Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Re: Grave

mrGroove said:

I'm trying to install this under Wine in Linux. I used the installer and everything went smoothly. But when I start the game the first menu says that the version is 1.02.

I played a bit with the exe files (and supporting files in the directory where the exe files are) and realised that if I take the fallout2.exe from the unofficialFO2patch_manual_install.rar then the version number in the menu is the same as in the ddraw.ini but if I take any of the fallout2.exe -files from the F2_Restoration_Project_1.0.rar then the version number says 1.02. Also changing the graphics from 8bit to 16bit only works with the unofficialFO2patch fallout2.exe.

So my question is: How do I know if the mod is installed or not?
Ah, took me a minute to realize what was going on here. So, the installer checks to see what version of Windows you are running and then copies over the appropriate ddarw files. Since you are running Wine, it seems like the installer gets confused. So, I haven't used Wine in a good while, so I don't know how far they have progressed and how it might fool an installer into think what OS it is running. Either way, you probably want to just use manual install. The readme that comes with it will tell you what you want to do from there. You have either a choice of using the Win 9x (windows 95/98/ME) ddraw files or the Windows 2000,XP,Vista ddraw files. The readme should outline everything though. Just uninstall the expansion and use the manual one.

Skynet said:
Robert Czarwolski said:
Abbey grave marker:
Here lies Per Jorner. Died one rock too short.
3rd row, 2nd column in Abbey :D

Just found it myself about 20 minutes ago and wondered will Per ever notice it.

Btw, I don't know if this is a typo or intentional, but it reads "Joner" instead of "Jorner" on grave marker.
That's for you all to decide. 8-) :twisted:


Also, I cannot remember what I put in that grave. Like I said, there was going to be more but I think there are a bunch of rocks, right? I think they were close to an even number too (ie one rock too short :P )

EDIT: Oh, and while fixing a bug that caused Merk's guards to freeze on Carlson's map, I realized I forgot to include in the changes list that I added the ability to go down into the Merk's fight area (where you fight Lenny). It is nothing special, but at least it is now possible.
As mentioned before, lots of bugs in EPA.
Lets see,
* Screen blackouts when using the elevators.
* When using the third elevator to the left and going to utility level the screen ends up in an area outside the map.
* No textures behind the elevator building in the map with a lot of plants.
* Crashes when the robots move and you are in combat mode (killing the damn flies).
* Item that has the description of "(None)".
* Some posters on the walls that get fade out when you stand infront of them.
* Ventilators inside EPA also get fade out when you are close to them.
* Sinks accessible from behind the walls.
* i'm unable to enter the left room in the center building on the first map of epa (the one that you find EPA tour guides).
* Mr.Chemmie! being very annoying and sometimes after i close conversation with him he pops the conversation again.
* Crash when using doctors chemicals from inventory (they work good if in your hands tho).
* Bug spray is not stackable
* The computer in the blue sector says "after 30 minutes of searching" while no time passes
* The robot control terminal seems to "restart" to a previous state after you fixed it.
* A second item with description "(None)", but this one looks like cheese and has a "finesse" sign on it
* In the red sector near the "jammed" elevator you can step into the table
* Red Sector, when you enter the room with mona lisa on the wall you get covered by roof.
* Same room, not enought floor tiles on the right side.
* wall lockers accessible from behind of the walls
* The last holo you meet, has a repeated "Actually, let me ask you something else" option. The answer to the first one (probably something about chemicals) is correct tho.
* Usage of the last elevator (with the pass of flowerpot) crashes the game.
* Dogmeat doesn't seem to like that dog food :D

I have to say it... its a great location, and quite hard in solving too!

this is that cheese item, its on the ground in red sectors "bedroom"

this is the second one found in one of first lockers (dont remember correctly)
gracul said:
As mentioned before, lots of bugs in EPA.
Well, it quite a large location (takes up 3 map files and uses 8 levels out of the 9 available to work with.) BTW, if you could provide save games for as many of the issues you have, that would help me. Still, it is good to know that someone made it in to the lower levels since I got 2 reports of crashing, yet it was working just fine for me.

gracul said:
this is that cheese item, its on the ground in red sectors "bedroom"

this is the second one found in one of first lockers (dont remember correctly)
It's not cheese! :P That's a 1950s shampoo bottle. Pretty cool design actually if you read up on it. Was the first of its kind.

gracul said:
Ooo. Poprocks. Know any myths about this? :twisted:

I shall look into what is going on.
*Where's the Vault Village? The game is over, I've accepted to continue, but in Arroyo nothing happen... still that damn destroyed bridge...
Well all my mod related problems seem to be solved, I have only visited a few places but this already feels great.

