Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

Maybe you try to activate the emergency systems shutdown without the Access Key before? It'll cause the terminal to be permanently deactivated.
Thanks i solved it, i read somewhere you need 100% science to use the console. I only had 70, but fortunately i had lots of unused skill points :-)
I didn't remember that 100% need to use the console and activate the turrets to fight by my side.
Hi. I have a problem at the endgame.
I can't use the presidential acces card at the terminal at Horrigan. There is no option to log on. When i choose log on nothing happens, no option to use the card. I finished Fallout 2 and RP several times in the past, but it never happened, i always managed to get the turrets on my side. But now it is not possible. Maybe its a bug that i haven't met before.
You can use actual spoiler tags.
A crash on map change points to a proto issue. Check if your data/proto/ folder is read only and in worse case reinstall the mod.

Saving during combat is generally ill-advised. This was always buggy and could lead to skipping turns on loading and other side issues. I'd avoid it. Save before and / or after combat instead. Generally combat scenes in Fallout aren't very long, so it shouldn't be a big issue.
Hi, first time Im playing Fallout 2 with this mod. So far it has been excellent!

However, I have ran into a weird bug in the Den during the Tyler/Lara gang war. I have worked my way up to the point where we attack the church with Lara and half of Tylers gang is partying elsewhere. I have killed the gangers at the church and then told Lara to wait, since I wanted to heal up and loot corpses. Then, when I left click her to continue, no dialogue box opens up and she just keeps repeating the word "Bastard!"

Errr... what did I wrong? :D Is this supposed to happen?

I would not normally bother anyone with this, however this is my last save and cant reload :(

Anyone help, please.
If one has been given the option to follow the raiders south of the exit grid outside of the courtyard before, and you chose to ignore them earlier, can you still use that option to follow them without getting the map first?
I think I read about a fix for this, but I cannot for the life of me track the post down, so I'll ask it here: In the EPA on the third floor, there is is Mr. Handy that spastically rotates in the same place and grinds game performance to a lagging crawl. I'm positive that someone here made a fix for the corresponding script - can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
There is a "new" critters thread here somewhere in General modding that will most likely have the files, but it was made several years ago, and I have no idea what its name is.

Just to let people know I'm currently reworking the random maps for Mutants Rising, the same maps you find in the Restoration project - basically a less cluster fuck version without all the annoying little stones everywhere. When done I'll put them up here for anyone interested.
This is a dumb question but can anyone tell me on how I would know whether or not SFALL is enabled? I know it comes with Restoration Project but do I need to turn it on by doing something, or it is already on?

I looked at the Readme for SFALL but it states I need to extract ddraw.dll and ddraw.ini into Fallout 2's directory in order to install it but I'm assuming this isn't necessary because they are already there, meaning that SFALL has already been enabled, but I just want to be sure because I'm quite clueless on being able to tell whether RP has already enabled SFALL but default or if I need to do it myself.
If you saw "sfall x.y(version number)" at the bottom right corner of the main menu, it's already loaded and "enabled".