Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Morticia said:
My ignorant opinion: By the time you get to San Francisco (cheating or not) the game is already far out of balance and nothing can really be done about it.

None of the merchants carry enough money to buy everything you pick up from dead enemies, and only NCR (first) and SF (second) have anything to trade for that is better than what you have already found, as far as I can tell.

What are you going to buy with your million$?

The only way to balance the game is to make the number and power of enemies match the player skill level.

So you probably wouldn't encounter a band of 8 Raiders between Modoc and VC the first time, but only 4-5 (?) You also should not get a random encounter with a cave full of pigrats at level 20, or only 3 Enclave troops. Reading encounter tables, it seems the game engine does not take player level into account, ever, so it's nothing Killap can do anything about.

Well, maybe something miraculous could be done with SFall if someone knew what they were doing, but I doubt that is within the intention of RP.

San Francisco is horrid. Even if you put aside that it's an incongruous throwback to Big Trouble in Little China, it's obvious it was rushed and one of the last towns worked on. There's like nothing to steal from any of the shelves.
San Francisco needs a lot of work even more than for looting the shelves it was not really finished at release time... :wink:
I don't want to see anything in this great mod from Bethesda. Oblivion was a failure with lvling system.
In Fallout I just loved to encounter stronger enemies than myself. It was - to fight and die or to run and live. That was so great about it. You never knew if your next trip is the last one.
I just want to thanks Killap for doing a great job with RP.
And say that Polish translation is ready and on the way.
Mad Ivan bardzo mnie cieszy twoja informacja :) Jak rozumiem to Ty jestes odpowiedzialny za polskie tlumaczenie?

edit: nie ma problemu, z pewnoscia przewertuje mase tekstu bo mam zamiar przejsc na nowo f2, oczywiscie z RP1.3. Wiec w razie jakichs baboli w tekscie dam Ci znac ;)
Makenshi said:
Thy shall not post in polski ¬¬

Not without translation for the others, at least...

They are talking about Polish version of translation of RP v1.3 and possible bugs in translation.
Mad Ivan is Polish translator.
Good job, Mad Ivan.
One down, how many more to go?

Just for an interesting distraction, maybe, and promoting the Global community of how diverse we are, take a look at the Geo tracking for the RP Guide page.

Public tracker that anyone can read the details of if they want to. It shows that Polish is certainly important, (and actually more Chinese visitors than Russian, which surprised me.)

Each additional language only adds about 6MB to the download size, as far as I can figure. So we don't all need those extra files, but read enough to know Killap a little more, and that he's constantly fixing and tweaking something.
We already have a nightmare with always having to ask, "What version do you have? How did you install it? What options did you choose? What did you try to install after reading the read-me that says not to install anything else?"

And what happened with v1.2? Within a day or two some critical bugs were found and fixes were posted. Maybe he's giving it to some intelligent and trusted people to test before releasing it to the rest of us? More time = A better game for us.

So he is our ever-awesome Bear Dude, but give him a break. He's just one dude and not a huge game developer that would charge you for the fruits of his labour.
Morticia said:
Good job, Mad Ivan.
One down, how many more to go?
French version is still in the works. German version may be part of 1.3 as well, but I cannot say for sure. It doesn't look like it will be, but you never know.

I am still working on a few last things so this delay has been beneficial.
I am glad that there will be a French version because I am learning French, this will be a good excersise for me. I will play it in French !
Claude Frollo said:
I am glad that there will be a French version because I am learning French, this will be a good excersise for me. I will play it in French !

Your repertoire of french swearwords is guaranteed to improve... :)
I'm sure this question has already been asked, but I'll ask it anyways.

Is Megamod compatible with the restoration projects. If not that's cool if it is even better. Thank you for the help; and thank you killap and all the other modders who have made this game even better!

I have received great news that the German translation of my work is complete. It looks like the Restoration Project will now be available in 4 languages (English, Polish, French, German).

I cannot at this time give any reasonable ETA. It shouldn't be too much longer, but alas, I cannot give an exact date. I am hoping a week, but it might be two. I'll keep you all posted. I don't want to hold this back too long, so don't worry, I won't deprive everyone for too much longer.
Yes that's right, we have just finished the german translation (betatest done) so be patient, the 1.3 is coming ;)

now for a pleasure to all german users, in german , too ;)
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