Fallout 3 at E3 - Gaming Trend

One serious question Mr-Burke, how many is Beth paying you for trying to convince us?
Wondering when the serious questions start.

I mean your article is full of 'I believe what Todd told me', while you admit that Beth told 'lies' about parts of Oblivion. So do you seriously want us to believe what Todd is saying or should we believe your judgement?
Care to quote me where I said anyone lied about anything?

Even the funnier is that your telling 'aww come one, we can't really judge after 50 minutes of demo play-time' - So what? Why are you judging what you saw?
See previous messages about judging versus conclusion.

But okay, i will just take some time to comment what you told us, but forgive me, i'm a bit to lazzy to use qoutes over and over ;)

About the 'you should be happy to get at least some new game after years'-"argument'"
Another point, did you ever went to an Star Wars convention claiming that all people who are upset with Ep 1 - 3, should 'shut up' because they got some sequel ?
I am proud to say I've never been to a SW Convention. *shudder* Mouthbreathers. On the other hand, these same "Look, I'm a Rodian!" people were waving their plastic lightsabers and cheering while lining up at EPIII when I went 2 E3s ago, then condemning it after the saw the whole movie. My point? Conclusions come at the END, not the beginning.

Or went to the UFO fans and told them they should be quit saying "We want some game that's more like UFO 1 and 2, and not such a shit as we are getting now!"? Or did you even critizise the 'gaming god' Sid Meier for making true sequels instead of turning everything in First-Person, real-time?
You're trying such a thing here. Fans want be happy with some cheap or bad new thing but with smart improvments of old concepts.
That isn't what I'm hearing from most. Most people wan't a quickly produced zero risk more of the same product. Won't happen.

So you recognized a change in music with this 'boss enemy', when you're recognizing such things, it seems as if it's done bad. I mean as far as i get it, todays musical background is getting subtle. You hear a change in music, but it's not a thing that catchs your attention. Because the maker of movies still want that your attention is on what happens in the movie....
And this is also how it should be done in games like fallout. I mean where is the music coming from? - Your Pip-Boy ???
Right. Dead silence is better. I was listening and watching intently, not playing, so of course it caught my attention.

About the RTS getting critique because they are in ISO and there's nothing new in years:
So your saying that THQ's (Relics) ISO-RTS gets more and more negative critique because they are just as all other RTS before? - LOL! Nothing more about that.
You are too lazy to quote and I don't recall saying this, so moot.

About more details in FPS then in ISO, and the compare between F1 (1996) and F3 (~2008)
A 6pixel chair from 1996 might be today as detailed as a fucking whole Oblivion Character face... Wich it hink were claimed to be great ;)
Is there a question coming at some point or more bashing?

About the M16 and making one good weapon out of two damaged ones:
The M16 got interchangeable parts? So what? When i give you 2 M16 with distorted barrels, you can mage me one with a none distorted barrel? - Yeah in RPG terms that might be okay, but still that's not very realistic...
No, but odds are if the butt stock is busted on weapon A it'd be hard to use, but if I take a good one off of weapon B and replace it it'd be better.

Snip fatman rant
No question here.

About the type of Dialogues and the mass of Dialogues:
So how many dialogues did you actually see? Your colleague estimated, out of the thin air, that he actually only saw around 0.0001% (or something like that) of the actual dialogues, when we were critical about that.
So got any proof of how good or how many dialogue we really get?
I mean you're claiming there will be quite many and good ones, as you might have claimed before Oblivion.
Any proof? I am not my 'colleague' and I made no such claim.

How about writing around the lines: "Todd told us, that there will be plenty dialoges and quite a lot options. And at least in the demo it seemed as if they are doing that well" (or something in better english, so sorry, english isn't my first language ;) ).
But no, again no signs of being 'sceptical' at all.
Let me hand you a pen - go ahead and start your own site and wriite your own articles.

And therefore a lot people here think of you game-journalists as sheeps following happy to the slaughterhouse or corrupt people who getting covered in money, if they keep telling us how well all will be...
My site is 100% run out of my pocket. I make a very little bit to offset that cost from the minimal banner ads.

So they should use fuck and so on, because we are using such words today, under much less pressure?
Just explaining why it could happen. I didn't design the thing.

