Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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@shaggoth :
I am running it under Wine/opensuse with absolutely no problems.

@CAPnot :
Left shift showing the ground items works at least after Sfall 2.9 and higher. I use it in-game and it is a godsend :) If this is currently not working in your installation, maybe update sfall?
Re: Could not load DirectX

valcik said:
FEI said:
In both cases it shows me error "Could not load DirectX" after launching the game.
I'm running WinXP too, RP works without any problem for me.

- download and install latest "DirectX redist", where are all necessary DX9 files included
- eventually open "ddraw.ini" file in your Fallout2 directory, find [Graphics] section and set Mode=0 here. (it's 8bit fullscreen)

Did you update sfall? If so, don't do it - use one, which is included in the RP.

None of the above didn't work... Is there anything else to fix this problem, pls? Thank you.
killap said:
Hellburn said:
What about other language support? Will it be available with 2.2 ?
Yes, multilingual support will return in 2.2. This will include Polish, French, German, and maybe Russian. I have no idea when 2.2 will be released though.

I could add Spanish to that if you want.
Sicblades said:
I could add Spanish to that if you want.
I won't refuse the offer. It's a lot of work though, so you might want to find some help. We'll talk after the release of 2.1. Thanks for the offer, btw!
FEI said:
Elitech said:
So vanilla works for u, but RP doesnt?

Exactly. RP 1.2 works fine, but RP 2.0 shows error with DirectX even after latest update.

Maybe corrupt download? Tried re-downloading? Cause from what i gather, u just downloaded each once. Also, long-shot (everything pretty much is), but tried running in windows compatibility mode?
FEI said:
RP 1.2 works fine, but RP 2.0 shows error with DirectX even after latest update.
Did you manualy deleted all files from the previous installation of Fallout, before you'd installed new RP?
valcik said:
Did you manualy deleted all files from the previous installation of Fallout, before you'd installed new RP?

What he said :) Val is right, u have to, after uninstall, delete any remaining files manually, then reinstall game & RP.
killap said:
Sicblades said:
I could add Spanish to that if you want.
I won't refuse the offer. It's a lot of work though, so you might want to find some help. We'll talk after the release of 2.1. Thanks for the offer, btw!

Glad to help! And also yeah - I can get a few people to help me out :D
Setting master
wine: /home/shaggoth/.wine is not owned by you

waiting for X server to shut down .Dropping master
ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log

is it fixable?
shaggoth said:
Setting master
wine: /home/shaggoth/.wine is not owned by you

waiting for X server to shut down .Dropping master
ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log

is it fixable?
sudo chown -R shaggoth:shaggoth ~/.wine
two bug/game feature that atttracts me lately: one is when you load in the very begin of your turn the game closes all the doors, so you will gonna start playing your turn with closed doors; it shits the combat coz when your NPCs left out the door they can not join the fight.

the other one is when you KO someone it automatically closes the combat; normally it should not as you KO'ed the enemy, you will gonna end hisher life at the end, right ?

Finally i'd like to tell about being an evil person as a loss of big karma and you can not gonna get most of the quests off the time. I've been thinking for the last few days if Killap ever thought about this situation ?
BrecMadak said:
Finally i'd like to tell about being an evil person as a loss of big karma and you can not gonna get most of the quests off the time. I've been thinking for the last few days if Killap ever thought about this situation ?

I think Per put it best: "[It's] a well-known fact that in computer RPGs which let you play an "evil" or grouchy character, you'll ultimately be punished for doing so because if you tell everyone you meet how ugly they are, they won't give you quests or bonuses. Such is life."

To whit, that's how the game is supposed to be. Killap's unlikely to change that because he's just adding back stuff that would have been in the game initially if it had been possible at the time. He's not going to change certain dynamics of the game which were fully intended to be there in the first place.
i don't talk much here, but i have been lurking and waiting for this for a long, long time.

thank you.


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