Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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zioburosky13 said:

When handling the weapons (dialog) to the leader of Vault City village, game crashed.
This is known.

Either redownload the installer, wait until Friday/Saturday for a patch, or find the other way to complete the quest. 8-)
Rather wait for patch though :mrgreen:
Btw what happen to the encounter with Frank Horrigan? Haven't seen him since I start a new game with the mod.
zioburosky13 said:
Btw what happen to the encounter with Frank Horrigan? Haven't seen him since I start a new game with the mod.
Was an issue with Timeslip's tweaks. Will be fixed in the upcoming patch.

Darek said:
The event is tied to the support beams and not if Keeng rat is actually trapped or not, right?
No, the event it triggered by him being trapped. Just make sure he has no way out and that should take care of it. He will get removed once you leave. The idea is that he is trapped and eventually starves to death/unable to repopulate.

Darek said:
Since the lack of explosives, wouldn't it be better to make all supports go down with only one big bang, or is that a bad idea?
Yeah, I realize 3 explosives is quite a bit to have early on. Still, I don't really see any other logical way (even this way seems iffy since the entire place would be collapsing after so much dynamite) to do it. Smashing with a crowbar doesn't seem right since you couldn't get out of the way in time.
killap said:
Oh, and for future bug reports. Please post how you installed the game and if you used the installer, what extra features you chose to install.

Well, i just reinstalled the game (the whole thingie) and then installed the restoration pack without any custom mods. However i still have the Flint quest error, if i try to give the flint to Mynoc the game crashes.

Although i dont want to criticise you (just bug reporting :roll: ), you have done a GREAT work and thx again for it.
REDone said:
Well, i just reinstalled the game (the whole thingie) and then installed the restoration pack without any custom mods. However i still have the Flint quest error, if i try to give the flint to Mynoc the game crashes.
Try re-downloading the Expansion installer, especially if the Ammo mod is available in yours.
I think there is a problem in the Sierra Army Depot. After i fight robots i am unable to 'repair' some of the force field generators. It happened to me in level 3 and 4, to be precise, at the forcefields closest to the elevators. In level 4 i couldn't open the forcefield which protected the place where you extract brains. Anyone else encounter this problem?

P.S.: i love the music from the Abbey. :mrgreen:
Well, im back from uni right now so hopefully soon i can provide you Killap with some of the save files in EPA.
I was pretty tired yesterday so i haven't said this: the first quest of the doctor in EPA is pretty much a waste... i mean c'mon, 10 gecko pelts? that guy is sorrounded by toxic goo, and geckos seem to eat it (remember toxic caves and toxic waste dump?). I think that the doctor should want something you could get in like Klamath or VC, becouse the whole EPA seems like just 1 area that you visit, finish, never visit again... just not enought travel i think.

Ah, and about the "prostitute" chain of getting to myron, i was expecting something more than just a lil info in the message window. Thought that maybe when i get there someguy will start chat and say like "You whore. You go Myron. Myron down." :P
Can someone please help me with finding out what is wrong with the shaman? I am completely exhausted of ideas and its bugging the hell out of me. Anyone??!
convert said:
Can someone please help me with finding out what is wrong with the shaman? I am completely exhausted of ideas and its bugging the hell out of me. Anyone??!


Sleep until midnight...


Abbey bug report:

-"Inform Brother Thomas and Father Tully about the whereabouts of each other." Should be Samuel instead of Thomas.

-When Samuel goes near the light post at night, he'll repeatly scratches his head until morning.

-Talk to the headmonk and accept waterpump quest, then go talk to a guy who's trying to repair it. All of your initial dialog options are "Here you go."

-When you found out that the waterpump needs a new motor, go to report about it to headmonk. You still get the "Do you need any help here at the monastery?" dialog option, but selecting it will give status report to him.
*Just a little bug that could be fix in a future patch... the geckos in Arroyo. When you approach them without having starting a fight, they don't try to kill me... they're not the geckos I used to know: violent, ruthless, cruel :D

P.S=> if it has already be said... just ignore me... :mrgreen:

another stuff=> concerning the barking guy in Reno. The only thing he tells me is "woof woof"... I thought he was "high" so I give him some jet... nothing happen... so I looked at him and noticed he has scratches... so I tried to give him stims, and other things... nothing...=> he's supposed to give the way to EPA, right? (fortunately, it's not the only way to find the direction... thank you Myron).
Some other things in EPA:
-EPA pamplets not stackable *got 3 of them 2 from tables 1 was lying on the ground
-SOLAR SCORCHER? i mean, thats kinda bad move... was supposed to be only encounter item.
-You can get addicted to the "marijuana" item (got the description of "drug")... but the addiction doesn't show up on character screen, and also smoking it results in "nothing happens"
-The computers speak something about a gas mask, that would let you run near the goo inside EPA, but i haven't found any....
-In mr.chemmie, you tell him to create marijuana, but that item has a "drug" description.
-Yep don't use marijuana, at least don't get addicted to it... when the effects of "addict" start wearing off (after a few days), un-avoidable crashes to desktop, during pipboy or while traveling on map

Well, first thing i can say is remove the flies in EPA... they r the only ones that can initiate combat and since there is a lot of bug fixing there and a ver 1.1 coming soon its a pretty smart move to just remove the damn flies and add them back when EPA is virtually all clear of bugs.
McRae said:
*Just a little bug that could be fix in a future patch... the geckos in Arroyo. When you approach them without having starting a fight, they don't try to kill me... they're not the geckos I used to know: violent, ruthless, cruel :D

P.S=> if it has already be said... just ignore me... :mrgreen:

Killap did that intentionally. Apparently it was the way original developers had planned.
*Ok, so I suppose that means that these geckos were used to live peacefully among men... dammit, I've just kill them all... another proof that the repect of the nature is not a priority in a post-nuclear decadent world :lol:
Skynet said:
Killap did that intentionally. Apparently it was the way original developers had planned.
Actually, the devs did that in ver 1.0 of the game i think... it was there all the time.
*yes, it has always been there... though I had always thought it was a bug, that's why I suggested to fix it... but actually, it's not a bug.
Huge respects for the mod!

But I have a problem: game crashes (eventually) when I try to make a targeted shot. Standart error about "memory cannot be read from". I don't know if it's known issue for original Fallout2, but I haven't meet with such problem before.

Thanks for the help!
MaGiK said:
Huge respects for the mod!

But I have a problem: game crashes (eventually) when I try to make a targeted shot. Standart error about "memory cannot be read from". I don't know if it's known issue for original Fallout2, but I haven't meet with such problem before.

Thanks for the help!

... have you thought about reinstalling Fallout 2 with an HUMUNGOUS installation? Only then patched with Killap's mod? It often solves a lot of problem.
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