Fallout 2 Restoration Project (v1.1) Suggestions


If everybody let everything go, then nothing would get done.

Slaughter has a valid point, but nobody says it MUST be included in the RP, just that it would be nice. And most of ppl agree, when you read slaughters post, that something should/could be done.

As for your "Laser weapons would never really do as much damage as they do in the game" & "Ouch! Did someone touch me with a cigarette or was my arm just fried off?" description of laser weapons - rofl . How do you EXACTLY know how powerful they are, hm?
A friend and I were trying to figure out the Primitive Tribe quest to get herbs for the shaman. Somehow we had different script files. My download was 09 March and his was more recent. I downloaded from the NMA site and so did he.
Morticia said:
Somehow we had different script files. My download was 09 March and his was more recent. I downloaded from the NMA site and so did he.

Make sure you all are comparing the right things. Scripts are those ending in .int. They should all be the same, regardless of your computer and when you installed the mod. The files ending with .pro, those are a different story. Hopefully, they are the same, meaning that they are files created by Killap. However, the game also creates .pro files sometimes (mostly in your data/proto/critter folder). So, a few of these files may be different.

@Elitech: Actually, that might be a good idea, too. And, yes, that job to only modify the scripts would then become about a 15 minute task. :)
MIB88 said:
@Elitech: Actually, that might be a good idea, too. And, yes, that job to only modify the scripts would then become about a 15 minute task. :)

The only "problem" is that those are plasma guns, not laser... But I, personally, would be willing to forgive that 8-)

Morticia said:
I downloaded from the NMA site and so did he.

Didn't killap say nma doesn't host his newest files, only his server has em?

P.S. Do you think maybe BI intended to change those weapons, but just forgot to? Cause if they just forgot, I see a new thing for the RP killap should take care of :twisted: (no offense killap)
More humble suggestions from me:


Max just spits what he knows too easily? You know, I think he would demand protection (and maybe something else?) before saying anything. I would't tell something I knew about a dangerous money skimmer just because some guy came and asked me. Also, Phill the Bartender warned me that people would get pissed with me after I put Chad in a cell, but I found no one angry with me. By the way, I hope the Mutant Haters constantly rape his ass in the jail, I hate money skimmers :lol:


Also, there are some humans with secret hidden ladders to the Broken Hills underground inside their houses, where the Mutant Haters meet until Francis gunned then down. Should't they say something like "Stay away from the ladder, motherfucker?"

My four last suggestions, I hope I'm not annoying:

1. What about putting the Zip Gun in the beggining of the game?
I love homemade guns.

2. What about putting more good loot in certain places where only players who invested in Sneak and Steal can rob from? Buster's shells are a perfect example of that ideia. That makes those skills more valuable, which enhances role-playing!

3. More things in the containers in Broken Hills, NCR and San Francisco. It's pretty crazy to see those cities with almost nothing inside the containers :lol:

4. What about a evil way of finishing the Vault 15 quest? Maybe joining Darion and helping him against the NCR?

A (aparent) bug report: Marcus has no voice file when you ask him about what kind of gear he can use. It's a bug or they really did forget a voice for him?
This might require some engine tweaking, but would add a bit of realism to the game. Rather than showing the addiction tag as soon as you use a chem, wait until you get withdrawal symptoms. No more reloading until you don't get addicted.

The Chem Resistant trait would be much more useful this way. Chem Reliant could be a bit more attractive as well.
Kanhef said:
Rather than showing the addiction tag as soon as you use a chem, wait until you get withdrawal symptoms. No more reloading until you don't get addicted.

Now that's just evil... I like it! :twisted:
I'm gonna try to figure out a way to script that.
Kanhef said:
Rather than showing the addiction tag as soon as you use a chem, wait until you get withdrawal symptoms. No more reloading until you don't get addicted.

The most realistic idea I ever heard... Not to mention wicked. *THUMBS UP* :clap:
Elitech said:
Didn't killap say nma doesn't host his newest files, only his server has em?
Yeah Morticia, that's probably why our versions where different. I must have gotten mine from killap.net.
Meh :roll:


Ps. The manual install hasn't been updated since Jan 13 from what I could tell, so I doubt any of the" fixes" is in there.
Been kinda dead lately (I mean this TOPIC, not me :evil: )...

