Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

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SkuLL said:
This is a long shot, but has anyone been able to figure out how to deal with the slow fade-in / fade-out?

It takes me around 5 seconds to fade in and out during moments like using First Aid.
That's interesting since for me fade-ins/fade-outs are now way too fast (basically instantaneous) with modern computers, at least the ones I've tried.

But yeah, as NovaRain said, try using v 3.0.6 of the high-res patch and let me know if that makes a difference.


@merenbach && memetics
I've gone ahead and made the whomever/whoever changes. You grammar nazis, you. ;)
seems like the screen flickering problem (Horrigan encounter) is present at scripted events when you're a forced bystander

the molerat fights in Redding are unwatchable because of this
killap said:
SkuLL said:
This is a long shot, but has anyone been able to figure out how to deal with the slow fade-in / fade-out?

It takes me around 5 seconds to fade in and out during moments like using First Aid.
That's interesting since for me fade-ins/fade-outs are now way too fast (basically instantaneous) with modern computers, at least the ones I've tried.
I tried all different options (compatibility modes mainly).

Turns out the culprit was my laptop power settings. I basically have 3 modes: Battery Saver, Entertainment Mode and High Performace. Switching to High Performance significantly speeds up the fade-in / fade-out.

Which is interesting, because normally there is hardly any difference between High Performance and Entertainment Mode (I play modern AAA games sometimes in Entertainment Mode by accident and don't even notice a difference in FPS). So it's most likely something to do with CPU cores or the overclock settings of the graphics card. Either way, fixed for me.

I had also experienced an unavoidable Kaga crash. (Sadly no save file). Only way to avoid it was to reload an earlier version and go through the encounter again, in a slightly different location.
killap said:
That's interesting since for me fade-ins/fade-outs are now way too fast (basically instantaneous) with modern computers, at least the ones I've tried.

Idem, I've got fast fade-in/fade-outs.

In another subject, even when I don't quite recall it, I think Sulik tells you about his sister if you recruit him, even when playing a dumb character. However, I found no way to make him tell me where his tribe is located with the dumb character (maybe I just remember wrongly and he isn't the one who tells you where is it for a non-dumb character, but he should know). Shouldn't he show you the location of his tribe on the map, so you are able to at least try to free his sister?

SkuLL said:
I tried all different options (compatibility modes mainly).

Turns out the culprit was my laptop power settings. I basically have 3 modes: Battery Saver, Entertainment Mode and High Performace. Switching to High Performance significantly speeds up the fade-in / fade-out.

Which is interesting, because normally there is hardly any difference between High Performance and Entertainment Mode (I play modern AAA games sometimes in Entertainment Mode by accident and don't even notice a difference in FPS). So it's most likely something to do with CPU cores or the overclock settings of the graphics card. Either way, fixed for me.

Maybe it has something to do with the setting for using a single core, or with not using 100% of the CPU (I don't remember the default setting for the later, though), I'd guess both are considered by power management for throttling the CPU, thus, since you are not using 100% CPU and using a single core Windows assumes it can save energy because the app you're using doesn't require much more.
Could you check this options in entertainment mode to check my hypothesis? (just for curiosity)
found a few inconsistencies in New Reno dialogs

1. when you ask the pit boss about Old McGee he assumes you already won his fortune (even if you didn't yet) and warns you to stay away from him

2. if you deliver Moore's suitcase but turn down the Westin job, Bishop says you can go back anytime to take the job, but the stair guards wont let you pass in dialogue (but you can safely use the stairs, they won't interfere)

3. when your car gets stolen you can use Cody to show you the chop-shop, however even after you recover your car the dialogue options wont disappear...

this could lead to to the death of Cody if you ask him again to tell who's responsible, since you can't threaten Jules anymore (his dialogue functions correctly)

also, the Jules option won't give you any xp, isn't it supposed to give you 500?

other stuff:
does anyone know if you kill the raiders/screw Bishop's female family members before becoming Made Man will still affect his behavior and goes berserk on you right after you were promoted?

(I suppose this was a vanilla bug)
killap said:
That's interesting since for me fade-ins/fade-outs are now way too fast (basically instantaneous) with modern computers, at least the ones I've tried.
My game started doing slow fades at one point. After I exited the game and restarted it, though, the fades worked normally. Can't remember if it was after I ALT-TABbed to the desktop (trying to type up a report on another issue), but ALT-TAB on my new laptop (Windows 8, 1600 x 900) goofs up all the colors in the game to a greyish-muck, requiring game exit/restart.

killap said:
@merenbach && memetics
I've gone ahead and made the whomever/whoever changes. You grammar nazis, you. ;)
Ya bul, herr general. merenbach was right; I had the case wrong on the one 'whomever' thing, so hopefully you went with his modifications.

