BR4ZIL said:
"Resolve the problem with the nearby village".
if i accept the quest and talk to Ian i am forced to finish it by delivering the guns, no matter if i talked to the Brain &/or McClure
the only way to do it "peacefully" is to talk to Connar and say that McClure is a reasonable man and blah blah blah (the long aswer) after that i must NOT speak with Ian and do the rest of the quest, otherwise i wouldnt get Vault Village's second quest.
Exactly same happened to me.
And more glitches from my gameplay:
2) That dude from Den, Becky needs us to get back her book from whom - I checked all people (by clicking on them) in whole Den (East, West, Residental) - and I think he didn't existed.
3) Some (1-2) minor quests - game didn't noticed, that I've done them. Unfortunately, I don't remember which ones.
4) NPCs in EPA - well, I can't get ERSI stuff, but I've read somewhere, that this is known bug. Anyway, only Dex surived, when I tried to bring back to life those dudes, without using ERSI. I've tried many times (save & load) in various order, and still same sad effect - Kitsune and Cat dies.
5) Something wrong happened to Marcus after I buy him mutant armor. Since that he didn't use any weapon (any didn't performe unarmed attacked) anymore, even in situations where he can use his minigun without hurting me. And I don't think he had crippled limbs.
And I'm now playing long time after above described events, so I think I don't have appropriate savegames anymore.

I'm playing 2.1.2b (the newest avilable one) on the biggest avilable clean Fo2 instalation.
I thought much about Restoration Project, and I have some ideas for, eh, "further development"?. I know, I know, I've read last pages of this thread, I know that Killap's going to create another realse and what should be restored is restored already (BTW, great work Killap! truly amazing!) but maybe someone with more modding skills than me finds some of this ideas interesting.
1) Bad guys should run away when encountered any type of wasteland's thugs, bandits, etc becouse of that "You've gained 5 karma" issue - this is most annoying issue of RP - good karma is accumulated a bit too fast. And, on the other hand, why grave digging is evil?
2) After pullverising all (or all but one) families in New Reno, really nothing happenes. People on the streets still are afraid of killed mafia bosses, guards at Stables still guarding Myron, Myron still believe that Big Jesus is alive, etc. Even people in casinos/Salvatore's Bar didn't noticed that that places are empty and without control. World would be more beautiful if someone would changed that issues somewhere.
3) There are Yakuza in random encounters - but where are their base?