Fallout 3 Broken Steel DLC to change ending

Patton89 said:
DLC that changes the ending ?
Thats cheap, they make the ending bad and then they want me to pay for a better one.
Thats EA class jackassery.
It adds more shit, so I'm pretending I'm paying for more shit, not a new ending. But that shit better be good.

And no one, save for Jack Thompson, matches EA's jackassery.
kikomiko said:
Well, it's not like they're charging 60 bucks for it. 10 dollars for 5 hours of gaming seems reasonable to me, and it's not like Bethesda is the only developer in the history of gaming to do this, correct?
The question is one of content added. For some games, a 5 hour expansion for $10 is fine because it adds lots of cool modding possibilities (for me, only matters for online games) [Alaska one sounds like it will add the most here with new {unless it's stolen from Oblivion} terrain], adds a good amount of extra content to the main game as well, has high replayability (most important for most games), and/or is a lot of content for the type of game it is (FPS for example). Remember, in the end this is a mod and thus the amount of work required is minimal (comparatively speaking) as they don't have to deal with getting an engine up and running, they just have to create new content. I think this is a rip-off just like I thought that the HL2 Episodes were a rip-off for their price (should have been $10 on release and eventually dropped to $5). If these expansions are packed full of quality content (which would be a shock) then this might be the right price but given Bethesda's track record, how DLC usually works, and what these look and sound like, I highly doubt that's the case. I'd say that these sound like they would be fine if the were $5 a piece at most, with Broken Steal being something that should probably be free.

About the content of the pack, it's ridiculous. It invalidates their excuses for having a level 20 level cap and having the game end once beaten as it removes both, as well as likely any explanation/excuse for the original endings as they will likely be removed and certainly reworked. In fact it's worse than that, it makes the original product a piece of work designed so that this pack could be made in order to put in content that was demanded of their (Bethesda) fans from day one and make heaps of money off of exploiting those fans.

This particular pack is dickery and exploitation at it's best.
Protean said:
Eyenixon said:
I can go on GoG and buy hundreds of hours worth of gameplay for ten bucks with Jagged Alliance 2.
It's a terrible value, DLC should be free.

Bad example - JA2 is an old game. Upon release, it cost considerably more. Additionally, the expansion pack was shorter than JA2, and it cost $30 when it was released. So, looking at original cost, it could be argued that FO3 DLC is a better value than Unfinished Business.

Additionally, while some DLC is free, the vast majority is not. Do you know why? It's because it takes a team of people many hours to produce the extra content and run it through TRC. Unless there is some alternate form of funding occurring (in-game ads or the like), then it must cost money.

If you want free entertainment, the look somewhere other than video games.

Indeed, you must be quite insane, the fact is that a better value exists for the same price, there is no reason to purchase this when there is a superior product on the market, thus, regardless of the relative age of a product and its history, it can still hold superiority over another.

On that note, please do not tell me to go "look somewhere other than video games" if I desire "free entertainment". DLC is a arbitrary addition to a product that provides insignificant content in relation to its price and marketing.
You know what we used to call "DLC" a while ago? Expansions, we could say, that it "takes a team of people many hours to produce the extra content", and you know what? Usually that content would improve the game far beyond its original form, Broodwar, Beyond the Dark Portal, Heart of Winter, Throne of Bhaal, you name it, absolute tons of gameplay added onto the original experience with new features and experiences to be had with much variety in regards to the new and the old.

DLC is a hack-job, they could release an adequate expansion with enough content to satisfy you for dozens of hours at the price of $40 as they used to, rather than slowly releasing poorly hacked in content that could have been compiled into one large collection and sold to the public, rather we have to buy their shoddy pieces of four hour gameplay for ten bucks each.
Not a good value, and not a beneficial practice for the gamer, the only explicit improvements in DLC is that its delivery is usually instantaneous, although since you can buy most any PC game online these days that point is negated as well.
Yeah but 'superior product' is just your opinion about the game. The fact is only that an older game which has lost its price value over time. The rest is subjective.
The possibility that one man considers a $60 purchase more appreciable than a $10 purchase, even if that $60 purchase contains less content and quality, exists.
Does that make sense? No, I see the age of the product irrelevant, just as I see the age of a film or book irrelevant. Of course not anyone holds that standard, yet it's the more logical course of thought, opinion, opinion, trust a human to hold a judgment and of the average human being it cannot be called, at most times, sensible.
However, I consider myself to be sensible, and as such, I see absolutely no logic in purchasing one product with poor quality when I could purchase a far greater product for the same price.

The price-tag and its apparent label of "value" is so inconsequential that I find myself goggling at the mere mental image of myself ever taking it into consideration while browsing a store, or in this day and age, the online market.
Hmm, I always thought "DLC" meant "downloadable content" - like extra maps for FPS or modules for RPGs and stuff like that... And generally free (until Beth and Bioware both had that brilliant idea...)

And expansions... well, exactly that, expansions. Sequels or spinoffs or extra full-blown adventures like the stuff you mentioned.
Imagine if there were DLCs for movies of music.

There are not, because they're finishing their products for people to watch/listen to the whole piece (and pay for it obviously).
whirlingdervish said:
kikomiko said:
I'm starting to see why I left this site.

because your bright eyed optimism coupled with a high degree of ignorance and the ability to ignore the gigantic heap of faults in the game in order to praise it to the skies before it was even released made everyone here including the mildest of posters tell you to come up with some logical reasons for your statements or shut the hell up and stop spamming every thread with "well I don't care about X, I think it will be awesome and you should all stop bashing bethesda!"?

