Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Timeslip said:
@ desim1985
Then the only other thing I can suggest is to install windows 95 or 98 into virtual pc and run it from there. :(
Argh, please nooooo :eek: :eek:
I'll try again with VMWare, but as far as I got until now, it was worse with it...

Timeslip said:
Hopefully someone with some experience of win2003 can help you more than I can.

Alvar said:
I've got (gameplay, not technical) problem in EPA...Where the hell is this gasmask?!?!
I've talked whith this toster and he (it?) said that every scientist had one. I also talked with this damaged hologram, and he ais to me, that if I need any help, I should speak to him...but only option I can choose is ending the dialogue...Maybe I'm blind and I missed a container or something...I have no idea :/
BTW: I'm on lv 12, and I killed 2 whanamingos, centaur, mole rat and radskorpions behind forcefield near that mad doctor...without using any shooting weapon :) I loooove instant kills :D
I think it would be better if you make a new post concerning that, to me, this post seems more like a general one about Restoration :-)
killap said:
Go into the Fallout 2 directory and find a file called ddraw.ini. Scroll down until you see "WorldMapFPS=" Is this at 30? Does increasing it make a difference.

Also, you won't get the horrigan encounter until a specific date (I believe this is the case, but cannot remember it off the to of my head). Same as it was in the original game though.
OK, in ddraw.ini WorldMapFPS was set to 30, increasing it or decreasing it made no difference in the speed. I tried 0, 100, and 400. Sounds like other changes (perhaps to the exe) are the problem, but again, I'm running in a VM, so that might be causing weird problems.

With regards to the Horrigan encounter, I never got it, but I've gotten two or three of the Hakkunin videos so far... That doesn't seem right.

Any idea what's wrong with Sulik's sister/fade out to travel to Sulik's village at the slaver camp?
Ugh, it is getting painful sifting through this thread when I am away for any extended amount of time. Bug reports seem to be intermixed with install help issues... I wish there was a cleaner way to organize this.

I'll say this again, anyone experiencing odd crashes should uninstall the game entirely, reinstall, redownload my expansion installer, and then install the expansion again. Finally, just start a NEW game. I am certain this will fix 99% of the strange issues many of you are having.

I'm going to be busy with other things throughout today, so I won't be available to answer everyone personally until much later. As for the bug reports, they are being looked into.

Polynikes said:
OK, in ddraw.ini WorldMapFPS was set to 30, increasing it or decreasing it made no difference in the speed. I tried 0, 100, and 400. Sounds like other changes (perhaps to the exe) are the problem, but again, I'm running in a VM, so that might be causing weird problems.
That doesn't make sense. Setting it to 0 would make you be unable to move across the map and at 30 you should move at a nice slow rate. Timeslip said it worked for him under his win 9x VM so I am not sure what to say...

Polynikes said:
With regards to the Horrigan encounter, I never got it, but I've gotten two or three of the Hakkunin videos so far... That doesn't seem right.
You actually will only get the horrigan encounter after first getting another one of my forced encounters. Thus you probably won't notice the fix take effect until you start a new game.

Polynikes said:
Any idea what's wrong with Sulik's sister/fade out to travel to Sulik's village at the slaver camp?
I tested your save game and I didn't get any crash. In addition, any odd fade out issues (ie they happen too fast/slow) are not the result of my work but rather the result of newer machines and not running windows 9x. In your case, it would be a newer machine than what existed when Fallout first came out.
Re: Savegames invisible with the patch

Agrippa said:
Hi and many thanks.

When I added the (1.02.22)-patch the savegames became invisible. I un-installed and just re-installed the original KILLAP Restoration mod, with the crash-bugs, and the savegames are visible again. But whenever I patch it with (1.02.22) the saves dissapears in the load meny again. (The files are still intact in the fallout2 folder)

Any clues?

The restoration mod ALREADY includes the 1.02.22 patch. No need to install it on top of the restoration mod.

The only steps nessasary to play this is to install fallout2 HUMOUNGOUS install, then install the restoration. Nothing else is required, no other patches needed
Killap, as you installer doesn't use the "Terms of Use" page, i suggest you put a small "WARNING! This restoration pack works only with a CLEAN install of fallout 2! SAVEGAMES from anyother release but this mod do not work.", and of course as this is page the terms of use page, the user will have to put a small tick below, so hopefully everyone will read and understand what is needed to do.
Install yet good, runs great. Like what is done so far. Just left Klamath. Went staight to Primitive tribe. One thing about Primitve tribe. Sulik says he will join on the way out but he doesn't. I didn't actually do anything there except kill off Rad scorpions and rats and accepted the quest to get supplies. I left the area, walked in the wastes for a bit, checked party, no Sulik. Is this a bug or do you have to do something else before he joins up again?

