Fallout 3 Broken Steel DLC to change ending

You know...It really gets to me how whenever I try to say something positive about Fallout 3 on this site, I get kicked down and laughed at. I respect other people's opinions here, and I never call someone for an idiot for something they believe. I'm starting to see why I left this site.
It's well known what the majority of NMA fans opinions are about the game. No one can deny its faults. The newest expansion is being made purely to milk more money out of the franchise and rape the RPG aspects of the game. I had fun with Fallout 3 too but you can't deny the facts. 5 hours of gaming is a fucking joke.
Add onto the fact that a gigantic ret-con like this is just... well, it's just impossible to ignore (Facepalms.... FOR EVERYONE!! [Harvey Birdman reference... no pic :oops:]) and it's kind of easy to understand why so many people are ripping on this expansion. It's just a damn stupid idea.
TorontRayne said:
It's well known what the majority of NMA fans opinions are about the game. No one can deny its faults. The newest expansion is being made purely to milk more money out of the franchise and rape the RPG aspects of the game. I had fun with Fallout 3 too but you can't deny the facts. 5 hours of gaming is a fucking joke.

Well, it's not like they're charging 60 bucks for it. 10 dollars for 5 hours of gaming seems reasonable to me, and it's not like Bethesda is the only developer in the history of gaming to do this, correct?
kikomiko said:
I'm starting to see why I left this site.

because your bright eyed optimism coupled with a high degree of ignorance and the ability to ignore the gigantic heap of faults in the game in order to praise it to the skies before it was even released made everyone here including the mildest of posters tell you to come up with some logical reasons for your statements or shut the hell up and stop spamming every thread with "well I don't care about X, I think it will be awesome and you should all stop bashing bethesda!"?

I think I might just cry for you.

It would also be interesting if they added more endings depending on how you handled the different quests... But that would be too much, I believe.

Today I finished Storm of Zehir and I loved its ending. While the game was not perfect, the ending is Fallout worthy. Too bad Fallout 3 didn't live up to the past games in that regard (and in many others).
kikomiko said:
TorontRayne said:
It's well known what the majority of NMA fans opinions are about the game. No one can deny its faults. The newest expansion is being made purely to milk more money out of the franchise and rape the RPG aspects of the game. I had fun with Fallout 3 too but you can't deny the facts. 5 hours of gaming is a fucking joke.

Well, it's not like they're charging 60 bucks for it. 10 dollars for 5 hours of gaming seems reasonable to me, and it's not like Bethesda is the only developer in the history of gaming to do this, correct?

I can go on GoG and buy hundreds of hours worth of gameplay for ten bucks with Jagged Alliance 2.
It's a terrible value, DLC should be free.
Eyenixon said:
I can go on GoG and buy hundreds of hours worth of gameplay for ten bucks with Jagged Alliance 2.
It's a terrible value, DLC should be free.

Bad example - JA2 is an old game. Upon release, it cost considerably more. Additionally, the expansion pack was shorter than JA2, and it cost $30 when it was released. So, looking at original cost, it could be argued that FO3 DLC is a better value than Unfinished Business.

Additionally, while some DLC is free, the vast majority is not. Do you know why? It's because it takes a team of people many hours to produce the extra content and run it through TRC. Unless there is some alternate form of funding occurring (in-game ads or the like), then it must cost money.

If you want free entertainment, the look somewhere other than video games.
whirlingdervish said:
kikomiko said:
I'm starting to see why I left this site.

because your bright eyed optimism coupled with a high degree of ignorance and the ability to ignore the gigantic heap of faults in the game in order to praise it to the skies before it was even released made everyone here including the mildest of posters tell you to come up with some logical reasons for your statements or shut the hell up and stop spamming every thread with "well I don't care about X, I think it will be awesome and you should all stop bashing bethesda!"?

I think I might just cry for you.


Well...to be fair, you might as well mention how while I was being "ignorant" and falsely optimistic, many other people were negatively judging the game before it was released, as well. Both parties were wrong to praise and criticize the game before it was released. I admit my mistakes. However, Fallout 3 turned out to be an amazing game (at least for me), so I can't really say I care anymore.
Heck with the Enclave. I want to have Fawkes or Dogmeat help me with Project Purity, join the Outcasts to fix the Brotherhood (I wish there was a main quest prong off getting them tech....like an opposition to the BOS plot....and there could be an 'evil' Enclave one and an 'evil' Raider one), and go on a quest for a good writing staff for Fallout 4 (and a team to fill in all the pre-war books).
Changing (replacing?) the ending for whatever reason is just plain stupid. I presume someone will pop up to save you and in return you'll have to play on their rules for a while.
Alphadrop said:
That would require rewriting the entire main quest though.
Yes. I agree.

I dont understand why people now see the DLC as some form of salvation or "fix everything" solution ... if they did it not well enough already since the begining what should a DLC like the Pit or Broken steal now change about that? Exactly nothing.

It would demand to rewrite the whole plot, with more meaningfull and inteligent (not this 3-dog captain obvious ...) dialogues. And that probably will not happen.

Pope Viper said:
Unless they hired new writers, good luck.

