I had a week off at work this week, so I used it to run through the Fallout 2 Restoration Project v2.1.2b. It's been a pretty long while since I played the RP patch through. Anyhow, I've wanted to play it for quite a while now and now I finally got around to it.
Here's my comments. A lot of things are negative, but I loved playing it through, I just highlighted what could be even better. Don't get me wrong, it's already great.
Installer top notch work, easy as pie. Installed "full option". Bonus stuff like the NPC armor mod and so on is really great.
Nice mods. Really no comments there.
The Den:
Tweaking & enhancing the Locket & gang fight was nicely done.
The orphans however, I had a problem with. Too upbeat.
I nearly always play a "good" character, it's in my nature, but even I felt that the orphan issue went way over the top. The owner of a simple bar/restaurant opens up an orphanage in a town full of addicts? There is absolutely no way I can see that she could support that, unless she was somehow a huge landowner and ran a bunch of farms around the town.
Anyhow, I liked The Den as it was. It was a den of scum and at the best, you could solve some of the issues (slavers, thin out the gangs, etc), but I liked that it remained grim.
Modoc & the Ghost Farm:
I had luck 10 on this playthrough. And EVERYONE ended up breaking a limb. Didn't quite expect that... First Cassidy broke a limb after the outhouse blew and then the rest of the bunch broke a limb falling down the trap in the ghost farm.
That's a little much, wouldn't you agree?
VC, Gecko & Vault Village:
The addition of the village adds some flavor to both Gecko & VC. No real issues there.
Adding the vertibird assault was nice, though I lucked out a bit, I think. I was still fairly low level, took out the gauss pistol wielding soldier with 2 shots of the hunting rifle to the eyes, looted it off the soldier and killed the pancor wielding soldiers. Luckily for me, none of them used burst on me... Could've turned out a lot worse.
Would've been more logical that very high outdoorsman would've been enough to locate the raiders, but I don't mind it much.
Very "A Canticle for Leibowitz"-y, but annoyed me a lot that there seemed to be no real protection. I'd have plopped down a retired caravan guard or something in front of the building to at least show some muscle to scare off some raiders & slavers. The whole thing just screams "easy target" to me... A trading post (reasonably well stocked) & a flourishing farm (enought to hand out food to strangers!) to raid and a whole bunch of pussies inside to sell as slaves?
Didn't engage in combat, so maybe they pulled gatling guns out of their robes, but still, feels odd. If it was a secret place, maybe it'd make sense... But with a bunch of traders and whatnot working on the pump? Skeptical there.
Broken Hills:
Not much to say, fleshed out a little, it's nice.
New Reno:
The barking dude is pulled by the hair, but ok.
Monte is nice to scam, but by the time I did NR, it didn't matter anymore.
Nikki makes the Lloyd hunt easier, maybe too easy? I don't know. More logical at least.
The comedian lines I got sucked. Jokes on Washington in post-apoc? Most junks and gambling addicts in NR don't even know what politicians are, let alone what Washington was/is?
Tweaking the NC Rangers was nice. Safe houses, wiping out the slaver camp, finding Sulik's sister. Nice.
Primitive Tribe:
Hmz, I guess it's ok, but I never liked Tribals as a whole in FO2... But most of the stuff is well implemented, so at least that's ok.
Couldn't find it, so googled the walkthrough. Didn't want to pick up Myron, but because I couldn't find the traveler chick (or well, I always got the NCR/VC traveler variant) to mark the location, I had to pick up that cunt Myron.
Of course, as soon as I do that, the traveler shows up and tells me where the EPA is...
Anyhow, the EPA is fairly nice. Some floor layout decisions feels a bit questionable, but overall pretty nice.
Had to search a LONG time to find the fan thing. Never walked past that side, so no float... When I got there, I was annoyed I couldn't block it with a crowbar. Nope, had to be some flimsy piece of metal. Odd.
With the Petting Zoo, I had a kinda weird encounter. I let the "human animals" out and they went all "Oh noez, the evil one is here, run". I was like "WTF?" and didn't kill them (or well, Cassidy wacked one of them). I expected them to attack me & my party for food? This probably has to do with my T-51b? Anyhow, if they seemed intelligent enough to speak in that way, they might as well escape for all I care.
How the hell did they survive a century in their cage anyhow? Can't imagine enough vermin crawling in & out of their cave to stay alive AND procreate...
On to the frozen troika:
I got Kitsune out, and wanted to unfreeze Dex for lulz. Couldn't. The game wouldn't let me after I used up the ESRI. And that while before I got the ESRI there was a choice to do it without? Annoying. Didn't want to risk someone unfreezing Dex later with some ESRI (from god knows where). Wanted him dead...
On to Kitsune:
You already read her background from the computer? Why not confront her with the lies she's trying to pass off at first?
Also, I was annoyed that the supposed spy took you at face value and gave her long explanation if you asked her while still in the freezing room. That stuff should've been saved for after you went topside & she saw you weren't lying.
What if "I" was an eleborate sham to coax intel out of her? Fake freeze the spy, have some actors "unfreeze" her, tell her some weirdo story about decades passing and the world being destroyed and BLAM! She spills her secrets. Or have I been watching too much spy movies?
The whole EPA thing is also fairly heavy on the inside jokes and easter eggs. A flaw that already appeared in FO2, and it's really not helped with things like an asian chick with heterochromia, an authoritarian german dir of sec, Red Dwarf spoofs, etc. (also, isn't Dex described as a black man when watching the tank, but the model you see inside the tank is white?)
Also no explanation I can think of to freeze a sociopath with a soldier & a spy... Other than 'testing' the freezing procedure, I guess.
Crashed the game once in the EPA btw: when a float was supposed to appear above my head on level violet. Had to start from a save & then worked afterall. Strange.
Big downside to the EPA thing: I lost Skynet there. He can't climb down, OK I understand. Came back up, don't remember seeing him (could be wrong), didn't think about him & drove off. In San Fran I think "hey, where did Skynet go?". Drive back to the EPA and Skynet isn't there anymore.
Don't miss him, but he disappeared with a nice Gauss rifle and lots of 2mm EC ammo.
San Fran:
Not finished that completely yet, but looking forward to see what changed compared to the previous version.
Often bugs as he runs for it. Once crippled his ass (or rather, leg), but since I wanted to see him come back, I doctor'ed his leg and he ran off.
Makes no sense whatsoever that he shows up in enclave armor last... It's retarded. T51b, sure. Enclave, fuck no.
I rolled in shooting, for once. Everything normal, but had a weird bug during fighting (only noticed it topside, underground they barely shot back
When I got shot at, and did not take damage (not that I noticed anyway) I often got ". " Followed by some text. So things like (paraphrase ". You cup your nuts as you try to shrug off the damage.". Normally, before the rogue ". " you'd have the damage? I think no damage was done, so the whole sentence for listing the damage was an empty string?
Here's my comments. A lot of things are negative, but I loved playing it through, I just highlighted what could be even better. Don't get me wrong, it's already great.

Installer top notch work, easy as pie. Installed "full option". Bonus stuff like the NPC armor mod and so on is really great.
Nice mods. Really no comments there.
The Den:
Tweaking & enhancing the Locket & gang fight was nicely done.
The orphans however, I had a problem with. Too upbeat.
I nearly always play a "good" character, it's in my nature, but even I felt that the orphan issue went way over the top. The owner of a simple bar/restaurant opens up an orphanage in a town full of addicts? There is absolutely no way I can see that she could support that, unless she was somehow a huge landowner and ran a bunch of farms around the town.
Anyhow, I liked The Den as it was. It was a den of scum and at the best, you could solve some of the issues (slavers, thin out the gangs, etc), but I liked that it remained grim.
Modoc & the Ghost Farm:
I had luck 10 on this playthrough. And EVERYONE ended up breaking a limb. Didn't quite expect that... First Cassidy broke a limb after the outhouse blew and then the rest of the bunch broke a limb falling down the trap in the ghost farm.
That's a little much, wouldn't you agree?

VC, Gecko & Vault Village:
The addition of the village adds some flavor to both Gecko & VC. No real issues there.
Adding the vertibird assault was nice, though I lucked out a bit, I think. I was still fairly low level, took out the gauss pistol wielding soldier with 2 shots of the hunting rifle to the eyes, looted it off the soldier and killed the pancor wielding soldiers. Luckily for me, none of them used burst on me... Could've turned out a lot worse.

Would've been more logical that very high outdoorsman would've been enough to locate the raiders, but I don't mind it much.
Very "A Canticle for Leibowitz"-y, but annoyed me a lot that there seemed to be no real protection. I'd have plopped down a retired caravan guard or something in front of the building to at least show some muscle to scare off some raiders & slavers. The whole thing just screams "easy target" to me... A trading post (reasonably well stocked) & a flourishing farm (enought to hand out food to strangers!) to raid and a whole bunch of pussies inside to sell as slaves?
Didn't engage in combat, so maybe they pulled gatling guns out of their robes, but still, feels odd. If it was a secret place, maybe it'd make sense... But with a bunch of traders and whatnot working on the pump? Skeptical there.

