rogerg2 said:
What is so funny about the last post? There was no humor there. I suggest you go see a psychiatrist, the sooner the better. Maybe right after reading this post))
rogerg2 said:
You must be a little snotty nosed troublemaker who in real life must be getting has ass kicked on a regular basis and can basically only show his balls on a forum.
Umm, not really, I weigh 200 pounds and bench over 260 pounds, I'd probably crush you like a fly. But the snotty nerd with balls on forums sounds exactly like you, I'm sure 99% of people on this forum would agree with this))))))
rogerg2 said:
Basically my response had nothing absolutely nothing to do with you or your liberal, psychologically inferior intelligence...
Do you even know the definition of liberal? Is English your 3rd language? How am I liberal if I am the one for conserving things, while you're the one proposing new, retarded ideas? I think now is an excellent time for you to see that psychiatrist, and also buy an English
rogerg2 said:
... but was in response to a individual who actually made that same point that you incoherently uttered to me.
Not really. All you did was show off your balls on a forum... I pity you pimple-face, get some suuuunshiiiine)))))
rogerg2 said:
And my initial suggestion was just that A SUGGESTION, and was in no need intended to receive any illogical repercussions.
Oh man, kid, English must be definitely your 4th language, I'm beginning to think that perhaps buying an English dictionary should be a higher priority than seeing a psychiatrist for you... Your foolish criticism of the person who replied to your pathetic, non-RP related suggestion really shows the angry pale nerd who's hiding behind your comments.
So overall, 3 things I recommend: go see that psychiatrist ASAP, order an English dictionary, and hop off these forums, go play outside, maybe you meet a friend....
P.S. Don't bother replying to this, I am not interested in your pathetic nerd tears. I won't waste any further time writing a comment or reading anything related to a nerd like yourself.