Morticia said:I think there is a hard-coded game engine limitation that makes it impossible to have more than 5 party members (and the Car makes 6 as it is considered an NPC)
Has anyone tried the Miria or Davin mod with RP? I'm stupid enough not to see any reason why it wouldn't be compatible, so I will try it once I play through again with Glovz ammo mod.
Party limit is not set by the engine. It is in the individual party NPC scripts. Those scripts check your charisma against how many people are already in your party. A few minor tweaks and this limit can go away. Or, as is the case with the Cult of Personality fix/mod, the limit is ignored if you have a certain perk. So, in my project you can run around with 13 NPCs and the car.
As for the Miria and Davin mods, you can't just add them after the RP and expect it to work. It won't. And no, it won't work if you add those mods first and then add RP. The Miria and Davin mods will not work without some work. Simple fixes, actually, but still work. Add RP first, then make the changes to the Miria mod before adding it to RP. For example, you would have to renumber the new protos for Miria's new levels (both in the file name and inside the file). Next, add those new numbers to the party.txt file. Compare dialog files between RP and Enhanced Miria. There are also a couple other text files to change. The hardest part is integrating Killap's version of with the version in the Enhanced Miria mod. You would have to add the code that allows for her float messages and her new appearances when she changes armor. I swear, it's not difficult. Heck, I learned how to do it!