Re: Grave
Also, I cannot remember what I put in that grave. Like I said, there was going to be more but I think there are a bunch of rocks, right? I think they were close to an even number too (ie one rock too short
EDIT: Oh, and while fixing a bug that caused Merk's guards to freeze on Carlson's map, I realized I forgot to include in the changes list that I added the ability to go down into the Merk's fight area (where you fight Lenny). It is nothing special, but at least it is now possible.
Ah, took me a minute to realize what was going on here. So, the installer checks to see what version of Windows you are running and then copies over the appropriate ddarw files. Since you are running Wine, it seems like the installer gets confused. So, I haven't used Wine in a good while, so I don't know how far they have progressed and how it might fool an installer into think what OS it is running. Either way, you probably want to just use manual install. The readme that comes with it will tell you what you want to do from there. You have either a choice of using the Win 9x (windows 95/98/ME) ddraw files or the Windows 2000,XP,Vista ddraw files. The readme should outline everything though. Just uninstall the expansion and use the manual one.mrGroove said:Hi,
I'm trying to install this under Wine in Linux. I used the installer and everything went smoothly. But when I start the game the first menu says that the version is 1.02.
I played a bit with the exe files (and supporting files in the directory where the exe files are) and realised that if I take the fallout2.exe from the unofficialFO2patch_manual_install.rar then the version number in the menu is the same as in the ddraw.ini but if I take any of the fallout2.exe -files from the F2_Restoration_Project_1.0.rar then the version number says 1.02. Also changing the graphics from 8bit to 16bit only works with the unofficialFO2patch fallout2.exe.
So my question is: How do I know if the mod is installed or not?
That's for you all to decide.Skynet said:Robert Czarwolski said:Abbey grave marker:
Here lies Per Jorner. Died one rock too short.
3rd row, 2nd column in Abbey![]()
Just found it myself about 20 minutes ago and wondered will Per ever notice it.
Btw, I don't know if this is a typo or intentional, but it reads "Joner" instead of "Jorner" on grave marker.

Also, I cannot remember what I put in that grave. Like I said, there was going to be more but I think there are a bunch of rocks, right? I think they were close to an even number too (ie one rock too short

EDIT: Oh, and while fixing a bug that caused Merk's guards to freeze on Carlson's map, I realized I forgot to include in the changes list that I added the ability to go down into the Merk's fight area (where you fight Lenny). It is nothing special, but at least it is now possible.