Fallout 3: Are you getting it?

Your post was in this thread originally, but was split off because of our no warez talk policy.
Seeing as how expensive the collector items for games end up on Ebay, I'd rather just keep my pre-order in place.

I don't feel like shelling out $20 or $30 for the lunchbox (which I plan on giving to my son when he's old enough for school :)).
If you are on these forums the game is worth 60 bucks to see what its all about. If you dont have a pc good enough or xbox360 or ps3, then i understand not getting the console and the game, but if you are even interested enough to post here then don't lie to us you want to see the game first hand.
I eagerly counting down the days until I have Fallout 3 in my hands :D

I'm one of those gamers who really enjoyed both Morrowind and Oblivion for what they had to offer.
If they announce mod tools, that will seal the deal for me.

Otherwise, I'll be waiting (hoping) for positive reviews from NMA.
I'll 'try' it first, and buy it only if it's funny. I have no hopes, however, that it will make me feel like Fo/Fo2 made. It's just a generic post-apocalyptic open-ended RPG for me.
Are you waiting for FO3 for PC till a editor is released?

Since Bethseda is not going to release an editor on release date. Anybody else here waiting to purchase FO3 for the PC till it's released?
I'm still going to get it on the 28th. Might as well play the original so that you can compliment the modders who I'm sure will make it hundreds of times better.
I'm going to wait until they at least announce the editor. I'm assuming that they're suppressing it to avoid gimping sales of the console versions, but I'd hate to be stuck with a bad game and no mods.
Interested at 1st. Lost interest when BoS described as 'knights of the realm'. Lost more interest when Supermutants seem to be severly 'dehumanized'. Lost a little interest in a toot-toot rail gun. Lost interest in VATS(horrible horrible). Lost interest in lack of shadows and overwhelming amount of shitty animation.

A I going to buy it? If it modable. Probably when the priice has deminished or some other method comes my way........

It seems like dejavu with Oblivion, all hipe and lies while hacheting alot for consoles shallow game play. Seems like every day I ask my self "why did I buy that game? "
Yeah... pre-ordered it a few days ago.

I expect it to be quite an enjoyable game.
Worship Fallout, never played Obliveon, but had a good time with Morrowind, so...
no, not going to buy it new... i cant bring myself to support bethsda, for churning out yet another simplistic, plain and uncreative peice of crap. i mean from what i have seen of the leaked gameplay vids. if i see positive reviews on here of Fallout 3 then i may reconsider.
I already wasn't going to, now I'm even moving away from the idea of renting the game. Good job Bethsoft, you turned away someone who was REALLY looking forward to Fallout 3 based on the (now rather old) promo video, all based on what you did to the Fallout world.
Fallout 3 for the PC will Become the Best Fucking Fallout ever. And I can't wait to buy it Oct 28th.

XBOX 360 players... too bad so sad. :clap:

but it won't be until the modding community fixes many things wrong with it.

/we have some work to get done!
No. The only way that I'll play it is if a friend gets it (which is unlikely and I'll harass them if they do) and I play it on their computer.
I will buy some second-hand copy.

The game itself I consider some kind of curiosity, specimen like mutated tissue which wasn't suppose to grow the way it did but still can be somehow interesting to study for a while.

The only thing I am really looking forward to are fan-made mods. If Bethesda decide to make tools available.
I can't get outta my pre-order :-/

I guess that's what you get for being as stupid as to pay something in full beforehand.
I'll either wait for it to go into bargain bins for <$20 or buy it on Ebay for <$20. I will not support the Beth corporate machine by giving them $60 just so they can defile the series even more.