I have a suggestion for any future editions of this patch. Specifically, with the Kaga encounters. No, not about them being practically impossible for non-combat characters.

I'm replaying right now, and on the first encounter¹, the first thing the PC says is "Who the hell are you?". Kaga then proceeds to inform us that he's from Arroyo, and was one of - if not
the - best warriors there. Indeed, from the combats, we gather that he's probably right; besides, if he didn't stand out, he'd never have been selected. What makes no sense would be how Kaga would be unknown to the PC. Even if the village had a population in the thousands, there's practically no way that Kaga would be unknown to the PC. The only way I can imagine it, is if Kaga is so much older that he left before the PC was old enough to recognise him. I don't get this impression from other dialogue, however. If he were that old, there wouldn't have been need of a "Chosen One", as if the problems had been going on this long - say, 18 years or so - I'd say the village would already be long gone before a New Chosen was selected.
In such a small village (or even if it's huge off-screen!), Kaga would be known to the PC,
unless he was made the Chosen One before the PC was old enough to have memories of him. Which means, of course, that since a Chosen One was needed that many years ago and a new one is dredged up, that this "OMG Emergency!" crisis has somehow dragged on around 16+ years.
Sorry if this plot hole has already been mentioned, but I didn't see it pointed out. My suggestion is to alter the text so that this apparent flaw with the story is corrected somehow.
¹ in which my non-combat character has died 8 times in a row, unable to land a single hit thus far; just thought I'd mention it!

And the later ones are even harder for non-combat characters, only beatable with sheer dumb luck with crits on Kaga, and misses from him.