killap has updated both his awesome projects recently. They hit release versions a week ago but have now both undergone further testing and are now ready for the public at large. The patch has hit, read about it here.
Windows Installer Version (highly recommended): download
Windows Manual Version (advanced users): download
Mac Version: download
The Restoration Project has hit 2.1, now 2.1.1 for the release version. Read about it here
Windows installer (highly recommended): download
Manual install (advanced users): download
<blockquote>RP 2.1 Change Log:
New Critters:
• Random wild dog encounters may now contain red colored dogs.
• Red colored spore plants added to the surface map of the EPA.
• Blue colored security bots now found at the Enclave.
• Old Joe now has a custom look.
Other Changes:
• Each karma level now displays it's own unique icon in the character screen.
• Tweaked skill/combat settings for the three new npcs. They should be more balanced and better overall.
• Kitsune should now aid the player in lockpicking needs, much like Myron and Vic help with science and repair.
Bug Fixes:
In addition to numerous undocumented bug fixes, the following issues were addressed:
• Fixed issue where Brother Jason would not appear at Gecko when you escort him there.
• Corrected swapped dialogue options when buying mutant armor for Marcus.
• Added dialogue when returning the book to the Abbot, having not been given the quest yet.
• Party members use correct talking head background when in the caves.
• Dialogue screen no longer comes up when using an item from the inventory on the water pump - would cause overlapping windows.
• Monks in the basement no longer wander to a corner and stay there forever.
• Removed added Broc flowers and Xander roots from the hunting grounds. These were accidently included in the enhanced maps and were bugged.
• Rugs have been tweaked for better appearance (look more worn, older, etc) and no longer interfere with NPC interaction. This change also takes affect in any other location that uses these rugs.
Broken Hills
• Fixed crash when showing Francis the letter.
• Fixed problem where you were only able to tell Marcus about finding the tunnels, despite having discovered the bodies of the missing people.
• Marcus no longer joins your party without completing any quests for him (debug script was accidently left in place in 2.0 release).
• Chad's door now correctly displays a message when you try to blow it up, etc.
• Fixed severe lag issue in the Den. (Was the result of a scripting bug with Petey).
• Corrected issue where you were unable to teleport to the different levels of the Den Residential area and could only get there when entering from the World Map.
• Tweaked scrolling on the Residential map so that the westernmost corner of the squatter house is not off the map.
• Walking away from the second part of the gang fight now marks it as failed. However, like it was in the vanilla version of the game, walking away from the first part successfully completes the quest. You will be unable to do the second part though.
• Little Johnny is now known as Little Bobby (to reduce confusion with the little boy named Jonny in Modoc)
• Fixed a bug that prevented some dialogue with Little Bobby to not be shown.
• Vic no longer joins your party without completing any quests for him (debug script was accidently left in place).
• Corrected problem where the slavers would not run off the map and instead huddle up in one area. Was the result of changes made with the enhanced maps.
Enclave Oil Rig
• Restored Presidential keycard that was accidently removed with the enhanced map changes.
• The new NPCs lockers correctly open when the NPCs are released from their hibernation and the contents are correctly added to their inventories.
• You can no longer get infinite amounts of ERSI from Mr. Chemmie
• The name of the location in the save files now correctly says EPA and the specific level you are on.
• Corrected issues with using the metal pipe on the fan and the other incorrect fans.
• Altered the appearance of the broken fan to make it more obvious as the correct choice.
• Spawn location after using the vent corrected.
• Removed giant "boss" spore plant and wanamingo. 3 spore plants and the white queen wanamingo are now in their place.
• Corrected issue with the robot control terminal, where if your skill was less than 76 but over 50, you wouldn't get a a message when trying to repair it.
• It was possible that roof tiles would "surround" the player on the green level of the EPA. This will no longer happen.
• Restored the agility serum. It was accidently removed with the enhanced maps.
• Corrected some issues with the light generator and made things clearer when you don't have the quest to repair it.