Please don't spoil it if I have to do a quest. Only say if it is a bug or not. Thank you. Luckily I saved before hand and continue from there for now.
*To Desim1985:

=> Go back on Nukacola, I gave you an answer


* I'm starting a new game... maybe i could do something to help you Killap. Maybe you want me to take some screenshots? It could help when you've got something to explain :mrgreen: ... or anything else? (=> PM :) )
wastelandhero said:
Install yet good, runs great. Like what is done so far. Just left Klamath. Went staight to Primitive tribe. One thing about Primitve tribe. Sulik says he will join on the way out but he doesn't. I didn't actually do anything there except kill off Rad scorpions and rats and accepted the quest to get supplies. I left the area, walked in the wastes for a bit, checked party, no Sulik. Is this a bug or do you have to do something else before he joins up again?

Please don't spoil it if I have to do a quest. Only say if it is a bug or not. Thank you. Luckily I saved before hand and continue from there for now.

just talk to him :wink:
*Yeah, go back to Primitive Tribe and talk to him. First, just like you I thought he would come back by his own... never happened. He does that twice. The second time, when his sister is safe, he's OK to stay with you.
First, awesome work. Been lurking here a while but this has been the first real reason for me to register :)

Secondly, I'm having problems with the patch. I've installed it over a clean F2, running under XP, but this bug is a show stopper. I've saved just before I head down to the bridge guard. I ask him about his spear and he sends me to aunt Morlis for flint. I get the flint and return, and every time I will either crash right after loading the map, or when I right click on the bridge guard. The error message is:

"The instruction at [00471cb7] referenced memory at [0000f25a]. The memory could not be read."

The parts in brackets change with each crash. I can e-mail you the save file, but which file(s) is that? The entire SLOT01 .rar'd?

I've tried uninstalling and running five different 1.0's, but it's hard to keep track on how old the build in since they're all 1.0 and not 1.0.0.xxx. The only changed to the game I've done is running it in 1280*1024 fullscreen dx9-mode. I've also tried running un-edited cfg with the same result.

* EDIT: It works when I barter for it, go figure.
I have introduced killap to this problem already (if he read my pm).
Did you buy the flint for 3 healing powders? if yes, then instead of doing that just steal the flint. However if really want to go with the 3 powders way, just save your game in a new slot straight after you get the flint from Morlis, restart fallout and load the game again. No crashes should occur now.

If you are using someother way to obtain the flint and the game still crashes, share with us here.
Puh, glad I'm not the only one then :)
I read a few pages back about the suggestion of removing barter for the aunt, so I got the idea to try and barter for it to get around the bug.
@Killap: That is indeed strange that changing the value had no difference, and that you couldn't reproduce the bug with Sulik's sister. I'll try again, maybe re-try killing all the slavers. It might just be a video glitch or something b/c of using a VM. Thanks for the feedback.

Oh, another thing, it appears mouse wheel inventory scrolling is no longer working after installing that Win95/98/ME patch.
killap said:
Ugh, it is getting painful sifting through this thread when I am away for any extended amount of time. Bug reports seem to be intermixed with install help issues... I wish there was a cleaner way to organize this.
My suggestion: just read the bugreports; ignore the RTFMs and let other people help with them. Then make a really clear FAQ when you release the next update, and create a forum thread for testing the update with clear rules (no posting unless you specify how you installed, no gameplay help, etc) and raise the forum moderators from the dead and let them help out. People obviously aren't patient enough to read through 18 pages, even if it solves their problems.
This is just an idea, but it might be a good move to simply split it all up. Bug Reports, Technical Issues (crashes, install problems, etc), and/or Gameplay Help. Might save a headache or two, especially since this thread seems to be growing at a fairly alarming rate. :)
I can't find Fred in the Den. I know he hangs out around Flick's and is called a townsperson when you first look at him. There are 2 townspersons near flicks, the one outside does nothing, no speech, the one inside says he is a customer of flicks, but when you talk to flick the townsperson no longer does anything. I downloaded the rest. pack on tueday and is version 1.0. Is there a newer one. I realise there may be a lot of bugs to look at.
You need to look more, as Fred is indeed somewhere in the Den (Den is quite a big place you know).

Highlight the area below this text if you still can't find him.

Spoiler said:
Just take a close look on *all* the junkies in the western side of the Den, as he likes to wander around. The description on him says "a citizen of the Den".
- This may be a stretch, but a book on plants should be put on the doctor in Vault 13 (for the Abbey quest). When you look at him it says that he has a "Book on Herbs and their medicinal uses" so I think it would fit if we could steal the book for the Abbey guy.

- The majority of spears found in the game (maybe only for me tho) were Sharpened spears, which made the quest to gather spears quite harder =/ I think I had twice the numbers of sharpened spears compared to simple spears.
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