What do you think about the (i think) succesful Overlord? - Know any game that's on the market that's very similar?
My review - http://gamingtrend.com/Reviews/review/review.php?ReviewID=865

blah about journalism sucking
Right. I should speculate about a ton of maybes and could bes instead of what I actually see. I report what I can see or lay my hands on. I review what I can play without pressure from a dev/pub. I destroy titles that botch good gameplay design. I praise the ones that get it right. I'm honest. If you disagree, well...that is your right.

So i hope i didn't get to sarcastic or cynic or whatever, but you're coming with arguments, that lacking some points.
Your opinion.

Actually all a lot of us are asking for from you and your colleagues is being a bit more sceptical and try to write up some more neutral and objective articles. Wich also may contain less faults, and maybe more of the differences between F1/2 and F3...
I think I did that. Just because I wasn't so negative as to fit into the generally pessamistic view of some doesn't mean it wasn't a good article. I stand behind it.
Also, Mr. Journalist, shouldn't you be a bit more impartial or some shit like that people like to believe about journalists?
You don't sound very impartial when you come here and defend Bethesda with everything you can (ie. mostly baseless assumptions).
I've had about enough of this. Any more personal slams against me and I'm not answering anything you have to say. I didn't come here for abuse, I came here to give you guys the little bit of information that I could. Your attitude is out of line.
xdarkyrex said:
Vault 69er said:
Yeah, people who don't care about Fallout 1 + 2 will gleefully accept this as Fallout 3. Therefore it is logical to call it Fallout 3... ahahaha.. you're hilarious!

He's right you know.

from a financial perspective, not capitalising on the name "fallout 3" is idiocy.
Um, no.
The target audience, ~40% of some gaming site's users, don't know what Fallout is, they haven't even played Fallout.

It'd be better if they capitalised "From teh makerz of Oblivion- now Oblivion with gunz, Fall 2008".
Snip regarding Pleasantville

Realize that movie is set in the 50s. Not not 2050 after 100 years of scraping by just barely thinking that the world has forsaken you, being assaulted by super mutants, scrounging for food, trying not to die of radiation poison. I think that might have a lil effect on your cheery disposition.
GamingTrend said:
Showstopping bugs that destroy your Windows install when you remove them? Yea, those kinda suck. (see AD&D)
That was Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. A terrible game. I avoid it whenever I can.
I'd think that some people would shy away from the third game in a series they more than likely hadn't heard of before because they hadn't played/heard about the first two games.

Anyways, thanks for coming and answering some questions for us.

One more from me: Did you see any melee in action or did they mention it at all? I'm just curious as to how they'd implement it (I'm guessing same combat as melee in Oblivion) and how it would work in VATS.
GamingTrend said:
Snip regarding Pleasantville

Realize that movie is set in the 50s. Not not 2050 after 100 years of scraping by just barely thinking that the world has forsaken you, being assaulted by super mutants, scrounging for food, trying not to die of radiation poison. I think that might have a lil effect on your cheery disposition.
I don't think the complaint is that it isn't understandable, it's just that we've already played two games set in this world and the characters don't act like that for the most part and it seems like Bethesda is making the game unnecessarily crass.
Sorrow said:
GamingTrend said:
Showstopping bugs that destroy your Windows install when you remove them? Yea, those kinda suck. (see AD&D)
That was Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. A terrible game. I avoid it whenever I can.

Ahh, you are right. My bad on that one.
Joe Kremlin said:
I'd think that some people would shy away from the third game in a series they more than likely hadn't heard of before because they hadn't played/heard about the first two games.

Anyways, thanks for coming and answering some questions for us.

One more from me: Did you see any melee in action or did they mention it at all? I'm just curious as to how they'd implement it (I'm guessing same combat as melee in Oblivion) and how it would work in VATS.

Sadly no, we've not seen any melee combat other than on the receiving end of being smacked in the head with a hammer. No Melee V.A.T.S. demo quite yet.
Joe Kremlin said:
I'd think that some people would shy away from the third game in a series they more than likely hadn't heard of before because they hadn't played/heard about the first two games.
Wasn't that the thinking behind Deus Ex: Invisible War and Thief: Deadly Shadows? That including a sequel number for a new audience would be intimidating?
aries369 said:
I don't think Bethesda take the Fallout franchise seriously. And by that I don't mean that they don't work hard and is making the best game they can. I know they are doing their best.

