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Yeah that's what I meant! When Uranium City is restored I'm done with that part of the map.

What build are you going with this time? And is it something in particular you hope to achieve on this plauthrough?
What build are you going with this time?

Tagged Speech, Doctor and Sneak. Low Strength, Endurance and Luck, high Intelligence and Agility. Good Natured and Skilled (I think first time I took it in any game).

And is it something in particular you hope to achieve on this plauthrough?

Don't spend a single point on offensive skills (currently 46% in Small Guns and using the Detective's Special from Molerats' leader).

Also as few people dead as possible.
What's the Detective Special? The Molerats are the gang haunting Black Rock right?

e: When I arrived with the car at New Reno the kid at the caravans asked me for 20$ and then he told me about a man with a box that could do something for the car. Do you know what he meant by that?
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What's the Detective Special? The Molerats are the gang haunting Black Rock right

It's called Old Revolver, but if you offer it to the guy that sells lockpicks PC calls it Detective's Special. Packs a good punch and is great for my low AP character.

e: When I arrived with the car at New Reno the kid at the caravans asked me for 20$ and then he told me about a man with a box that could do something for the car. Do you know what he meant by that?

It's Frank- mechanic at railway station.

List of all car upgrades:
  • Frank can install fuel cell regulator- car uses 50% less fuel.
  • If you caught the graffiti kid for Silver Legacy receptionist, but convinced him to paint instead, kid will hang out next to Eldorado and can repaint the car.
Las Vegas (not really in city). Ask Tibbit (shopkeeper near the Vegas sign) about ugrading the car and he'll mark the location of Tire Disposal Site. Ghoul there can upgrade:
  • Speed upgrade using Chryslus Motors magazine. You can get it from librarian in SLC by bringing him heart pills (bought from doctor in Winds of War).
  • Trunk upgrade
  • Fuel cell regulator
  • Headlights
Battle Mountain- Phil:
  • Speed upgrade
Salt Lake City- mechanic at Nuka Cola plant:
  • Second trunk upgrade. Requires the first one.
Upgrades you can do yourself:
  • Chryslus Motors magazine. Requires 50 Repair and Tool Kit.
  • Fuel Cell Regulator- requires 60 Repair and fuel cell regulator (can be stolen from family living in a mobile home- special encounter).
Thanks! I already got the fuel cell regulator from Frank. Guess I shouldn't have given 20 bucks to that damn kid.
I just "found" Milo and told his wife where he is. Dialog was hillarious @Keyboard Gecko you are a genius! I never laughed so hard.
I have found Legendary Scorpion and he wrecked me.
1. pin broke and jammed lock, shovel broke after 1 use, first aid kit finished without any healing. I took Gifted and Fast Shot. Tagged doctor lockpick and speech playing on hard and the game is brutal.

What do you guys think about Iron Man playthrough?
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What do you guys think about Iron Man playthrough?

Majority of enemies are melee, later around Vegas and SLC you get more advanced enemies with ranged weapons.

Some special encounters might ruin your run.

Majority of quests aren't that dangerous.

Final boss can't be avoided and he has a few nasty surprises.
One of the special encounters has a unique rocket that kills anything with one shot. There're several rocket launchers before you face the boss, but even if you kill him with it, there're still his minions.

Definitely more viable than Resurrection.
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How to get to Justin's workbench in Black Rock?

He's a massive ass and will never let you get to it. Stealth or use some Horsekillers/ dynamite/ strangle him.
There's one workbench easily available in Reno at the train station.

Also did you join Molerats?

That revolver is too good to pass it by. You also have to actively help them fight the caravaneers, while I only had to use 1 Healing Powder on caravan master to secure the victory.

Plus stuff they have in wagons isn't that great when compared with a second merchant in Black Rock.
There is a dialog with Eugene like "I could help your gang out" but he refuses so I thought there would be posibility to join Molerats
There is a dialog with Eugene like "I could help your gang out" but he refuses so I thought there would be posibility to join Molerats

There is.

To find the ambush site you can:
  • Convince Eugene to leave the gang (Speech). He tells you everything.
  • Tell William everything. He confronts Justin and Eugene off-screen.
  • Convince Eugene that you're capable and join the gang. Required high weapon skill or a few humans killed in your stats (I think 10)
At the ambush site you can help caravaneers (loot from gangsters, pistol or money from William, new merchant in BR) or Molerats (loot from caravaneers and some loot from their wagons plus money from Justin). You can also betray them and get all loot from bodies and wagons plus money from Justin.
What do you guys think about Iron Man playthrough?
I wish you good luck!

You could always start over if your build fails. I'm on my second character in Nevada, the first one was a bit unoptimised. Thing is you gather a lot of knowledge on each playthrough so every time you start over you will do better than on your precious go.
It's way more conservative with the use of skills (though there're some Repair and Science checks that are almost or over 100).

Starting without Small Guns, Unarmed or Melee is a suicide. There're some fun Big Guns, so Tag! them or Energy Weapons.
Speech and Lockpicking have loads of use.
There's at least 1 very high Doctor check (though companion can be used there).

It's also good to choose your Karma early on. Trying to be good is a world of pain, but don't think being bad is a cakewalk.

Low Intelligence is perfectly viable and recommended when replaying. Like 1 and 2 entire dialogue is rewritten, with some new quest solutions and a special secret.
I'm looking forward to Resurrection! It's a shame that 1.6 patch never came.

I thought I would be done with Nevada by mid-Febuary but it appears that I have a long road left. The fact that I only have 1-2 hours a day to play makes it drag on. I have now met Jay Kukish at Hawtorne and just delivered a hitchhiker to Hard Rock Café in Las Vegas. Doing Vegas and then Salt Lake will take this week at least I think.
After you've got the car and take it to Vegas you'll be assaulted by to thoughs from Wind of War who were sent by "techie". After I killed them I told the general in Wind of War. But who was this man called "techie"? Was it Anders?
Ok! After that happened I went back to Wind of War to confront him but I couldn't mention to him what had happened, I could only tell the General. So that felt a bit odd. I will retry it and see if I can blackmail him.

e: I'm happy with the choice to tell the General however I would like to see the other option as well.
Ok! After that happened I went back to Wind of War to confront him but I couldn't mention to him what had happened, I could only tell the General. So that felt a bit odd. I will retry it and see if I can blackmail him.

e: I'm happy with the choice to tell the General however I would like to see the other option as well.

He can steal PA schematics for you, but only after you've talked with mechanic in SLC about repairing PA. Without the contract, you've to pay him $3000.
Is the metal detector connected to any skills? Sometimes you stand in the right spot and it beeps but you can't find the thing...