Broken Hills:
Not much to say, fleshed out a little, it's nice.
New Reno:
The barking dude is pulled by the hair, but ok.
Monte is nice to scam, but by the time I did NR, it didn't matter anymore.
Nikki makes the Lloyd hunt easier, maybe too easy? I don't know. More logical at least.
The comedian lines I got sucked. Jokes on Washington in post-apoc? Most junks and gambling addicts in NR don't even know what politicians are, let alone what Washington was/is?
Tweaking the NC Rangers was nice. Safe houses, wiping out the slaver camp, finding Sulik's sister. Nice.
Primitive Tribe:
Hmz, I guess it's ok, but I never liked Tribals as a whole in FO2... But most of the stuff is well implemented, so at least that's ok.
Couldn't find it, so googled the walkthrough. Didn't want to pick up Myron, but because I couldn't find the traveler chick (or well, I always got the NCR/VC traveler variant) to mark the location, I had to pick up that cunt Myron.
Of course, as soon as I do that, the traveler shows up and tells me where the EPA is...
Anyhow, the EPA is fairly nice. Some floor layout decisions feels a bit questionable, but overall pretty nice.
Had to search a LONG time to find the fan thing. Never walked past that side, so no float... When I got there, I was annoyed I couldn't block it with a crowbar. Nope, had to be some flimsy piece of metal. Odd.

With the Petting Zoo, I had a kinda weird encounter. I let the "human animals" out and they went all "Oh noez, the evil one is here, run". I was like "WTF?" and didn't kill them (or well, Cassidy wacked one of them). I expected them to attack me & my party for food? This probably has to do with my T-51b? Anyhow, if they seemed intelligent enough to speak in that way, they might as well escape for all I care.
How the hell did they survive a century in their cage anyhow? Can't imagine enough vermin crawling in & out of their cave to stay alive AND procreate...
On to the frozen troika:
I got Kitsune out, and wanted to unfreeze Dex for lulz. Couldn't. The game wouldn't let me after I used up the ESRI. And that while before I got the ESRI there was a choice to do it without? Annoying. Didn't want to risk someone unfreezing Dex later with some ESRI (from god knows where). Wanted him dead...
On to Kitsune:
You already read her background from the computer? Why not confront her with the lies she's trying to pass off at first?
Also, I was annoyed that the supposed spy took you at face value and gave her long explanation if you asked her while still in the freezing room. That stuff should've been saved for after you went topside & she saw you weren't lying.
What if "I" was an eleborate sham to coax intel out of her? Fake freeze the spy, have some actors "unfreeze" her, tell her some weirdo story about decades passing and the world being destroyed and BLAM! She spills her secrets. Or have I been watching too much spy movies?
The whole EPA thing is also fairly heavy on the inside jokes and easter eggs. A flaw that already appeared in FO2, and it's really not helped with things like an asian chick with heterochromia, an authoritarian german dir of sec, Red Dwarf spoofs, etc. (also, isn't Dex described as a black man when watching the tank, but the model you see inside the tank is white?)
Also no explanation I can think of to freeze a sociopath with a soldier & a spy... Other than 'testing' the freezing procedure, I guess.
Crashed the game once in the EPA btw: when a float was supposed to appear above my head on level violet. Had to start from a save & then worked afterall. Strange.
Big downside to the EPA thing: I lost Skynet there. He can't climb down, OK I understand. Came back up, don't remember seeing him (could be wrong), didn't think about him & drove off. In San Fran I think "hey, where did Skynet go?". Drive back to the EPA and Skynet isn't there anymore.
Don't miss him, but he disappeared with a nice Gauss rifle and lots of 2mm EC ammo.

San Fran:
Not finished that completely yet, but looking forward to see what changed compared to the previous version.
Often bugs as he runs for it. Once crippled his ass (or rather, leg), but since I wanted to see him come back, I doctor'ed his leg and he ran off.

Makes no sense whatsoever that he shows up in enclave armor last... It's retarded. T51b, sure. Enclave, fuck no.
I rolled in shooting, for once. Everything normal, but had a weird bug during fighting (only noticed it topside, underground they barely shot back

When I got shot at, and did not take damage (not that I noticed anyway) I often got ". " Followed by some text. So things like (paraphrase ". You cup your nuts as you try to shrug off the damage.". Normally, before the rogue ". " you'd have the damage? I think no damage was done, so the whole sentence for listing the damage was an empty string?