Thing is, the things I'm hearing from some people now are completely opposite to those of the clamour around PoS.
Having Ron Perlman (for FO3) say "War. War never changes." is an improvement compared to PoS, because PoS not having Perlman was something many people complained about.
Likewise I doubt FO3 will have any members of the 1st Bikini Whore Infantry Division present in the game, except if it's a humorous reference to how bad PoS was.
Likewise, FO3 will likely have Nuka-Cola and other such little icons of the Fallout feel.
Actually I do have a PCgameplay (dutch edition magazine) where Todd Howard goes on record saying that talking or 'skilling' your way through a quest is still a viable option. Let's hope that's true.
Any way I'm ambigious now. Barring a PoS style fan-communcation faux-pas on Bethesda's part. I'll probably play FO3 (whether I'll buy it is another matter altogether) and base my judgement on that.
So far the use of the SPECIAL system and the fact that they seem more concerned with keeping it in line with original Fallouts than the PoS team ever was.
I'm not going to put my head in the sand and pretend that anyone could make a Fallout that's exactly like the original Fallouts and make it work.
All I want is for FO3 to remind me of Fallout in a good way. If FO3 makes me go "That's always what I thought a 3D encounter with a Deathclaw would be like." rather than "Holy shit, I'm Level 15, have 18 STR, 18 Agility and 18 Perception 150% in Heavy Weapons, a Power Armour and a Plasma Rifle and that Deathclaw still ripped me to shreds, because I don't play Unreal Tournament 5 hours a day, this never would have happened if FO3 had Fallout's combat system." then I'll be ok with the Combat aspect of the game.
My main concern for FO3 is the non-combat part of the game, since I always prefered the diplomatic approach in Fallout and it worked well. That's where I REALLY want FO3 to be almost exactly like Fallout.
Lastly when it comes to visual style: So long as they keep the basic look the same (that is: gritty, 50's sci-fi style, with Vaults looking like Vaults and cities looking enough like they did in Fallout), I don't mind if Supermutants in DC are not carbon copies of Supermutants on the West Coast. Graphics techniques have advance a lot since the original Fallouts. I'd rather they make FO3 look ENOUGH like Fallout and add their own touch than that they make it look EXACTLY like Fallout and then find themselves unable to add anything that wasn't in the originals, because they can't get it to be what they want and still look enough like the original.
FO3 is on an entirely different coast from FO and FO2 so slight discrepencies in looks can be... overlooked.