This does not have to do with the mod but for some reason I no longer hear music, and there seem to be no changes in settings.
Anyone knows what is wrong?
McRae said:
*Where's the Vault Village? The game is over, I've accepted to continue, but in Arroyo nothing happen... still that damn destroyed bridge...
Wo, beat the game already. 8-) Vault Village is found through Stark in VC.

The Dutch Ghost said:
Well all my mod related problems seem to be solved, I have only visited a few places but this already feels great.

This does not have to do with the mod but for some reason I no longer hear music, and there seem to be no changes in settings.
Anyone knows what is wrong?
Did you do a humongous install? Either way, the fallout2.cfg file is probably not pointing to the right place for the music.
*Ohhh... thanks... during a short moment I thought I wouldn't see it... you know, I've been playing just to see that... :mrgreen:
How can I finish "cattle rustling quest" in Klamath town? I blackmailed Duntons so they shouldnt steal no cattle from Torr, then talked to mrs Buckner "i know who has been stealing your cattle", she said "bring me some more evidence". The quest is still active, where s that evidence, and what is it?
Holy crap! This is amazing stuff! I wasn't even aware that there was such a nice unofficial patch for fallout 2, let alone this giant expansion. I found out about this on www.bluesnews.com

Fallout is such a great game series.

I have a couple quick questions. First, I recall a while back reading that some endings for some sections were not reachable due to some game scripting errors in the original fallout 2 (when it plays the end sequences after you beat the game). Is this fixed now with your unofficial patch (thats included in this expansion)?

Also, if I just grab this from your link on the first page, I get the latest updated version right? It looks like you've been updating it all along as you fix bugs people report.

I'll make sure and make lots of differant savegames in case I find bugs :)

Great work! I'm excited about this and I haven't even tried it yet! I'm in awe.
Yes I installed the game as a Humongous install but though the launcher itself and not directly copying the necessary components.

I just checked the Fallout CFG file and changed music_path2=E:\data\sound\music\ to music_path2=(CDROM):\data\sound\music\ as mentioned on the page on the NMA site but this doesn't seem to work.


I just realised my mistake and solved it.
I should have copied the music files manually.
Deever said:
I have a couple quick questions. First, I recall a while back reading that some endings for some sections were not reachable due to some game scripting errors in the original fallout 2 (when it plays the end sequences after you beat the game). Is this fixed now with your unofficial patch (thats included in this expansion)?
Those were added in my patch, which is also included in the expansion. Thus, yes.

Deever said:
Also, if I just grab this from your link on the first page, I get the latest updated version right? It looks like you've been updating it all along as you fix bugs people report.
Yes, the link on the first page of this thread has the latest update. I do keep silently updating (which is probably not a good idea but an update is due out this Friday anyway...) so you will have the latest fixes.

I'll make sure and make lots of differant savegames in case I find bugs :)
Please do.

KoorlyV said:
How can I finish "cattle rustling quest" in Klamath town? I blackmailed Duntons so they shouldnt steal no cattle from Torr, then talked to mrs Buckner "i know who has been stealing your cattle", she said "bring me some more evidence". The quest is still active, where s that evidence, and what is it?
I don't want to keep giving away about how to do all these quests. Just think about a bit. What *exactly* have the Dunton's been doing? Where could more proof be found?
Bug in Klamath: You can still get the "find out who's rustling the brahmins" quest even if the Duntons are dead.

If you talk to the Duntons about helping them rustle the brahmin, even if you don't accept or if you accept and then change your mind, you can no longer finish the "find out who's rustling the brahmins" quest.

I don't see why you shouldn't get that quest even if you help them.

Maybe not a bug, but are there supposed to be two new ways to kill keeng rat? If he's supposed to die from getting the rubble over him, it's not working. And the other way you need four dynamites for, this early into the game thats pretty hard to get.

