I finished Fallout 2, and here is the bugs i've found:
List of bugs:
Broken Hills:
- In the Chad quest, i was caught trying to get his papers, and he attacked me, but Sulik almost killed him, then he run away.
i clicked End combat, and talked with Chad. (apparently, Chad have an serious case of Amnesia)
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Vault City:
- I can enter in VC with drugs of EPA:
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- I can kill myself, but i can't kill NPCs in electric chair (wtf? its a chair especially made for kill the Chosen One?

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- When i use science in the generator, appear a "hello" in the screen:
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And more "hello" when someone spot a trip wire:
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- You can press the trigger and detonate the dynamite infinite times, but you only have ONE dynamite:
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New Reno:
- I exploded Mason with an explosive plastic and he literally evaporated (no corpse, no items, nothing):
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Primitive Tribe:
- I can see through the exit grid in the map with cave (i don't remember the name of the area, but is the only area with one cave to enter and the ocean at left):
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- I can complete the quest for Merc (Kill the hubologist) even if i don't know who is Merc:
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- Nobody is blocking the machine (happen with some slot machines of New Reno, too):
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- The woman of Kokoweef mine say two times will give $1,000 for the excavator chip, and the Choosen One seems not hear she say in the first time:
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San Fran:
- I don't know how, but this happened:
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- I killed AHS-9 with super stimpacks, and the quest still incomplete and i can't talk with the Imperor (AHS-9 is DEAD, why i can't complete the quest?):
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- Marcus (or other NPC) don't take damage of the cannon, even if are in front of the door:
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- I remember Killap say will delete all the bags of Fallout, because they are much bugged, then i can't forget to mention this bag of Abbey:
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- When i use junk in the machine, this happens:
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- When i give the holodisk of EPA to Brother Paul, i have a "error" in my dialog options:
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- I killed the technian and all other peoples, but i can't use the satelite computer, because the corpse of the technian don't permit (he was inconscious when i killed he, this may be the problem, i guess). but later of days (when the corpses disappear) i can use the computer:
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- The turrets don't attack.
Uaine said:
I'm running into what might be a dialogue bug in Gecko. I have taken the quest from Lynette to take care of the power plant problem. Upon entering Gecko, I talked to none of the Ghouls, and headed straight for the Brain. The dialogue I followed:
Brain: Are you ready to become one of us?
Me: I was born ready.
Brain: The ankh is a ....
Me: Ok, I'll take your ankh talisman
Brain: Now you're one of us...
Me: Yeah, whatever you say.
Brain: But right now, don't you have something to do?
Me: Uh, I guess I better get going on that atomic power plant thing. Goodbye
Then, I get the quest to retrieve the economy disk and deliver it to McClure, despite not having heard about the economy disk anywhere.
Yeah, nice find:
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Random encounters:
- If Kaga is knocked incounscious in the final fight, he don't attack you.
- Car bug:
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- Where is the cows?
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- (Npc armor mod) Cassidy gain the helmet of the PA when he equip with Pistol:
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- When cassidy remove his armor, he transform himself in a guy with HAIR lol:
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- In the final fight of the game, i hitted Horrigan in the groin, and he falls down, and don't attack me anymore, stay there, like a rock, or a statue. Here, download the save, and see yourself: