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Being able to make targeted shots with long range weapons trivializes the whole game. Crit to eyes or legs makes aliens or robots or deathclaws run away making them easy pray, completely harmles. At least with melee, unarmed you need to get close so you are always in a danger. I need to apologize Fast Shot Trait. It makes the game harder thus more interestnig to me.

Anyway I have Started New Char with ST5 PE10 2EN 2CH 9IN 10AG 9LK, Fast Shot and Gifted.
In Black Rock i blew up Justin to pieces with dynamite, no one seems to care about him (he has another dynamite in his bench). Killed both raiders and caravan.
I remember that if you save caravan Wiliam will respawn First Aid Book which is not the case otherwise.

Tip. In Black Rock people will leave the tents so you can rob them blind. Also in Gerlach dont speak to mayor immediately upon arrival. Rob them while they try to hang poor guy.
Serves them right.
@gustarballs1983 Do you know anything about that companion mod for Nevada?

Hot damn.. 'ol Tarballs brought to the classsboard.. anways Mod's download is in it's thread gotta use the search function.. ( some adaptation is required, as _Pyran_ hasn't adapted the mod into Nevada yet, and mod's release is ment for previous releases of Nevada. namely it replaces patch000.dat) Simply put in order for the mod to work it is nessecary to create a patch00x.dat where x is the last patch.dat in order .simply put there's one totally new critter (party npc) in the game and it requires one proto file to be put in .dat file so that lvlups don't revert to basic level proto. ( don't ask.. old Fo2 engine issue.. known for a long time now), the rest can easily go into data folder to their respective subfolders. I don't have a standalone version ready, and the mod is not fool-proof. It's got issues that can break the game, and the mod's author hasn't een active for a while and I haven't heard from him ever since.. It's usable but requires assembly.. So you need to know what You're doing when attempting to adapt it to latesst Nevada version.. te best bet in order to know what to do is to read the mod's thread. In it, the author explains exactly which .pro file is required to be injected into patch000.dat or any subsequent one.

best of luck doing it.. currently I'm busy monitoring @QuantumApprentice in PM as I've passed my walkthrough of Last Hope mod to Him, and I'm monitoring for any issues and questions he might have regarding those vids b4 he makes his own NMA official walkthrough with commentary of the mod..
So what I have understood from reading that thread the 488 proto file should just be removed completely. I will try it out.

I have imported companions proto files into patch000dat using dat explorer. I have joined Jasmine and Dogmeat witch CH2. Jasmine changes armor. I do not know if she levels up though. Need to find Raster yet. Mod has it's own talking heads.

I could upload files for the mod if someone is interested to test it out.
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better yet make a standalone version.. _Pyran_ claims that one doesn't need to input this stuff separately. Instead You could try to make a small patch00x.dat where x is a next free number of a patchxxx.dat and it would work just great.. it would become more universal too..

the thing is this mod contains an obsolete version of patch000.dat because there is a file ( base proto of a new party npc [raster] ), that requires to be in .dat archive and not in data folder. as the latter causes glitches/bugs with raster's levelups. The rest of the mod would work from a .dat archive just as good as it would form data folder, so it might be a good idea to make this mod in .dat form and enable it in sfall..
jasmine should always levelup correctly, as her base proto hasn't been changed in the mod, and is inside the .dat archive already.

anyways @Hubal if you want to continue the discussion on the mod, Let's do so in the mod's thread instead of offtoping here shall we?
Ok that's why I don't get it. I have Luck 5. Could it be worth taking extra Luck as a perk and then go for Better Criticals?
That's great to know!

One more question: Where can I get some good energy weapons?

Las Vegas PD (police laser pistol), Casino (UFO victim's room), merchant near the sign (ask him about special merchandise with high enough Barter) and Vault 8 warehouse assignment (you can choose from several items, including laser and plasma rifles).
I got 5000xp and + 10 to doctor skill for healing the kid in Lovelock.
@Proletären remember that you can store your perks in this mod.
Merchant in LV wants 90 Barter for his special stock! I have -12!
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The Goul in Area 51 dies when you free him from the biomass. Is there a way to save him?

@Proletären remember that you can store your perks in this mod.
Merchant in LV wants 90 Barter for his special stock! I have -12!
By that do you mean that you don't have to pick the perk immediately?
Reference to Alien franchise. Can't be saved.
I thought so! I just liked to make sure.

After having nuked Area 51 I couldn't tell anyone at Wind of War even though it was they who told me about it. I would have liked to be able to mention to the General that there's no more alien infested area in their surrounding any more. Like the same way as you told him about clearing the vault.

I couldn't tell anyone back at Vault 8 either about the info I gathered from the computer in Area 51. That was a bit anticlimatic as well.
You can get them the reports from Lovelock station and it's basically the same information.
Ok, already did that. In a way the Lovelock station and Area 51 comes in the wrong order. It's totally fine by me and that's always been the case in Fallout that you can go everywhere you want and do things the way you like. However when you do big findings like Area 51 I feel the need to tell someone about them. And in this case especially the people at Wind of War since Hawtorne base was part in the network that monitored Vault 8 if I remember correctly (we really need a lore wiki for Fallout: Nevada).

Area 51 was a really cool location and the highpoint of Fallout: Nevada thus far. The area was well set up with a lot to do. 1) Activate the power but the doors opened and closed by themselves. 2) Activate force fields and have them kill some aliens. It was cool that you could control the force fields remotely 3) Find the codes to the safes and collect gas canisters and gas the aliens to death. 4) Activate facility self destruct.

Some might say it's just a cheap Aliens nockoff but I don't agree. I think it provided part of an important background lore for the "Wanamingos". There are far too few females born so they will die out eventually but on the other hand their life cycle is 70 years so they will be around for a long time. I like that more than what's in the Fallout bible where I think they will die out due to some genetic failure.

I haven't read the Van Buren design docks but Area 51 was supposed to be in there right? That must mean you didn't activate the facility self destruct if Fallout: Nevada should be considered part of the canon.
I haven't read the Van Buren design docks but Area 51 was supposed to be in there right? That must mean you didn't activate the facility self destruct if Fallout: Nevada should be considered part of the canon.

It's not. The most western point of the map in VB was Hoover Dam.

Also I will be joining this thread at some point this year and posting detailed thoughts and breakdowns on each game, looking forward to participating