• You can now lockpick the doors to the storage shed. It is quite hard though.
• Removed some of the slime from the clogged fans so that you aren't pixel hunting as much.
• Removed the extra period from the description of the electric chair.
• Fixed issue preventing the Director of Maintenance from giving floats after you do the quest for him.
• Fixed inconsistency in messages when attempting to repair the Director of Science after already having repaired him.
• You can now run the diagnostic on the Robot control terminal more than once, in case you forget what needs to be done.
• You can now fix the robot control terminal with tools.
• The description of the ERSI canister was incomplete for some reason. This has been addressed.
• Changed the location finder computer from saying "Earth Protection Agency" to the correct description: "Environmental Protection Agency"
• Fixed various dialogue issues with the Brain to allow for more logical/clearer dialogue flow.
• Removed lag experienced at the Gecko-Enclave encounter.
• Corrected typo in Gecko-Enclave encounter conversation
• Added dialogue to Wooz in regards to the VC-Village situation.
• Fixed dialogue bug with Balthas when talking about Johnny that caused him to mimic the dialogue of whatever previous character you spoke with.
• Fixed various enhanced map issues that prevented initiating dialogue with certain characters or objects.
• Fixed issue where entering Navarro would always treat the player as having stowed away on the vertibird from the Gecko-Enclave encounter.
• Navarro is now correctly marked on your map when you go there via the Gecko-Enclave encounter.
New Reno
• T-Ray now correctly stocks batteries.
• Renesco now gives you a one time discount (like he said he would) after "bullying" your way through the second quest.
• Generic drug dealers now have end of trade dialogue.
• Fixed crash when sleeping at Cat's Paw.
New California Republic
• Corrected issue with the gate guard at Carlson's house, which prevented you from entering despite having permission.
• Reading the Ranger map no longer causes it to disappear from your inventory.
• Killing the slaver overseer no longer results in karma loss.
• Having already completed the quest to kill Bishop, it was possible to reinitiate the quest again. This is no longer the case.
Primitive Tribe
• Corrected issue with the amount of time it takes to travel from the tribe to the trader negotiation.
• Fixed various enhanced map issues that prevented initiating dialogue with certain characters or objects.
• Removed items on the ground that were added in the enhanced maps. They were unstackable and should not have been added anyway.
• Corrected crash bug when teleporting back from the trader transaction.
• It is now possible to fix the well before rescuing Sulik's sister.
• Corrected duplicate dialogue option when speaking with Krom about the village.
• Corrected typo with stimpack crate at the trader transaction.
• Corrected more issues involving fixing the well.
• Corrected issue where you could get stuck in dialogue when taking with Serin inside the cave.
• It's no longer possible to initiate dialogue with Shadow Who Walks when he's been angered.
• Added scripts to the doors at the secret entrance of the map
• It's no longer possible to get stuck when watching the mole rat fights.
• Fixed the spawn locations for Frog Morton's goons for the enhanced maps.
San Francisco
• One of the tables at the Tanker General store is no longer unreachable.
• It's no longer possible to speak with Lao Chu about your missing tribe if this hasn't happened yet.
• Fixed dialogue loop when talking with Lao Chu, as a female, about the tanker and sub.
• It was possible for Sulik to display error when asking him to consult the spirits about San Francisco.
• Corrected wall blocker issue in the Hubologist base.
• Dr. Troy now has to have made the cure before you can buy it from San Fran.
Sierra Army Depot
• Corrected issue with traps in front of the building with the howitzer being "invisible" with the new enhanced maps.
Slave Camp
• Slavers now go hostile on site if Metzger is dead.
• Corrected wall blocker issues.
• Kitsune should no longer be found both at the slaver camp and at the tribe.
Vault 15
• Removed added Vault door (from the enhanced maps) that prevented access to the inside vault.
• After convincing the doctor to leave, he should no longer be found in both the vault and the squat.
Vault City
• Greatly reduced the amount of money Connor gives the player for purchasing the weapons. It was too much money before for such a poor village.