So, v1.2 suggestion - how bout making a lvl check and putting it in the game? Just for traders... I found this on the net:

Shopkeepers won't trade with you if you don't pass level-check. No more running to NCR or San Francisco on the game beginning to buy/steal good things and then play the game!
No more stealing from the shopkeepers (or you'll have to fight them)! Fair trade rule (and Barter skill should be more important now).
@ Elitech
I think that is a very good idea, but only as an optional add on.
It's supposed to be a very open game after all, so if people want to "cheat" they should still be able to. :)

I have seen that in some mod. Actually, I don't think it is a good idea. I mean, it's a great idea for keeping someone from getting certain items and making the game more challenging. However, it's easy to justify not being able to do some things without being somewhat experienced (like the Sheriff's missions in Redding). He tells you he needs someone who's been around. But, how do you justify that with traders/shopkeepers? Really? I just don't see a logical reason for them not to take a character's money.

Unless, you had something like, because you are inexperienced, then he attempts to sell you some really powerful 'boomstick' for an outrageous amount of money that the player couldn't possibly have yet. After all, what would a backwards, inexperienced tribal know? Then... maybe.
It's a game and it's supposed to be fun. The many different ways you can play it make it more fun. Mods should not limit player behavior and say "you cannot be a thief" or "you cannot be a cheater". The best suggestions are those that allow more possibilities, (like a way to survive the Kaga encounters as an intellectual type character,) in my opinion.

I think when modders create a world for us to play in, that is what it should be, not telling us how we are supposed to play, or forcing it.
Here is something that came up in one of the Fallout bible remarks.
When asked Why The cars in Fallout had such huge rear ends.

The car was originally going to be powered by fusion or fission or something nifty and nuclear (something that would allow us not to have to worry about running out of gas) and those big tanks in the back were representative of this big bulky power-source that was bolted on to the back of a '57 Chevy.

We had thought, at one starry-eyed point, that the car would be something that you could upgrade with more speed, armor, weapons, etc. and that it could be a more important part of the game-well, the engine and programmer tasking weren't up to the idea of having a moving vehicle (madness, I know ;) in the game so all of that went out the window. The power source was replaced by a much more mundane 22 cubic feet of cargo-space (more than any non-wagon vehicle in its class!).

So basically, the Highwayman's powerplant was downsized in order to meet with People's State of California emissions standards. It's often the case that a prototype car isn't exactly the same when it goes into production. ;)

Just thinking that More upgrades to the car could be done under Killaps Restoration Mod. IE trunk upgrade, Better Feul efficencie Ect.

BAsically just saying that some of the Car mods out there could be added and still fit into the original concept of the car.
22 cubic feet huh? I wondered what the capacity actually was. Someone should condense all the real and useful info from those 9 (?) volumes of the Fallout Bible into one.

I think a dream car mod would be like different cars you could trade up for. Maybe each car has a limit to the number of party members that can ride in it, and the amount of stuff you can carry? Hard to imagine 4 people, 1 bulky robot (or mutant) and another humanoid or dog fitting into the Highwayman.

So nobody else is driving a car around to get into an accident with (random encounter!) but we never have a flat tire? Never have the car break down and need to WALK back to some place with a mechanic and hopefully find a replacement part? Maybe the car gets wasted by a rocket or flamer during a battle?

Good point you brought up though, and a good suggestion for the RP expansion. Somewhere I read that there was a plan to have Merk steal stuff from the car when it was parked in NCR. That would make use of the guy who offers to watch your car. It would be really interesting if the thief was random (or only happened to players who abuse the steal skill too many times - like me) You might have to gun down most of NCR to find the stolen tanker fob!
So nobody else is driving a car around to get into an accident with (random encounter!) but we never have a flat tire? Never have the car break down and need to WALK back to some place with a mechanic and hopefully find a replacement part? Maybe the car gets wasted by a rocket or flamer during a battle?

Hmmm Maybe for an actual new car mod they could add encounters dealing with these problems. Have another reason to keep some JUNK to help repair it with the repair skills. And Maybe one dealing with flats to stop the car so you have to go back to the junkyard to get new tires.
Morticia said:
Somewhere I read that there was a plan to have Merk steal stuff from the car when it was parked in NCR. That would make use of the guy who offers to watch your car.
Was that somewhere from my notes? :wink: This is already in the expansion. At least it should be unless I left it disabled when testing.
I never knew you included that already, killap! I must have passed the luck check with a 10 playing with "James' Goddess" .gcd mod.

Please tell me then, what stats do I need to make lower so my car gets robbed and I can write how it happens?
Hello, all!

My first posting at NMA.

First of all, the restoration project is awesome!

I've played through Fallout2 multiple times and now just once with the restoration project.

One thing I always wondered was why there were never any critters in the randomly encountered caves on the coast like there are everywhere else. Was this just an oversight or intentional? Besides the robbers it would be cool to encounter other people in the caves or even caves with man-made sections, but that would require a lot of work I'm sure.
