Fallout 2 Restoration Project (v1.1) Suggestions

Morticia said:
@Darek & Kanhef,
This Vault 15 map bug is one I never saw before because I always leave the car in NCR. Was anything in those maps changed in the RP expansion? How can this be happening now if it didn't in the original game?
To be honest I don't know, Ochrei told about it a few days ago so I checked it out. I've always been done in Vault 15 before the new map comes up (I think, at least I've never lost the car before). Leaving the car in NCR is a nice workaround, but why did you do it without having any problems?

I don't know whether it happens in the original game or not, but the map script is in the data/script folder, so I assume it's been changed sometime along the way, either in an official patch or by someone else.


From Per's guide:
One thing of notice, though: the Squat map will change, leaving any items you may have left there inaccessible, though your car will be on the new map if it was parked there,
This is no longer the case. I parked the car at vault 15, walked to NCR and completed the deal. When I came back to the new map the car was gone.

In Gecko there's a character named Lumpy who's human but mutated such that he is super rad resistant. Was he supposed to be part of the Brain's plan to cure/restore ghouls?

Or maybe Lumpy would make an interesting side quest - something like:
1- One of the doctors in the Fallout World mentions how they wish they help ghouls and/or mutants become human again.
2- You mention either Brain's plan or that you met a guy called Lumpy with an interesting mutation
3- Doctor says that interesting and asks you if you could get a sample from Lumpy or convince Lumpy to come to him
4- Conclusion, Doctor either creates cure or creates vaccine for normal humans to be fully rad resistant or screws up and creates injection that turns normal human instantly into ghouls

There could be any number of skill checks involved and time dependencies, you could also somehow be involved in assisting the doctor thus being one of the reasons why the outcome of the doctor's research could vary, or possibly depending on which doctor it is the outcome could always be sorta evil (not enough evil outcomes to quests in the game IMO).
I made a habit of leaving the car in major places (VC, NR, NCR, SF) and walking for several reasons: 1. I was always losing the car or just the trunk, because of bugs in the original game (and before any of killaps patches). 2. I wanted to conserve energy cells for my favorite city-cleaning weapons. 3. I also got more random encounters for experience when walking (no problem with that anymore, however). I suppose I did avoid a few new bugs because of this habit, but I wasn't trying to. :)

That is a good idea for some new quests, and seems it would only be a few script/dialogue modifications to add. It really is something entirely new and not 'Restoration' material though. Who knows? There might be something similar in the Fallout Bible somewhere if I had the patience to read more. (all that writing seems more like a joke than a canon, to me.)

This made me remember something else though: If the Lumpy in Gecko is the same Lumpy that gets run over in Broken Hills, why does he appear human and then as a ghoul? Seems his mutation is getting worse rather than better.

Something else also: (I don't remember if it was you, Glovz, that wrote about it in another thread or not) but the 'Ammo Damage Mod' should be included in the Restoration Project. With so much reading, I can't remember where or what was discussed about this anymore.
As for v1.2 suggestions:

The v1.1 installer contains bugs related to the encounter rate, melee knockback, and other engine glitches. Because of this, there is a set of fixes not included in the main F2RP installer. You must install one of these fixes (the right one for your system) after installing F2RP v1.1.

Will these files be included into 1.2?
Elitech said:
As for v1.2 suggestions:

The v1.1 installer contains bugs related to the encounter rate, melee knockback, and other engine glitches. Because of this, there is a set of fixes not included in the main F2RP installer. You must install one of these fixes (the right one for your system) after installing F2RP v1.1.

Will these files be included into 1.2?

Melee knockback bug? what's the problem?
Josan12 said:
Melee knockback bug? what's the problem?
This was a problem with Timeslip's tweaks I believe...or maybe the ammo mod. Either way, the problem no longer exists.

And those fixes are already included in the latest installer. I provide them separately for those who didn't want to redownload the installer.
Thanx for reporting in killap, I'll change Wiki accordingly. So, no more separate files have to be downloaded, just RP?

