing Sulik's sister, but Sulik is nowhere to be found.

He was wandering around the village center for a while but he just up and disappeared a while back and I have no idea where to find him. Is he supposed to do this, do I have to go somewhere specific to find him again? He was nice enough to give me everything he didn't have equipped but I don't want to leave him hanging, especially since I assume he needs to be with me to go and rescue his sister. Any help would be appreciated and thanks again for producing this mod.
Some weirdness with Wine


I'm trying to install this under Wine in Linux. I used the installer and everything went smoothly. But when I start the game the first menu says that the version is 1.02.

I played a bit with the exe files (and supporting files in the directory where the exe files are) and realised that if I take the fallout2.exe from the unofficialFO2patch_manual_install.rar then the version number in the menu is the same as in the ddraw.ini but if I take any of the fallout2.exe -files from the F2_Restoration_Project_1.0.rar then the version number says 1.02. Also changing the graphics from 8bit to 16bit only works with the unofficialFO2patch fallout2.exe.

So my question is: How do I know if the mod is installed or not?
Re: Grave

Robert Czarwolski said:
Abbey grave marker:
Here lies Per Jorner. Died one rock too short.
3rd row, 2nd column in Abbey :D

Just found it myself about 20 minutes ago and wondered will Per ever notice it.

Btw, I don't know if this is a typo or intentional, but it reads "Joner" instead of "Jorner" on grave marker.
gracul said:
While i was playing , ive created a char with 300% on all skills and 500 melee damage. 90% of the criticals ive made did over 200-500 damage, but some of them the "odd" ones only made about 10-30 damage. I had the "better criticals" and "more criticals" perks, while my friend had none. I was using the new enchanted Glovz ap ammo mod (thnx for that) incorporated in the sfall, my friend on the other side did not have any ammo mod running.

The extreme damage sounds like it's because of your super stat boosted character and because of the perks you have. The AP Ammo Mod does nothing to change the way your stats are handled or the way critical hit bonuses are applied.

The only ammo types that are affected are ones with 2/1 or 1/2 (multiplier over divisor) and even then in a minor way to affect the outcome of the damage value.

As I mentioned in another thread, my mod does nothing in attempt to correct game balance, it only makes choosing what ammo to use in battle a little more important. The game has many issues with regards to balance, so many factors to take into account: weapon being used, ammo being used, armor being hit, the stats of the user (skill levels and perks), etc.
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