Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Were you able to play the game before installing the expansion?
When you start the game does the rock outside of temple of trials say you have expansion installed when you look at it?
Did you get the fix from killap's site to fix the flint bug among other things?

You could try to uninstall/reinstall everything. Do the largest install, then expansion and then the fix. No official patches needed.
Installing the game bug-free

For the monkeys who like to mess around with virtual disc drive:

1. Use a program like MagicISO or disc image maker program to make an image of your Fallout 2 disc on your HD.

2. Use a Virtual Drive program like Daemon Tools to create a Virtual Drive on your system. Load that image on to your drive.

3. Run the disc, Install the game at Smallest Installation.

4. If the game is v1.0 then you can just install the Pack and run the game. Almost guarrantee bug-free.

5. If your game is v1.x then you will have to mess around with cfg to make sure it doesnt use the patch. Then install the Pack. this way is a bit different and not as bug-free as the 4

Enjoy :clap:
Killap, for the next version, could you add uses for the Paramedic's Bag and Medical Supplies items? Maybe Paramedic's Bag could add 60% to your First Aid skill and Medical Supplies could add 40% to your Doctor skill. Should be pretty easy to add to the mod.

Everybody here is talking about oncoming upgrade to v1.2. Does anyone by any chance know when it's planned to be out? Will save games made during v1.1 playing be working with v1.2? Thanks in advance.
Re: Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expans

killap said:
There have been a few corrections since the initial 1.1 release. Some bugs such as a crash occurring with the flint in Arroyo and having overpowered knockbacks with melee weapons have been corrected. At the moment I am storing all these fixes since the 1.1 release in a folder on my sever called "fixes" The directory can be accessed below. Please follow the instructions on how to apply the updated file.

fixes directory

Encounter rate fix/melee knockback fix/other engine glitches fix: Download and extract the three files to your main Fallout2 directory overwriting the 3 files already there. *NOTE* This is for those running Windows 95/98/ME

Encounter rate fix/melee knockback fix/other engine glitches fix: Download and extract the three files to your main Fallout2 directory overwriting the 3 files already there. *NOTE* This is for those running Windows 2000,2003,XP,Vista

Is this fix for the Restoration Project 1.1 only?
Coul I use it just for the Killap's Unofficial Fallout 2 Patch?

I have a suggestion for any future editions of this patch. Specifically, with the Kaga encounters. No, not about them being practically impossible for non-combat characters. ;) I'm replaying right now, and on the first encounter¹, the first thing the PC says is "Who the hell are you?". Kaga then proceeds to inform us that he's from Arroyo, and was one of - if not the - best warriors there. Indeed, from the combats, we gather that he's probably right; besides, if he didn't stand out, he'd never have been selected. What makes no sense would be how Kaga would be unknown to the PC. Even if the village had a population in the thousands, there's practically no way that Kaga would be unknown to the PC. The only way I can imagine it, is if Kaga is so much older that he left before the PC was old enough to recognise him. I don't get this impression from other dialogue, however. If he were that old, there wouldn't have been need of a "Chosen One", as if the problems had been going on this long - say, 18 years or so - I'd say the village would already be long gone before a New Chosen was selected.

In such a small village (or even if it's huge off-screen!), Kaga would be known to the PC, unless he was made the Chosen One before the PC was old enough to have memories of him. Which means, of course, that since a Chosen One was needed that many years ago and a new one is dredged up, that this "OMG Emergency!" crisis has somehow dragged on around 16+ years.

Sorry if this plot hole has already been mentioned, but I didn't see it pointed out. My suggestion is to alter the text so that this apparent flaw with the story is corrected somehow.

¹ in which my non-combat character has died 8 times in a row, unable to land a single hit thus far; just thought I'd mention it! ;) And the later ones are even harder for non-combat characters, only beatable with sheer dumb luck with crits on Kaga, and misses from him.
I was just wondering...

Is there any way we could maybe have a walkthrough for these new areas/quests.

I've found it fairly easy going for the most part, but the EPA is killing me.

I need to raise the lights, there's a generator that controls them. I repair and science... nothing. How do I turn up the lights, well I have no clue!

Great work on this!

Oh, an additional item could be having the ability to input stuff on the computer at Abbey. Like all those books you pick up that seem utterly useless otherwise.
Dittersdorf said:
Sorry if this plot hole has already been mentioned, but I didn't see it pointed out. My suggestion is to alter the text so that this apparent flaw with the story is corrected somehow.

Along with that, he says he passed the temple of trials, but you're the one wearing the vault-dweller's jumpsuit found at the end of it. Definite need for change of dialog.
Found another bug that probably isn't related to the expansion, but if you're still squashing original version bugs, Killap...

I heard that even as an evil character, you can get Marcus to join you if you do the good quests for Broken Hills. Well I did, and he refused to join me. Not sure if this is a bug or not... could be the slaver tattoo on my head... Anyways that's not what I wanted to report.

I went to Jacob and Aileen, and Jacob wouldn't talk to me, I guess because I repaired the mine, so I went to bust his friends out of jail, which I thought would initiate the quest to destroy the mine. They told me to talk to Jacob, and I was warped there, but the two still acted as if they were in jail. "We wuz framed!" "This ain't justice!" Jacob still refused to talk to me.
Omegawolf said:
Dittersdorf said:
Sorry if this plot hole has already been mentioned, but I didn't see it pointed out. My suggestion is to alter the text so that this apparent flaw with the story is corrected somehow.

