Reference Obscura
First time out of the vault

Just wanted to offer one quick correction to an earlier post concerning arm wrestling the Duntons.
Winning the arm wrestling in and of itself does not lower your town reputation. However, accepting the beer from the Dunton brother in the dialogue following your victory does. If you win but tell him you don't want the beer, you keep your improved reaction from the Dunton brothers, but suffer no town reputation drop.
I suspect the logic is that, simply being seen arm-wrestling a known bad guy wouldn't hurt your reputation, but being seen out drinking with one implies you're an associate.
Winning the arm wrestling in and of itself does not lower your town reputation. However, accepting the beer from the Dunton brother in the dialogue following your victory does. If you win but tell him you don't want the beer, you keep your improved reaction from the Dunton brothers, but suffer no town reputation drop.
I suspect the logic is that, simply being seen arm-wrestling a known bad guy wouldn't hurt your reputation, but being seen out drinking with one implies you're an associate.