Were you able to reproduce the NPC combat-settings glitches I reported? (Save game is linked in the post following the report.) If there's no obvious fix, I'm wondering if scripting might at least be used to change the Distance combat setting whenever both "Charge!" and "Whoever is attacking me" are set... maybe to change "Charge!" to "On your own"? I'd also recommend completely disabling the "Snipe the enemy" setting if the NPC isn't armed with a projectile weapon. (Assuming further tests verify that it works with projectile weapons, that is. It obviously doesn't work at all with melee or melee-throwable weapons.)

Hi, I would like to know if there's new playable critters (through the Hero appeareance mod) included in this version, specially females... or if you plan to when the final version is out.

Keep the good work!
Milly said:
Hi, I would like to know if there's new playable critters (through the Hero appeareance mod) included in this version, specially females... or if you plan to when the final version is out.
In the final release you'll be able to play as a female with blond hair.
Would it be difficult to create another Hero appearance, identical to Sulik's current appearance (and changing Sulik to Baldie)? I like the tribal look, the bare feet, etc. and I'd like to play as that character. It fits pretty well, seeing as various characters in the game refer to your looks as 'tribal', no matter what armor you're wearing.

For that mode, I guess Sulik's model would have to be replaced with Baldie (but hey, that also fits him, seeing as his talking head does not have any hair).

Don't know how difficult it would be to switch them around for that one option (maybe not all Sulik FRM's have been made?) - if it's more than a few minor adjustments, obviously don't bother, but I would like to see a 'True Tribal' option for my character in the Hero Appearance Mod.
Playing through the beta right now, I have a problem. In the "ghost quest" at the primitive village, the ghost won't appear at midnight. I examined her cadaver, talked with the shaman (and consequently assigned me the quest) but the spirit won't appear. I wait and wait and wait without success. Perhaps I don't remember well enough the quest, is there anything I'm missing?
Shouldn't it be in the opposite order? Speak with shaman first, THEN examine the corpse, I mean. That's how I did it, when I went around that area.
Milly said:
Playing through the beta right now, I have a problem. In the "ghost quest" at the primitive village, the ghost won't appear at midnight. I examined her cadaver, talked with the shaman (and consequently assigned me the quest) but the spirit won't appear. I wait and wait and wait without success. Perhaps I don't remember well enough the quest, is there anything I'm missing?

Try visiting her corpse at night.
Weird question - what are the RP's requirements to get the 'VC Independent, Westin & Lynette marry' ending? Is the final step of not collecting your reward bugged, or was that fixed in an earlier version?
I know this has been in the earlier versions of RP already, but what does the "removed random element from party leveling" actually do? I've always installed it, even though I have no idea what it does... :p

Oh and while I was at New Reno today, my game crashed during the final boxing match. I saved the game when the round started and my character just vanished. I couldn't move, so I waited the boxer to come at me and after he got right next to me, I aimed him in the eyes and then it crashed. :p

Good thing I had two saves, kinda must with a game like this, haha.

Oh yeah, I also got a merchant party encounter earlier today and I was able to steal (or buy) *four* skillbooks from her (all for Outdoorsman). Is that "normal"?
I believe the "removed random element from part leveling" keeps say Vic leveling on level 10 and Sulik on level 11 and they both level at the same time.
VincentV said:
I know this has been in the earlier versions of RP already, but what does the "removed random element from party leveling" actually do? I've always installed it, even though I have no idea what it does... :p

Normally, whenever the PC (Player Character) gains a level, there's a small chance that his companions will as well. So, if you're unlucky, it's possible to raise several levels without your companions leveling up. The option you are referring to in the RP takes away the random element and makes it so that the NPC companions level up at a steady, pre-determined rate.
Killap - i hope you didnt forget wikia, p p l are still submitting stuff there and i didnt see your name there for weeks. ;)
Killap any chance getting Turbo plasma going back to the original like FO1 with 1 AP less?

What happens with old save games from the most recent RP version.

May I suggest having merchant encounters when going into caves too, not only critters and robbers.
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