But let's examine Fallout's history and canon a bit: The premise for Fallout is a 1950's world spun 150-200 years ahead in time. It is a world fixated in stay at home moms, working dad's, smoking their pipes, a world in whicc it's always sunny (somewhat), and the friendly neighbour is´moving his lawn, and your and kids get together with the neighbours in the suburbs for barbecue party every sunday. This world then is spun forward in time - 150-200 years (or so).

It is therefore a world in which the word suggesting that you should go have intercourse with your female protagonist (the mf word) would never ever be used. And as such the word 'mother-fuckers' written on the walls of the Vaults breaks what Brother None defines as 'verismilitude'. Nobody from clean cut respectable american families would ever use that word in the 1950's, let alone in a future retro-setting, based on the 1950's Americana.

I guess Todd H. thought it would have been amusing for the player (of Fallout 3) to imagine people that have been pounding on the Vaults' doors to get in. But the thing is: I don't really think this would have happened. If we argue that Fallout is based on the retro-future americana of the 1950's America, then we need to consider that people back mainly just did what they were told. (sort of). If they were told to go to a cerian vault, then would do it. Not at least because of the many propganda films detailing what people should do in case of nuclear fallout.

Some may not have made it, but then again, I don't think they would have pounded on the doors to the Vaults. Even if they did, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have used the word that Todd apparently thought they used.

Yeah I heard there is a part in the game where you have a chance at getting some loot in a arm wrestling contest. If you fail however it fades to black and implies your super mutant opponent puts a ball gag in your mouth and rapes you. You get to keep the ball gag as a souvenir apparently. So I have to agree that that such a disgusting situation shouldn't be in a clean cut 1950's scifi setting.
GamingTrend said:
How can you know that brussle sprouts are vile without actually tasting them? (They are vile...*shudder*)

What! Buttered brussel sprouts are awesome! Get with the times why don't you!

GamingTrend said:
While you or I may not agree with it, it is the wise thing to do. Rabid fans may hate it, but people who don't follow the canon that closely (the majority of people) will simply accept it and move on.

Yet there are plenty of people who'd tell us we have to accept it and move on - as if there were no reason at all to be disgruntled. You can't have it both ways. Either they have done no wrong, in which case there's no reason for the fans not to follow the example of the majority, or else their decision was wise for pecuniary reasons but questionable for other reasons, in which case you must at least acknowledge we have a point.
Draconis13 said:
aries369 said:
I don't think Bethesda take the Fallout franchise seriously. And by that I don't mean that they don't work hard and is making the best game they can. I know they are doing their best.

But let's examine Fallout's history and canon a bit: The premise for Fallout is a 1950's world spun 150-200 years ahead in time. It is a world fixated in stay at home moms, working dad's, smoking their pipes, a world in whicc it's always sunny (somewhat), and the friendly neighbour is´moving his lawn, and your and kids get together with the neighbours in the suburbs for barbecue party every sunday. This world then is spun forward in time - 150-200 years (or so).

It is therefore a world in which the word suggesting that you should go have intercourse with your female protagonist (the mf word) would never ever be used. And as such the word 'mother-fuckers' written on the walls of the Vaults breaks what Brother None defines as 'verismilitude'. Nobody from clean cut respectable american families would ever use that word in the 1950's, let alone in a future retro-setting, based on the 1950's Americana.

I guess Todd H. thought it would have been amusing for the player (of Fallout 3) to imagine people that have been pounding on the Vaults' doors to get in. But the thing is: I don't really think this would have happened. If we argue that Fallout is based on the retro-future americana of the 1950's America, then we need to consider that people back mainly just did what they were told. (sort of). If they were told to go to a cerian vault, then would do it. Not at least because of the many propganda films detailing what people should do in case of nuclear fallout.

Some may not have made it, but then again, I don't think they would have pounded on the doors to the Vaults. Even if they did, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have used the word that Todd apparently thought they used.