Also, I saw that damned Yellow dog run off the map, never to return, before I got the key. Is he just lurking in the outskirts of the map, where I cant see him?
Darek said:
Bug in Klamath: You can still get the "find out who's rustling the brahmins" quest even if the Duntons are dead.

If you talk to the Duntons about helping them rustle the brahmin, even if you don't accept or if you accept and then change your mind, you can no longer finish the "find out who's rustling the brahmins" quest.

I don't see why you shouldn't get that quest even if you help them.
I shall look into it.

Darek said:
Maybe not a bug, but are there supposed to be two new ways to kill keeng rat? If he's supposed to die from getting the rubble over him, it's not working. And the other way you need four dynamites for, this early into the game thats pretty hard to get.
Good point, but you actually don't need to use 4. Plus, the idea isn't to crush him by it. Something else.
Hi, i know i'm new, but i have some problems to report. After i installed the restoration project the game keeps crushing after i try to complete the get the flint quest in Arroyo.

Could it be the problem that i installed the expansion on my original Fallout 2 installation? (i mean i didnt do any patching on it before)
Hello ! thank for this awesome job ! :clap:

The problem i have is Metzger is not giving me the location of the slave's camp, he gave it to me at my first game (like i was spying his discution if i remenber well) but not in the one i finally play, could you detail the condition required for it ? i'm level 8 and done almost all till gecko, and when i came back to get the information he didnt give it to me; i'm male and good karma !

And another question about it, if we kill Metzger we cant save the sister ?

p.s: i dunno how host my save to you get it
REDone said:
Could it be the problem that i installed the expansion on my original Fallout 2 installation? (i mean i didnt do any patching on it before)
Hasn't this been answered 100 times in this thread already? But, to summarize the 15 pages in the thread for you: That's what you're supposed to do; install over a fresh humongous install. I think the flint thing is fixed in the latest silent update (just download the installer again after uninstalling the one you have). Also, if you don't install any of the optional mods, you will probably experience less bugs. Or wait until this weekend, when a not-so-silent update is due. =]

biboulvz said:
p.s: i dunno how host my save to you get it
killap has posted his e-mail address somewhere in this thread and told us to mail savegames directly to it. I don't remember it, but you're at most 14 clicks away from it.

myzko said:
You gonna keep polishing this work I hope?
I'd certainly classify the 1000 bugfixes already made since the release as "polishing". =]
killap said:
Good point, but you actually don't need to use 4. Plus, the idea isn't to crush him by it. Something else.


Ok, three then, four if your lockpick skill is low (door). :P

The event is tied to the support beams and not if Keeng rat is actually trapped or not, right?

If so he should probably be removed from the map, after the supports have collapsed.
As it is now you can kill him a second time for an extra 300 xp and 50 karma.

Since the lack of explosives, wouldn't it be better to make all supports go down with only one big bang, or is that a bad idea?


You can use fusion cell/battery on the door in EPA results getting this 'you charge the car with more power' :shock:

And how the hell can I unlock those damn door! AH! *tearing his own hair* :crazy:
zioburosky13 said:
You can use fusion cell/battery on the door in EPA results getting this 'you charge the car with more power' :shock:
Interesting. I will look into it.

zioburosky13 said:
And how the hell can I unlock those damn door! AH! *tearing his own hair* :crazy:
All doors are unlockable after doing specific things. This is a research facility of sorts so don't expect doors to swing open for you or be easily lockpickable.

To answer the questions about how to get the Slaver map, there are two ways to do find the location. Metzger or the slaves he is holding. Thus, if you kill Metzger you can still get it. Asking Metzger about his slaves should give you the option to go further with it. All I did was build on what was already in place.

My e-mail has also been posted in this thread but if you don't want to find it, just look in the readme file.

I'd certainly classify the 1000 bugfixes already made since the release as "polishing". =]
There hasn't been that many if you are talking about the expansion. The patch, on the other hand, has been updated like couple times a year and is definitely up to 1000+ bug fixes.

If you are having odd crashes, please redownload the installer. There were issues with some of the included modules (I do give you guys a choice to install them and they aren't even selected by default). Issues with them are not my fault, since I didn't make them. I still apprecaite all those authors have done though so I mean no offense to them.
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