I think I might just cry for you.


No I think he left because of people like you. You know, the whole 'I have something to say but because Im not sure what it is Ill just wrap it up in smugness and aggressive language and pass it off as something constructive' crap is frankly a pathetic way to represent your argument. Logical reasons for his statements? he has given you plenty over the last monts, as have many others. Its not that I especially revere the game, although I did enjoy it. But this hate/love thing could go on and on.....and on......while the rest of the world keeps turning. Time to move on perhaps?
Eyenixon said:
Indeed, you must be quite insane, the fact is that a better value exists for the same price, there is no reason to purchase this when there is a superior product on the market, thus, regardless of the relative age of a product and its history, it can still hold superiority over another.
I don't care if JA2 is superior to FO3 (a point which I agree with you on... JA2 is a phenomenal game). The simple fact of the matter is that you're using the price of a brand new item versus the price of an old item as a primary metric of value, when there is significant depreciation in the price of the old item. To be a fair comparison, you must either wait 10 years to see what the price is on the DLC (chances are, if it's still around, it'll be packaged with FO3 for the same price as JA2 is right now) or use the release price of JA2 (ideally, adjusted for inflation).

Eyenixon said:
DLC is a arbitrary addition to a product that provides insignificant content in relation to its price and marketing.
You know what we used to call "DLC" a while ago? Expansions, we could say, that it "takes a team of people many hours to produce the extra content", and you know what? Usually that content would improve the game far beyond its original form, Broodwar, Beyond the Dark Portal, Heart of Winter, Throne of Bhaal, you name it, absolute tons of gameplay added onto the original experience with new features and experiences to be had with much variety in regards to the new and the old.

DLC is a hack-job, they could release an adequate expansion with enough content to satisfy you for dozens of hours at the price of $40 as they used to, rather than slowly releasing poorly hacked in content that could have been compiled into one large collection and sold to the public, rather we have to buy their shoddy pieces of four hour gameplay for ten bucks each.
Not a good value, and not a beneficial practice for the gamer, the only explicit improvements in DLC is that its delivery is usually instantaneous, although since you can buy most any PC game online these days that point is negated as well.
Your definition of DLC amuses me. Take a step back from bitter world for just a minute. DLC is an acronym for downloadable content. That's it. It is extra content that you obtain via download. DLC is not defined as "a hack-job" or "poorly hacked in content." I will say it again, in case you have not absorbed it yet: it is extra content which is obtained via download. No more, no less. Whether its worthwhile or not is entirely up to the user.

To me, the DLC in Mass Effect was worthwhile. I enjoyed that extra mission. It was one of the better missions in the game, I thought. The DLC in Oblivion? Not so much. I don't need horse armor. My horse doesn't get hit, and even if I lost a horse, I've got plenty of money to buy another.

Any expansion pack could be made into DLC. Perhaps not in a single instance (I cannot recall the specific limits on size and whatnot, though with game demos being 1 - 2 gigs these days, I don't see why DLC could not be of equal size), but to release, say, 4 downloadable packs at $10 with 5 hours of gameplay each would equate to a single $40 expansion. Where's the difference? You get to enjoy parts of it sooner? You don't have to get the whole thing if you find it doesn't suit your tastes?

Eyenixon said:
Kill yourself because you think Fallout 3 sucks, is what he means.
Now you're just being an ass. (That may well be the case all along, but I prefer to think that you are normally being genuine, if a bit pretentious.)
We can argue all day but it boils down to DLC being a useless addition to a sub par game.
Gentlemen said:
Patton89 said:
DLC that changes the ending ?
Thats cheap, they make the ending bad and then they want me to pay for a better one.
Thats EA class jackassery.
It adds more shit, so I'm pretending I'm paying for more shit, not a new ending. But that shit better be good.

And no one, save for Jack Thompson, matches EA's jackassery.
I agree.

While I am definetly not suporting piracy or anything in such direction I am though almost inclined to say that EA in the case of Spore somewhat deserved it ... DRM is just the plaque of the honest costumer. That it is.
I disagree slightly. Some sort of protection is necessary, just look at World of Goo. Half the people who pirated it didn't even know that what they were doing was illegal (soccer moms).
TheRatKing said:
I disagree slightly. Some sort of protection is necessary, just look at World of Goo. Half the people who pirated it didn't even know that what they were doing was illegal (soccer moms).
I didnt said that its right. But you cant be a fan of DRM either. Particularly when the case with SPORE has shown only one thing. It drives the "honest" costumer nuts ... not those who pirated the game as they have easily found a way to work around the protection ...
Don't get me wrong, I hate unneeded DRM as much as the next guy, but I was just saying that a simple cd key check is needed for some titles, like World of Goo, just to stop people from pirating it without knowing.

When Bioshock came out, I bought it, not knowing an internet connection was needed to validate the purchase. I couldn't play it for a while. :roll:
Getting back slightly back on topic.

I am hoping that one of the new endings will start a hidden .exe which rewards players by starting a fully playable, 100% finished version of Van Buren :)
zodden said:
Getting back slightly back on topic.

I am hoping that one of the new endings will start a hidden .exe which rewards players by starting a fully playable, 100% finished version of Van Buren :)
Yes or waking up from finally from this dream and realisng you're holding a copy of a Fallout 3 with extremly well done graphic and roleplaying elements in your hands done by Interplay ...
The 'new ending' will probably be nothing more than them pulling another Colonel Autumn.

"Good morning, you died! But, uh, we injected you with this back-to-life serum right after you passed out."