• Car trunk was inaccessible at the Village due to the new enhanced maps.
• Repositioned Dr. Troy so that you can now initiate dialogue when you are directly behind him.
• Cleaned up the dialogue tree for Old Joe so that it is no longer possible to get options that were only intended
• Corrected typos when speaking with Connor about making a deal with Vault City.
• When encountering Kaga as a "dumb" character, you no longer get stuck in dialogue.
• Removed Alien Blaster that was added to the crashed shuttle special encounter in the enhanced maps. It is still found at its original location.
• Corrected who gives which type of the special weapon found in the RP end of game encounter.
• Cassidy now has his unique helmetless pistol animations when using the NPC armor mod.
• Corrected instances where little boy appearances were used rather than the new little girl appearances for female children.
• Using newest version of appearance mod
-Fixed possible crash when using a new appearance
-Fixed issue where saving your characters setup would not save to the directory the game expects it to be.
RP 2.1.1 Change Log:
Bug Fixes:
In addition to several undocumented bug fixes, the following specific issues were addressed:
• Klint no longer thinks you already finished the Temple of Trials when you first talk with him.
Primitive Tribe:
• Replaced bugged gecko skins at primitive tribe which could potentially crash the game.
Broken Hills:
• You can no longer get another key from the prison guard (through persuasion) after already having stolen it from him.
• Corrected some errors with the NPC hibernation computer.
• Corrected error with forcefield control computer at EPA blue level.
• Fixed exploit that could allow you to get more NPCs in your party than you should be allowed to.
Random Encounters:
• Fixed map issue that caused some encounters to appear empty.
San Fran:
• Map scroll blockers no longer visible on Shi/BOS map.
• Fixed more unstackable/bugged items on several maps.
• Fixed some minor map issues introduced in the enhanced maps.
• Dogmeat is no longer silent when he attacks with his new armor.
• New critters (red dog and blue security bots) are no longer silent when they attack
• Fixed several issues with the RP installer
• Win 2k support is back </blockquote>
Windows Installer Version (highly recommended): download
Windows Manual Version (advanced users): download
Mac Version: download
The Restoration Project has hit 2.1, now 2.1.1 for the release version. Read about it here
Windows installer (highly recommended): download
Manual install (advanced users): download
<blockquote>RP 2.1 Change Log:
New Critters:
• Random wild dog encounters may now contain red colored dogs.
• Red colored spore plants added to the surface map of the EPA.
• Blue colored security bots now found at the Enclave.
• Old Joe now has a custom look.
Other Changes:
• Each karma level now displays it's own unique icon in the character screen.
• Tweaked skill/combat settings for the three new npcs. They should be more balanced and better overall.
• Kitsune should now aid the player in lockpicking needs, much like Myron and Vic help with science and repair.
Bug Fixes:
In addition to numerous undocumented bug fixes, the following issues were addressed:
• Fixed issue where Brother Jason would not appear at Gecko when you escort him there.
• Corrected swapped dialogue options when buying mutant armor for Marcus.
• Added dialogue when returning the book to the Abbot, having not been given the quest yet.
• Party members use correct talking head background when in the caves.
• Dialogue screen no longer comes up when using an item from the inventory on the water pump - would cause overlapping windows.
• Monks in the basement no longer wander to a corner and stay there forever.
• Removed added Broc flowers and Xander roots from the hunting grounds. These were accidently included in the enhanced maps and were bugged.
• Rugs have been tweaked for better appearance (look more worn, older, etc) and no longer interfere with NPC interaction. This change also takes affect in any other location that uses these rugs.
Broken Hills
• Fixed crash when showing Francis the letter.
• Fixed problem where you were only able to tell Marcus about finding the tunnels, despite having discovered the bodies of the missing people.
• Marcus no longer joins your party without completing any quests for him (debug script was accidently left in place in 2.0 release).
• Chad's door now correctly displays a message when you try to blow it up, etc.
• Fixed severe lag issue in the Den. (Was the result of a scripting bug with Petey).
• Corrected issue where you were unable to teleport to the different levels of the Den Residential area and could only get there when entering from the World Map.
• Tweaked scrolling on the Residential map so that the westernmost corner of the squatter house is not off the map.
• Walking away from the second part of the gang fight now marks it as failed. However, like it was in the vanilla version of the game, walking away from the first part successfully completes the quest. You will be unable to do the second part though.
• Little Johnny is now known as Little Bobby (to reduce confusion with the little boy named Jonny in Modoc)
• Fixed a bug that prevented some dialogue with Little Bobby to not be shown.
• Vic no longer joins your party without completing any quests for him (debug script was accidently left in place).
• Corrected problem where the slavers would not run off the map and instead huddle up in one area. Was the result of changes made with the enhanced maps.
Enclave Oil Rig
• Restored Presidential keycard that was accidently removed with the enhanced map changes.
• The new NPCs lockers correctly open when the NPCs are released from their hibernation and the contents are correctly added to their inventories.
• You can no longer get infinite amounts of ERSI from Mr. Chemmie
• The name of the location in the save files now correctly says EPA and the specific level you are on.
• Corrected issues with using the metal pipe on the fan and the other incorrect fans.
• Altered the appearance of the broken fan to make it more obvious as the correct choice.
• Spawn location after using the vent corrected.
• Removed giant "boss" spore plant and wanamingo. 3 spore plants and the white queen wanamingo are now in their place.
• Corrected issue with the robot control terminal, where if your skill was less than 76 but over 50, you wouldn't get a a message when trying to repair it.
• It was possible that roof tiles would "surround" the player on the green level of the EPA. This will no longer happen.
• Restored the agility serum. It was accidently removed with the enhanced maps.
• Corrected some issues with the light generator and made things clearer when you don't have the quest to repair it.
• You can now lockpick the doors to the storage shed. It is quite hard though.
• Removed some of the slime from the clogged fans so that you aren't pixel hunting as much.
• Removed the extra period from the description of the electric chair.
• Fixed issue preventing the Director of Maintenance from giving floats after you do the quest for him.
• Fixed inconsistency in messages when attempting to repair the Director of Science after already having repaired him.
• You can now run the diagnostic on the Robot control terminal more than once, in case you forget what needs to be done.
• You can now fix the robot control terminal with tools.
• The description of the ERSI canister was incomplete for some reason. This has been addressed.
• Changed the location finder computer from saying "Earth Protection Agency" to the correct description: "Environmental Protection Agency"
• Fixed various dialogue issues with the Brain to allow for more logical/clearer dialogue flow.
• Removed lag experienced at the Gecko-Enclave encounter.
• Corrected typo in Gecko-Enclave encounter conversation
• Added dialogue to Wooz in regards to the VC-Village situation.
• Fixed dialogue bug with Balthas when talking about Johnny that caused him to mimic the dialogue of whatever previous character you spoke with.
• Fixed various enhanced map issues that prevented initiating dialogue with certain characters or objects.
• Fixed issue where entering Navarro would always treat the player as having stowed away on the vertibird from the Gecko-Enclave encounter.
• Navarro is now correctly marked on your map when you go there via the Gecko-Enclave encounter.
New Reno
• T-Ray now correctly stocks batteries.
• Renesco now gives you a one time discount (like he said he would) after "bullying" your way through the second quest.
• Generic drug dealers now have end of trade dialogue.
• Fixed crash when sleeping at Cat's Paw.
New California Republic
• Corrected issue with the gate guard at Carlson's house, which prevented you from entering despite having permission.
• Reading the Ranger map no longer causes it to disappear from your inventory.
• Killing the slaver overseer no longer results in karma loss.
• Having already completed the quest to kill Bishop, it was possible to reinitiate the quest again. This is no longer the case.
Primitive Tribe
• Corrected issue with the amount of time it takes to travel from the tribe to the trader negotiation.
• Fixed various enhanced map issues that prevented initiating dialogue with certain characters or objects.
• Removed items on the ground that were added in the enhanced maps. They were unstackable and should not have been added anyway.
• Corrected crash bug when teleporting back from the trader transaction.
• It is now possible to fix the well before rescuing Sulik's sister.
• Corrected duplicate dialogue option when speaking with Krom about the village.
• Corrected typo with stimpack crate at the trader transaction.
• Corrected more issues involving fixing the well.
• Corrected issue where you could get stuck in dialogue when taking with Serin inside the cave.
• It's no longer possible to initiate dialogue with Shadow Who Walks when he's been angered.
• Added scripts to the doors at the secret entrance of the map
• It's no longer possible to get stuck when watching the mole rat fights.
• Fixed the spawn locations for Frog Morton's goons for the enhanced maps.
San Francisco
• One of the tables at the Tanker General store is no longer unreachable.
• It's no longer possible to speak with Lao Chu about your missing tribe if this hasn't happened yet.
• Fixed dialogue loop when talking with Lao Chu, as a female, about the tanker and sub.
• It was possible for Sulik to display error when asking him to consult the spirits about San Francisco.
• Corrected wall blocker issue in the Hubologist base.
• Dr. Troy now has to have made the cure before you can buy it from San Fran.
Sierra Army Depot
• Corrected issue with traps in front of the building with the howitzer being "invisible" with the new enhanced maps.
Slave Camp
• Slavers now go hostile on site if Metzger is dead.
• Corrected wall blocker issues.
• Kitsune should no longer be found both at the slaver camp and at the tribe.
Vault 15
• Removed added Vault door (from the enhanced maps) that prevented access to the inside vault.
• After convincing the doctor to leave, he should no longer be found in both the vault and the squat.
Vault City
• Greatly reduced the amount of money Connor gives the player for purchasing the weapons. It was too much money before for such a poor village.
• Car trunk was inaccessible at the Village due to the new enhanced maps.
• Repositioned Dr. Troy so that you can now initiate dialogue when you are directly behind him.
• Cleaned up the dialogue tree for Old Joe so that it is no longer possible to get options that were only intended
• Corrected typos when speaking with Connor about making a deal with Vault City.
• When encountering Kaga as a "dumb" character, you no longer get stuck in dialogue.
• Removed Alien Blaster that was added to the crashed shuttle special encounter in the enhanced maps. It is still found at its original location.
• Corrected who gives which type of the special weapon found in the RP end of game encounter.
• Cassidy now has his unique helmetless pistol animations when using the NPC armor mod.
• Corrected instances where little boy appearances were used rather than the new little girl appearances for female children.
• Using newest version of appearance mod
-Fixed possible crash when using a new appearance
-Fixed issue where saving your characters setup would not save to the directory the game expects it to be.
RP 2.1.1 Change Log:
Bug Fixes:
In addition to several undocumented bug fixes, the following specific issues were addressed:
• Klint no longer thinks you already finished the Temple of Trials when you first talk with him.
Primitive Tribe:
• Replaced bugged gecko skins at primitive tribe which could potentially crash the game.
Broken Hills:
• You can no longer get another key from the prison guard (through persuasion) after already having stolen it from him.
• Corrected some errors with the NPC hibernation computer.
• Corrected error with forcefield control computer at EPA blue level.
• Fixed exploit that could allow you to get more NPCs in your party than you should be allowed to.
Random Encounters:
• Fixed map issue that caused some encounters to appear empty.
San Fran:
• Map scroll blockers no longer visible on Shi/BOS map.
• Fixed more unstackable/bugged items on several maps.
• Fixed some minor map issues introduced in the enhanced maps.
• Dogmeat is no longer silent when he attacks with his new armor.
• New critters (red dog and blue security bots) are no longer silent when they attack
• Fixed several issues with the RP installer
• Win 2k support is back </blockquote>