It Wandered In From the Wastes

I know it's been a while since this previous post, but I had this problem of a wasp following me instead of Sulik, and he was wearing a Leather Jacket.5h00n4y said:Voila!, solved it, many many thanks everyone.
Now I've done a perfectly clear install again, BUT, with the auto-installer and added the extras.
I believe that was it, the manual installer doesn't have those special armours or something is missing and it causes problems.
How on earth it got on my HD in the first place? No idea. T'was a sleepy night...
As far as I know, the problem was that I used a previous saved game from the RP1.2, that I kept after uninstalling Fallout2 that had the NPC's Armor MOD installed. But in the fresh install I hadn't installed that MOD, so the solution for me was simply installing that MOD, and then Sulik reappeared with the Leather Jacket dressed, and no more wasp...