Bug report.
1) I can't open Hakunin's chest, I can't do anything with it. I provoke Hakunin to attack me, he runs out, I try to open the chest - no message, no result.
2) Hakunin's script misses a check if he actually sees you before entering the combat mode. This results in endless combat (if you hit him, for example) similar to the behavior of unpatched holy people.
3) Anna's Diary misses a description when looked at.
4) The robot in Klamath is no longer hostile if you end combat (leave the map or just hide).
5) I forgot if I mentioned Slim Picket bartering bug, but it never hurts to repeat. When you try to barter for the key, the dialogue is displayed atop the bartering screen.
6) I play with the Jinxed trait and critical misses with all sorts of outcomes are a common occurance. And I play Ironman, so I get to see Kaga quite often. And almost every time he misses and drops his weapon and then just stand there, doing nothing. Does he have an unarmed skill?
7) The trap on the door to Vic's Hut says "[Player's name] (fails to disarm/ disarm) the trap" while all other traps says [You].
8) In Nikki's dialogue after placing a bet the option "You Nikki?" leads to Node999 instead of Node010, ending the dialogue prematurely.
9) The playing machines in the "Desperado" (the ones that 'talk') are sometimes giving error messages.
10) I killed Skeeter for the car part. Now the ghoul's in the reactor and those who guard The Brain are hostile while others are not.
11) Lynette promised to grant me Citizenship if I solve the problem with the reactor, but never did. While not a bug per se (and this is how it should be according to the Per's Guide), I find it somewhat illogical.
12) There are TONS of typos in the expansion material. Mostly, it's punctuation (missing dots at the end of sentenses, missing spaces) and sometimes a phrase is repeated twise. I correct everything I notice and can list the files which I corrected if killap is intererested.
Seeing how the version 1.2 is delayed until the end of March, I decided to see if I can correct the bugs that trouble me most. The first among them was the bug with The Brain - after you tallk to him (or, more precisely, LOOK at him), the reactor counts as fixed. This was obviously a leftover from the testing of the Expansion, which could easily be fixed. However, I couldn't help but check the rest of the script. It was an unforgettable experience.
Variables setting when they should not to (gvar(161) in node 046, if I remember correctly, this is a variable that check if you are a member of the cult, lvar(14) in the middle of the talked_to_p_proc, and, of course, the gvar(83) at the description_p_proc), nodes leading where they should not to (there are no nodes leading to node044, instead they lead to node046, also the line saying "A rat plotting to take over the world" leads to node017 instead of forgot-what-its-number-is node "Well, despite your feelings..."), essential checks missing, wrong order of dialogue branches (which are marked as "cases" in the code) resulting in illogical behavior... The script wasn't a pretty sight, that's for sure.
So I decided to correct things and came up with this:
The "int" file should go to the Data/Scripts folder, the "msg" - to the Data/Text/English/Dialogue. The way Fallout2 is scripted is somewhat counter-intuitive and my modding experience is less than 3 days
so I wouldn't be surprised if some mistakes were left. The behavior of The Brain is corrected, too, and these changes can be argued about. Still, I think that it was an improvement.
I will try to do the same thing with Connar in the village near Vault City. As it is now, he can give you money for nothing, he can leave you without the money (and then say that you may keep it), and you can get karma penalties infinitely. Not mentioning the referenses to the non-existant 203 line in his msg file.
And the global variable 143 is strange... when it equals 5, you haven't helped the villagers yet, but they all think you did because they check if it is >3.