Along with that, he says he passed the temple of trials, but you're the one wearing the vault-dweller's jumpsuit found at the end of it. Definite need for change of dialog.

Maybe they took it away before banishing him?
Thx for the link to the walkthrough for the expansion :)

I did notice at the EPA while I was fighting the spore plants. I would take my turn, then the game would pretty much freeze for 2-3 minutes and then I'd have my turn again.

It pretty much took me almost an hour just to fight all of them.

And in some sad news today, the game also crashes while I'm leaving the docks in san fran (is it the patch, I don't know)

I went to san fran, into the tanker, killed the aliens and saved badgers girlfriend.

I then go to leave the docks and it goes to a black screen with the control screen still there. After maybe 5 minutes the screen goes completely blank. I have to bring up the task manager and close the game.

luckily I have a save that was from 19 days previous. I think I just have to clear Vault 15, finalize the NCR deal, go to V13, do everything there and then hope I can re-do the tanker and actually leave.
well I seem to have caused myself a big problem now.

Seeing as I have a save from not too long before I tried copying all of the SF files from my "good" save slot to the broken one.

This worked! I was able to go back into san fran from the docks with no problem.... well except one. my car trunk is missing now.

I'm making the assumption that I should just load the other save and do those few things over again.
Well I'm not sure but I've never had so much difficulty in the game.

I decided I would go back to my previous save as my car was screwed.

I went and completely uninstalled the game. Re-installed and re-applied the restoration project.

Game has been running great except I came back to san fran, went to the brotherhood, got myself a perception enhancement and left. as soon as I left the game crashed.

What happens specifically is a big memory leak. The game all of a sudden starts jumping up in memory usage. All the way up to 1.2GB at one point!

I've played this game on XP for years, over and over and never had an issue quite like this.

I ended up saving the game in a new slot and bingo! I got to leave the brotherhood.

I then went and did some shopping and was going to go into the temple for tanker fuel.... crashed again.

I tested saving the game in a new slot but it didn't work.

Pretty much san fran is a big mess for me right now. Everywhere else seems OK.

Not too sure if anyone has any input or if more info is needed on my 'special' situation
NCR caravan run does not work for me. I met this Stanwell guy near where my car is parked in NCR. It happened to be the 11th so he asked if I want to go as a guard for 2000 bucks.
I said yes. At the first encounter the caranvan had Stanwell and some blue clad NCR police officers as guards. I killed the robbers and tried to move on. Next empty encounter the caravan had changed and now had some guards with leather armour and no Stanwell. Next ended up in Redding but there is no-one to collect my money from. All the tents are empty...
I remember that many years ago with the official patch the caravan runs were also a bit bugged. Any plans to get them fixed? Also stupid that now my car is still at NCR.

Btw, Is this the same caravan as the one you get by talking to the man in the shop inside NCR? He will thell you to be near westin's gate the next morning.

I tried the save game again and now I got straight to Redding and stanwell was in his tent. I got my money but the quest for Brahmin drive is still not crossed out in pip boy. Confused...
Thank you killap for an exellent expansion mod!!!

To everyone: after reading through ALL 56 pages, these issues are still outstanding OR not clearly enough explained...

I am one of many who have prepatched factory CD's. Is deleting the patch000.dat file enough to revert to ver 1.0, or does the fallout2.exe file need to be exchanged ? Or is neither enough ?

In the proto subfolders, should only the files be set to read-only or the folders also ?
In one post, killap said that the exp mod should be un- and re-installed to set the read-only attribute. Does this mean try it once before doing it manually, or keep doing it until it works ? Or does it mean that if you have started a game you need to repair the changed files first, then manually change attributes ?
gunnut666 said:
Thank you killap for an exellent expansion mod!!!

To everyone: after reading through ALL 56 pages, these issues are still outstanding OR not clearly enough explained...

I am one of many who have prepatched factory CD's. Is deleting the patch000.dat file enough to revert to ver 1.0, or does the fallout2.exe file need to be exchanged ? Or is neither enough ?

In the proto subfolders, should only the files be set to read-only or the folders also ?
In one post, killap said that the exp mod should be un- and re-installed to set the read-only attribute. Does this mean try it once before doing it manually, or keep doing it until it works ? Or does it mean that if you have started a game you need to repair the changed files first, then manually change attributes ?
This thread (and the Expansion) desperately needs a FAQ, preferably on a wiki. Any takers?

EDIT: This looks like a perfect spot: http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Killap's_Fallout_2_Restoration_Project

Please help me fill this page with all the vital/crucial information contained within these 56 pages.

I need help. This is probably the easiest problem for you guys.

I am still stuck in EPA...I can't fix the elevator bug. I tried to look for the fallout2.cfg file but I seem not to have a program that will be able to open it. What application should you use for it?

Also, I do not know where the system folder is? The one with the cache size. I have searched every file in my fallout folder but I couldn't find it.

I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the game (humongous installation), the restoration file, and the patch fixes.

Please please please help me with is. I am a true fallout fan!

Killap when the 1.2 ver. of restoration project you will reveal? I looked through the pages on this topic and people complain on the bugs in the mod. That bugs makes impassible to finish game. I know there is no game without bugs, but before next release I wish you fix the most of bugs and make game more playable.
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