Isn't it sad that you have modify your game to CHANGE THE ENDING!?
The closer this DLCs come I am inclined to believe that the ending how it happend was intentional.
Protean said:
Bad example - JA2 is an old game. Upon release, it cost considerably more. Additionally, the expansion pack was shorter than JA2, and it cost $30 when it was released. So, looking at original cost, it could be argued that FO3 DLC is a better value than Unfinished Business.

Additionally, while some DLC is free, the vast majority is not. Do you know why? It's because it takes a team of people many hours to produce the extra content and run it through TRC. Unless there is some alternate form of funding occurring (in-game ads or the like), then it must cost money.

If you want free entertainment, the look somewhere other than video games.

IMO I agree with eyenixon. A DLC should be free, an expansion should be pay-for. While there are some quite ridiculous cases of short and useless expansions, in most cases they are at least half as long as the original game and worth the money, or come in the package with the original game. I'm not saying nobody else is doing it, I'm jst saying I think it's a prime example of money-grabbing. Bioware did the same crap with "NWN Premium Modules".

taag said:
Changing (replacing?) the ending for whatever reason is just plain stupid. I presume someone will pop up to save you and in return you'll have to play on their rules for a while.

I know, I know! The Mysterious Stranger will come to save your @$$!

Either that, or they reveal that 'Dad' was not your real dad and your real dad is Bardock (http://www.kinseyz.com/Neal/BardockCrossingArms.jpg) so you can't die! Awesumz!

Crni Vuk said:
I dont understand why people now see the DLC as some form of salvation or "fix everything" solution ... if they did it not well enough already since the begining what should a DLC like the Pit or Broken steal now change about that? Exactly nothing.

It would demand to rewrite the whole plot, with more meaningfull and inteligent (not this 3-dog captain obvious ...) dialogues. And that probably will not happen.

Yup, if Beth really gave a damn, they shouldn't be going "well, we'll try something new in the new DLCs, so buy all of them to see if you like anything", but rather get together a new writing team and rehaul all of the dialogues in the game, much like the Witcher team did.
TorontRayne said:
It's well known what the majority of NMA fans opinions are about the game. No one can deny its faults. The newest expansion is being made purely to milk more money out of the franchise and rape the RPG aspects of the game. I had fun with Fallout 3 too but you can't deny the facts. 5 hours of gaming is a fucking joke.

Really? 5 hours? Really? So, what you are saying is, you didn't so much PLAY the game as go through it as quickly as possible...and then wonder why it sucked? It's a sandbox game with a very linear, very straightforward main quest that...kind of isn't the point. Yes, you can finish the game, but they obviously made it about exploration ( even though there are obvious faults in the variety of the world, AI, etc that make it not the most exciting exploration possible) so going through in 5 hours and then judging the game on that is just as if you had done a speed run through Fallout 1 or 2, beaten it as quickly as possible and then made a similiar judgement based on THAT. In other words, worthless.
^ I think you should read posts before posting angry comments. The guy obviously meant the DLC. And I do agree that making something as big as an expansion to the original story and giving it only 5 hrs to play out is BS (and that's Bethesda hours, which means that it'd be finishable in 30-40 minutes).

Then again, answering your point, FO3 main story is finishable within 9 hours or so, reasonably within 15 hours to give some time to side quests. If somebody is not a powergamer, and/or is playing the game for the story that's all they are gonna get. It's a fairly short game.

As for the rest of it, I can only say, well, Super Mario NES is beatable in 5 minutes, but it probably gave millions of people hundreds hours of gameplay.
Vakisari said:
TorontRayne said:
It's well known what the majority of NMA fans opinions are about the game. No one can deny its faults. The newest expansion is being made purely to milk more money out of the franchise and rape the RPG aspects of the game. I had fun with Fallout 3 too but you can't deny the facts. 5 hours of gaming is a fucking joke.

Really? 5 hours? Really? So, what you are saying is, you didn't so much PLAY the game as go through it as quickly as possible...and then wonder why it sucked? It's a sandbox game with a very linear, very straightforward main quest that...kind of isn't the point. Yes, you can finish the game, but they obviously made it about exploration ( even though there are obvious faults in the variety of the world, AI, etc that make it not the most exciting exploration possible) so going through in 5 hours and then judging the game on that is just as if you had done a speed run through Fallout 1 or 2, beaten it as quickly as possible and then made a similiar judgement based on THAT. In other words, worthless.

Dude I don't think you even read what I wrote. I'm not turning this into a flamefest on the DLC, but the shit was revealed to have 5 hours of content for 15 fucking bucks. It's overpriced and useless. The original game interested me for 63 hours then I couldn't play anymore.
There will be no exploration in anchorage if its like a FPS shoot-em-up.
DLC that changes the ending ?
Thats cheap, they make the ending bad and then they want me to pay for a better one.
Thats EA class jackassery.
Patton89 said:
DLC that changes the ending ?
Thats cheap, they make the ending bad and then they want me to pay for a better one.
Thats EA class jackassery.

EA class you say? I guess they are about on the same level, but EA has raped more than Bethesda ever will.
We all really seen this coming though didn't we? It's really no surprise.