Yeah I heard there is a part in the game where you have a chance at getting some loot in a arm wrestling contest. If you fail however it fades to black and implies your super mutant opponent puts a ball gag in your mouth and rapes you. You get to keep the ball gag as a souvenir apparently. So I have to agree that that such a disgusting situation shouldn't be in a clean cut 1950's scifi setting.

Either one of you is being sarcastic or didn't remember the fallout games very well....
Yeah I heard there is a part in the game where you have a chance at getting some loot in a arm wrestling contest. If you fail however it fades to black and implies your super mutant opponent puts a ball gag in your mouth and rapes you. You get to keep the ball gag as a souvenir apparently. So I have to agree that that such a disgusting situation shouldn't be in a clean cut 1950's scifi setting.

That's in Fallout 2, which everyone (including the devs) considers to have strayed from the canon and the setting quite a bit, but still to have been good because of the excellent gameplay.
What! Buttered brussel sprouts are awesome! Get with the times why don't you!
*shudder* Formless mass of leaves. Butter is the only thing that can save that...

in which case you must at least acknowledge we have a point.
I thought I had. I agree that you guys have a point. To some degree they are not quite in step with the previous games. They also have a lot of time to fix it.
GamingTrend said:
Oh Jesus...you do NOT want Troika with the license. Bloody Mess would be an understatement - try to play Vampire Bloodlines without fan patches to clear up the bugs and you'll see. Coincidentally, another company that tanked.
Do you know WHY Bloodlines is bugged? Because of their publisher. They had to fire tons of people even before Bloodlines was finished. It's the publishers fault that Troika died and that Bloodlines never was a bugfree game.

I'd rather see F3 with Troika than Beth, both of Troikas tech demos look great, and they have the proper skills to make a great RPG game.

I am amused that all major game sites love Fallout 3 soo much, I have yet to see an negative preview of it. I guess that publishers love to spend a couple of extra dollars for some great PR from a magazine or a site which can fool a couple of hundred people into buying their game.

Why not invite NMA or any other major PA themed community leaders for a preview? To show that the game is as great as they want it to be.
st0lve said:
I am amused that all major game sites love Fallout 3 soo much, I have yet to see an negative preview of it. I guess that publishers love to spend a couple of extra dollars for some great PR from a magazine or a site which can fool a couple of hundred people into buying their game.

In all fairness, I'm not sure if I can remember reading a negative preview for any game, ever.

Why not invite NMA or any other major PA themed community leaders for a preview? To show that the game is as great as they want it to be.

Well, Bethesda seems to have a poor relationship with this site, at least. I agree that part of it is their fault, for not being communicative enough. But, part of it may also have to do with the occasional personal attack that's let loose on developers, or journalists, or, generally, anyone who says something that we might not like.

I realize that it's only a few comments from a few people. But it can be really easy for those few comments to create a slanted perception of what the fan community here is really like.
Per said:
Yet there are plenty of people who'd tell us we have to accept it and move on - as if there were no reason at all to be disgruntled. You can't have it both ways. Either they have done no wrong, in which case there's no reason for the fans not to follow the example of the majority, or else their decision was wise for pecuniary reasons but questionable for other reasons, in which case you must at least acknowledge we have a point.
Wouldn't archiving the Fallout 3 forums and stopping newsposting about Fallout 3 be a way of accepting and moving on without surrendering to the Bethesda propaganda? Bethesda isn't going to listen to us anyway.

GamingTrend said:
To some degree they are not quite in step with the previous games. They also have a lot of time to fix it.
Except that in interviews they are saying that they are doing the game for themselves to play and that they don't owe anything to developers and fans of the original Fallout. They were saying that since 2004 and expecting them to "fix" it is unrealistic.
Sorrow said:
Wouldn't archiving the Fallout 3 forums and stopping newsposting about Fallout 3 be a way of accepting and moving on without surrendering to the Bethesda propaganda? Bethesda isn't going to listen to us anyway.

That has to be the most ass-tarded thing I've heard in a while. This is a Fallout fansite, without Fallout, this site has no reason to exist. Period. We've lived through 10 years of stupid spin-offs, 10 more years of stupid spin-offs is just status quo.