Shouldn't sfall be already included in RP, or at least parts of it? If it doesn't say Restoration Project on the title screen I suspect that it doesn't work anymore.
Shouldn't sfall be already included in RP, or at least parts of it? If it doesn't say Restoration Project on the title screen I suspect that it doesn't work anymore.
So change the window size manually, position and size are saved. Sorry for English, I'm from Russia.Thanks @Foxx
I had tried that earlier, with my own experimenting around. I tried it again just now for good measure. It doesn't work. The reason it doesn't work is because what I want is for the game window to remember the last window size and position. Fallout 1 does that. Fallout 2 should and would do that, but there is a minor error somewhere. According to one guy, the minor error is that the "win_data" string is not getting read. Also, this method that you provided causes the window to be borderless. I want the window to be bordered. NovaRain, the guy that I mentioned, has complained about this problem in 2014, 2015, and 2016 but he must have complained on the wrong channels (i.e. Fandom), and so the problem has escaped attention. See: I found the "win_data" string in f2_res.ini so maybe this file is the culprit and not the ddraw.ini. I skimmed through some text earlier and I think that for the Restoration Project, you don't want to use sfall (ddraw.ini), but I could be wrong. But I really do feel that the Restoration Project is supposed to be reading f2_res.ini and it isn't and that is why the game is not remembering the last window size and position. Sorry, I just got out of the shower so I typed this in a hurry.
So change the window size manually, position and size are saved.
Are you alright?Hey retard. I clearly wrote that I could manually adjust the window size and position but I DON'T WANT TO which is why I'm here trying to figure out how we can get this problem fixed. Go fck yourself. Too many goddamn low IQ, troll n66rs on this website.
Have you updated sFall on RP without overwriting the ddraw.ini as recommended by the Technical Wiki I linked to above?
You worked with killap on this? In that case many thanks for your work.
If you want to contribute further you may support these guys in updating the Restoration Project: