I've just read the spreadsheet... IMPRESSING!!
Before, AP was just... pitful. Ridiculous. A mockery of ammunition. No better than throwing this big here rock against a Super Mutant. I remember the Church Fight with Lara packing the AP ammo... all I could say about the old AP ammo can be surmised in three words:
The 14mm Pistol looks particulary awesome, about as good as the .233 Pistol. Oh, what about comparing the damage done by the "now-pretty-powerful" 14mm pistol with the "Still Pretty Powerful" .233 Pistol, which was one of the best one-handed weapons of the game?
I wonder if you can give some enemies FMJ and AP. The Slaver-Overseer in NCR would be particulary scary if he hit me with a 14mm you, I wonder if it's possible for you to give a 14mm to another slaver and replace some 10mm AP for some guys armed with the 10mm SMG and the P90... that would make some badguys pretty scary, even when with Combat Armor. EDIT: Weird stuff. I just killed the guys at Vault 15 and found out that anyone with a Assault Rifle has lots of AP ammo... But the gun is loaded with JHP bullets. Weird. I think there are other examples of the same problem in some places, as well.
Also, did you test those new ammo vallues against monsters? Golden Geckos were pretty sturdy against 10mm JHP, I wonder if using the all-new 10mm AP would work on 'em. What about making a speadsheet for critters?
Firstly, the laser mod is fantastic! Laser pistols are now comparable to a .44 with a lower STR req, and the Salvatores are properly SCARY. 2 shots a turn blowing holes in my Combat Armor!
I agree with you. Laser Pistols turned, from Suck Rays, to Cool Lasers. I love laser weaponry, Plasma's for pansy losers, I like Laser Rifles!
(note: I believe the Laser Pistols got a lower str req because they have no recoil, altough the game animation shows recoil, there's none)
I'm still using the previous version (I want to finish my game and I'll patch when the next one begins). I fought the Salvatore one of those days. Me, Cassidy (both with Combat Armor, mine was MKII, though, I like my shiny stuff being mine) and Marcus. I was packing a Laser Rifle, Cassidy had a Pancor Jackhammer and Marcus had a Minigun.
It was lasers flying everywhere. The barman turned again into a barman (instead of the
Almighty Barman, who was more threatening to me than the entire family

) and the 23th century-gangsters turned into true 23th century gangsters. With lasers. I stood-out against the laser barrage because I had Combat Armor MKII and boxing resistance bonus and the two basic implants. But they usually brought my health down after about four turns of laser barrages against me, now only because their laser weapons were scaring, but I had 2 EN and around 80 HP at level 21. Cassidy and Marcus fared worse, though. Cassidy usually got 20 damage or even 30 if unlucky. Marcus got it even worse, the Laser Pistol worked like a charm against him. Four shots and he was almost dead and running away like a panssy. I've never, I'll repeat, NEVER, seen the Salvatores doing that kind of hurt! Making Marcus, The Super Mutant Extraordinarie, RUN?! Whoa! They aren't the lame-o Mobsters with Suck Rays anyome, but THE Salvatore Family, who has Lightbringers able to leave a trail of death in any battle against any other New Reno family! Don't mess with 'em! We eventually bested the Salvatores, but with dificulty and sweat. The loot was worth, though. And the barman hated Myron for some reason (Myron was far outside), so I had to shoot him too before he killed that loser. I can't wait for the mod update with better armor vs laser damage! I'm downlading it as soon as I end my current game!
Thank you for fixing many things, Magnus!