I ran into some problems with game crashes, something which I think might be related to the 'too many items' bug.
Currently around level 20, I went trough EPA, pretty much completely looting the place.
Drove to NCR for some trading, then headed to New Reno.
Now I found out that entering Commercial Row crashes the game. The globe spins as usual, then a brief black screen (also normal), then a crash.
I thought it was something just occasional and tried entering Virgin Street, that worked. The second street (going to the upper green exit zone) worked too. Going to Commercial Row from there = Crash.
Puzzled, I looked into it and found the documentation on the item bug. I checked my inventory. Had some of the items on the list. Ditched most of them in a random encounter. Entering Commercial Row still crashes the game.
As the documentation didn't mention any specific locations to crash, but visiting locations with certain amount of certain items with you, I went back to NCR and EPA to check them. Both seemed to work fine.
Then I tried an earlier save to try and replace the corrupted map save file with a working one. Now the earlier save also crashes the game as well if I enter Commercial Row.
I tried two such saves, and both of them crash at the same location.
The later of the two was after my encounter with the insane-motherload-of-a-bunch-of-raiders-doing-nothing, so I was
pretty loaded, but with still fewer of the items on the blacklist.
The earlier was from around level 12, long before being overloaded with stuff.
I think I'll try again with my save from level 3. If it still crashes, I'm perplexed.
Tried that. Character at level three; game crashes. (never been to New Reno before in that save) Should I be sending out a save file?
I'm quite 100% sure I don't have any of the blacklisted item on me in that save.
I tried again with a recent save. Ditched every listed item I had to NCR, left my party there as well and headed to NR. Crash.
Tried loading the map from the main menu (ctrl+R, then saving to get a fresh map save file). That crashes the game as well!
Thinking about it, between now and when Commercial Row last worked, I downloaded and installed the three not-yet-included-in-installer fixes from the
first page of this thread, one of them concerning none other than Eldridge, located nowhere else than Commercial Row, New Reno. ("Bingo!", I presume?)
Could someone be so kind and send me a copy of the original so I could test if it's truly the fix causing this?
(Or can it be copied straight from the install cd? I couldn't find it on the FO2 cd, there's only folder named 'SOUND' under DATA)