Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

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Have you tried running High-Res patch in the basic 8-bit graphics mode? That way it runs pretty smoothly even on my prehistorical machine.
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Now I finished the RP third time, and my f2 didnt crash a single time! Good job Killap. Is there any extra secret can be found after the ending?
Awesome, glad you had a great experience. No bugs encountered is what I like to hear! I assume you encountered the easter egg at the end? That should be impossible to miss. As for other secrets, not really. I think the Abbey might have some new dialogue, but that's about it.

Try what Valcik said. Usually messing with directx 9 and other graphic modes fixes this problem. See ddraw.ini and f2_res.ini

Are you planning to update your moddb page as well? Just a reminder


Thanks for your hard work and huge dedication to this game!
Yes, once RP 2.3.1 is out, I'll finally update it there and all other sites hosting my files. This should be on Monday (Dec 30th).
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What are the updates in 2.3.1, Killap? Is it recommended to start with a new save again for it, or is it just a few minor things that just require the RP patching? Only just left Arroyo at the moment, so don't want to get too far if there's anything I'll miss scheduled for the final update.
What are the updates in 2.3.1, Killap? Is it recommended to start with a new save again for it, or is it just a few minor things that just require the RP patching? Only just left Arroyo at the moment, so don't want to get too far if there's anything I'll miss scheduled for the final update.
All fairly minor, though there is unlocked dialogue for Cassidy and another important fix for a potential (though rare) case of infinite dialogue windows coming up when talking to Vortis' guard in NCR. A few other fixes as well. However, no map changes and the changes made to the scripts won't require entering the area for the first time either. Everyone is safe to proceed with their save games and once the update is out, it'll be completely safe to install it on top and continue gaming. I won't be releasing a patch, it'll be a full install (195MB). I don't do patches to patches. ;)
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Thank you so much killap for this amazing work, it made me wish to play again this game back from my childhood.
But i have a bug when I try ^^
I installed the game and the RP like you said, i had to change the graphics because i had rainbow colors and had to rename the language folder to play in english. The result is a french/english game with so much new contents it drives you crazy but, when i try to enter the Den for the first time the game crashes and this bug fallout.png
happened twice, both after an encounter with angry outcast during the travel.

Any idea ?
Thank you so much killap for this amazing work, it made me wish to play again this game back from my childhood.
But i have a bug when I try ^^
I installed the game and the RP like you said, i had to change the graphics because i had rainbow colors and had to rename the language folder to play in english. The result is a french/english game with so much new contents it drives you crazy but, when i try to enter the Den for the first time the game crashes and this
happened twice, both after an encounter with angry outcast during the travel.

Any idea ?
Hmm, anytime I hear about a crash upon entering the Den for the first time in the RP it is always related to a bad installation. Does it crash if you do a fresh install and don't change the language folder? And why are you changing the folder? That shouldn't be needed at all. That doesn't seem right.

Also, there shouldn't be the need to change the graphics mode since the latest installer for RP 2.3 will automatically detect your system and do this. Are you running RP 2.3? Did you use the installer? Do you have some old version still there?

I suggest uninstalling everything, making sure the old directory is gone, and then installing the latest version from my signature below.
ay ay sir ! I do it right now.

I had to tinker a bit to make it works the first time. I had an odd french compilation, so i just downloaded an english version and followed your advices.
-got rid of everything of the old fallouts (copied saves)
-installed fallout 2 in another HD to be sure
-Manually installed RP (no patch000.dat found)
-RAINBOW COLORS yeaheah (went to f2_res_config.exe and selected Dx9 and 32bit)
-Launched again, the version in the bottom right corner of the menu is here, the stone in-game tells the same RP2.3
-Copied saved games
-Loaded and go to the den
-Died in random encounter
-Load again
-Went to the den and... It works !

Thank you so much !
-RAINBOW COLORS yeaheah (went to f2_res_config.exe and selected Dx9 and 32bit)
Awesome, glad it's working for you! However, I'm curious why f2_res.ini wasn't already set to use Dx9 and 32bit? The RP 2.3 installer should be setting that on systems that are Windows Vista and above.
I think the cpuidle setting in ddraw.ini should be set by default to "1". I bet F2 has extremely high framerate on all modern PCs and people are not even aware of it.
Are you planning to update RP after 2.3 only with updated sfall, h-res patch etc?
Once RP 2.3.1 is out I won't be updating for a long time, at least I claim as such. I won't update sfall/high res unless they fix something major. Now, if another RP update comes along for any other reason, then of course I'll update to whatever the latest is for those libraries.

I think the cpuidle setting in ddraw.ini should be set by default to "1". I bet F2 has extremely high framerate on all modern PCs and people are not even aware of it.
Yeah, you're right, I think I might just do that. I've seen numerous reports about this. Should be safe for everyone I hope...

On my XP machine it's always 50% with the sfall ProcessorIdle setting set to any number. However, in f2_res, setting CPU_USAGE_FIX to 1 makes my CPU usage always 0 when doing nothing in the game. I'll have to test on my Win 7 system to see how this compares. However, is one safer/better to use? I want to put the most compatible setting for the majority of setups.

Yeah, the f2_res setting seems to be a winner for Win 7 too. Hmm, I'm leaning towards that setting rather than the sfall one. Does anyone have input on this matter? CPU usage has never been a problem for me, so I need others to chime in on this.
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yay, I just wasted 5 hours. Apparently somewhere within I fumbled and picked a wrong perk. haha now would be the time where a char editor comes in legitly handy.

Btw, my smoking animation doesn't work. got the lighter...
@valcik: yep tried that... it runs very smoothly when I'm just alone or if i have just 2 npcs joining me... getting 5 makes it lag in crowded areas... san fransisco to be specific. even when i'm on an empty map and have 5 party members it lags... it only lags if there are too many animations happening... if there are a lot of things in the map but no animations it doesn't lag...

this does not happen when i turn off high resolution patch... but then again it makes the map weird coz it is required in the new version of the rp...

I'll be trying 2.3 when I get a newer pc sometime next year... for the meantime I'll just ask what version of the RP does not use the high res patch...
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this does not happen when i turn off high resolution patch... but then again it makes the map weird coz it is required in the new version of the rp...

I'll be trying 2.3 when I get a newer pc sometime next year... for the meantime I'll just ask what version of the RP does not use the high res patch...
So, the RP really only requires the high res patch for the EPA. You should be able to play the rest of the game without it. In what way does it make the maps weird for you? If you're running at 640x480 you shouldn't have any issues.

EDIT: Also, what version of Windows are you running?
well for example if i turn off high resolution patch at the start of the game (in the temple of trials) when I try to scroll up, it doesn't scroll up... tried turning high res patch and it's all fixed then went to the den... i turn off high res patch again and then it it just turns the whole map in chaos, i can't scroll up, down, left,right, the map boundaries are seen and half of the map goes black, sometimes the exit grids get weird.

I'm running in windows 7 starter... maybe it has to do something about my notebook? It's an Acer Aspire One D260 and highest resolution for this is 1024x600. In the high res options i only get three options 640x480, 800x600, 1024x600.
killap said:
Yeah, the f2_res setting seems to be a winner for Win 7 too. Hmm, I'm leaning towards that setting rather than the sfall one. Does anyone have input on this matter? CPU usage has never been a problem for me, so I need others to chime in on this.
@killap, I use Debian "Wheezy" (with Linux kernel 3.2.0, if it's of any use) and Wine (Windows XP mode) with a GoG install of Fallout 2 and I'm not seeing any immediate negative impact when I enable either the ProcessorIdle in ddraw.ini *or* the CPU_USAGE_FIX in f2_res.ini. (I'm not seeing any positive impact so far, either, but I just installed the RP today.)

Thanks for a lightning fast response. I found the setting of "1" to be the best compromise between the smooth cursor/high fps and a bit laggy cursor/lower fps. Now the fps rises to around 110 when moving the cursor, and to 550 at character screen. Higher values doesn't seem to improve anything but make cursor and movies very laggy. I just wish there was a way to maintain constant 30 or 60 fps without any fluctuations. Still, it's a very minor issue compared to FOT where I'm getting constant 1,5k fps no matter what I'm doing and my card is sweating like it was rendering some 3d modern shooter :)
@Arthandas I don't know if you're using Linux, but here goes: I'm using Wine on Debian Linux and I noticed the same thing when using the generic (open-source) Radeon graphics card driver. When I installed the proprietary ATI driver, the cursor lag went away immediately. I'm playing on 1600x900, if that makes a difference. I haven't tested whether party size makes a difference--this is just starting out.

Edited to add: The "same thing" I noticed here refers to the cursor lag, rather than the framerate, which I haven't tested. Sorry for any confusion.
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In my first post about this issue I noted I'm on Win 7. I'm also using official up to date Catalyst drivers.
CPU usage fix in f2_res has absolutely no impact on my game. I have the same extremely high fps and fluctuations. It has no effect even if I enable it along the CPU fix in ddraw.ini. Did you checked your fps or only the CPU usage?

I wanted to check if the fluctuations are present in vanilla install but sadly Fraps works only on DX8-9.
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