P.s. Nevermind, didn't read the entire post. Thanx again

P.P.S. Bout that neville fix, is that incorporated too? And this was also changed, right: "Other mod compatibility:

F2RP only works with the mods included in the F2RP installer. No other mods are safe to use together with F2RP. For example, "talking head mod for Cassidy" will make Cassidy's heart pills stop working, and the B-Team mod will make his armor appearance stop working. "
F2RP only works with the mods included in the F2RP installer. No other mods are safe to use together with F2RP. For example, "talking head mod for Cassidy" will make Cassidy's heart pills stop working, and the B-Team mod will make his armor appearance stop working. "
I know this is taken from the wikia page, but it's incorrect.
This should be "Talking head mod for Cassidy" will make Cassidy's heart pills stop working." and "Talking head mod for Cassidy don't work properly with the B-Team mod, he won't change armor appearance".

I don't know if it's only the talking head mod that needs to be changed, but if not there may be a problem with the new NPC Armor Mod as well.

Thanks for the AP ammo mod info. Embarrassing it was only a few days ago I read about that. At least I had the name/topic association correct :) I have it enabled now and we'll see if it causes any problems.

So it really isn't necessary to download and install the Nevill fix or SFall patches after all? I didn't think so as my game was running fine without them. What about differences between Win98 and others?

@Everyone else,
I see that the required patches bit has been removed from the wikia page. Perhaps (for those unhappy with the default encounter rate) some instructions for changing the settings would be helpful to add? Maybe info about other adjustments to the 'ddraw.ini' file for those who really want to mess things up? :shock:

I believe those problems have been solved...


Encounter rate etc shouldn't be on the RP site on my opinion, only those things related to RP. Those who are not satisfied with anything have a lot of places on the net (including nma forum) where they can see what they have to change in files to reflect itself in the game.
The Nevill fix for Brain in Gecko has not been included. Since I cannot confirm what he changed I did not incorporate his changes. When I get back to bug squashing in a week or so I shall see what he modified.

The fact that there are Win 98 fixes and the WinXP/Vista fixes are the result of there being two different versions of Timeslip's tweaks. Obviously only one is needed depending on the version of Windows you run.
killap said:
The fact that there are Win 98 fixes and the WinXP/Vista fixes are the result of there being two different versions of Timeslip's tweaks. Obviously only one is needed depending on the version of Windows you run.

I'm kinda confused... First you said: And those fixes are already included in the latest installer. I provide them separately for those who didn't want to redownload the installer.

Then you say:
The fact that there are Win 98 fixes and the WinXP/Vista fixes are the result of there being two different versions of Timeslip's tweaks. Obviously only one is needed depending on the version of Windows you run.

DOes that mean you incorporated BOTH sets of files into the newest download?

P.S. Is the newest download in your sig or just in nma files?

Both the Win9x and non Win9x versions are part of the installer. The installer autodetects what version of Windows you are running and installs the appropriate tweaks.

My signature does not contain a link to my expansion, only my patch. The latest expansion is only found on my sever, NMA is not hosting the latest one.
Much obliged :clap:

Why does it say on your server that the 1.1 has been modified last 22-feb? Haven't there been more updates after that?

Btw, that typo editing offer still stands.
Are there any plans to include the infinite party members mod and the Miria mod?

The infinite party members mod removes the charisma and limit checks when you ask an NPC to join you. You can have all the NPCs at the same time.

The Miria mod allows Miria to become a useful NPCs, allows her to level up and provides some humorous interaction.

It shouldn't be too hard to add the mods and make them compatible: the Miria mod just adds some files and doesn't overwrite any files. The infinite party members should be simple enough. I scripting tools worked on my system I would approach the problem in this way:

Take the B-Team NPC script, take the infinite Party Members script and compare both of them. Remove the line that doesn't appear in the Infinite Party Members script and presto! The NPC won't check for Charisma. This is the easiest approach and the one I would use.
Honestly, don't think so.

First of all, this is the Restoration Project (which means there will not be things that were not intended to be in FO2) - and that definitely does NOT include unlimited party.

As for Miria, I suppose she was intended to be as weak & useless as she is, though I cannot confirm that.
I think there is a hard-coded game engine limitation that makes it impossible to have more than 5 party members (and the Car makes 6 as it is considered an NPC)

killap said that the 'useful Miria/Davin' mod would cause problems with the RP expansion mod so I trust his expert opinion, but there are maybe a million things we could screw around with, and it's safer for him to say "no" instead of "maybe".

As Elitech says, and I agree, it wasn't 'intended', but I also agree that it would be nice to make it compatible. Maybe Timeslip's engine tweaks would make a party of 8 possible also.

Has anyone tried the Miria or Davin mod with RP? I'm stupid enough not to see any reason why it wouldn't be compatible, so I will try it once I play through again with Glovz ammo mod.