Fallout 3 Broken Steel Is Out

Umm no, Actually the perks make this game complete as Eternal pointed out. A Medicore FPS game with sandbox, search and loot, speech sticks (not trees) and other gimmicks like pimp my crib etc.

Its ironic how B. has been using up the work of the people who crafted Morrowind. They have managed to recook and dumb it 2 times with tons of micro-transactions in the form of DLCs.

Now they have run out of pre-made stuff. And guess what? they are having Obsidian to create NEW STUFF and also clean up their other messes like engine faults and all. Anyone want to bet on my prediction that we will see most of Obsidian's creations and fixes in the next B. game?
Oh most likely, and whatever they can scavenge from from FO1/Fo2/Tactics/Van Buren/FOBOS1/FOBOS2 that hasn't been used or not used much.
cronicler said:
Umm no, Actually the perks make this game complete as Eternal pointed out. A Medicore FPS game with sandbox, search and loot, speech sticks (not trees) and other gimmicks like pimp my crib etc.

Its ironic how B. has been using up the work of the people who crafted Morrowind. They have managed to recook and dumb it 2 times with tons of micro-transactions in the form of DLCs.

Now they have run out of pre-made stuff. And guess what? they are having Obsidian to create NEW STUFF and also clean up their other messes like engine faults and all. Anyone want to bet on my prediction that we will see most of Obsidian's creations and fixes in the next B. game?

You aren't talking about anything, the new perks are ridiculous. What are you even saying?
And Obsidian is a mess, all their releases so far have been mediocre and Alpha Protocol looks embarrasing, they may have had the talent ten years ago but their current track record proves that they like flailing around while eating their golashes in general disregard of what makes goodness.

Eh Eyenixon, Obsidian Entertainment was established in 2003, that makes the company a little younger.

If you mean that the people at Obsidian haven't reached or been able to reach the maximum potential of their talent, yeah.

How much is actually rush based, and how much comes from themselves.

Not looking to bash them, just asking a simple question.
Eyenixon said:
You aren't talking about anything, the new perks are ridiculous. What are you even saying?
I believe he was saying that the new perks ARE ridiculous, and that's the point. They've eliminated any semblance of the SPECIAL system actually having any meaning gameplay-wise, and turned it pretty much entirely into an FPS.
And Obsidian is a mess, all their releases so far have been mediocre
I would disagree. KotOR2 was really quite brilliant... it was just unforunate that Lucasarts felt the need to rush the launch before it was ready and then not allow Obsidian to release a content patch to fix it later. Of course, one may disagree.
and Alpha Protocol looks embarrasing
Not sure how you get that. Only thing I'm worried about is another rushed Obsidian release full of (too much) cut content and bugs, and that they may follow the general trend of making the combat too twitchy and non-challenging.
they may have had the talent ten years ago
As Dutch Ghost pointed out, Obsidian is only a little more than 6 years old currently. And the talent is pretty much the same as it ever was, I don't recall any of the key players at Obsidian leaving or there being any major new hires since Josh Sawyer in 2005. I'm confident that, given enough development time, Obsidian can create a truly excellent game. And if Sega (who I believe is the publisher) does force them to release early, hopefully they'll at least be allowed to finish up the content, work out the bugs, and release the result as a patch.
I think Alpha Protocol looks like a bit of a dump, too. Nevermind that Obsidian manhandled the production quite a bit, justifiably pissing off Sega, it looks like a dumbed down Mass Effect with a spy setting.

I love the spy setting idea. The whole dialogue wheel and shooty-shooty combat just look stupid.

Maybe if the stealth is good...
It looks decidedly more intelligent than Mass Effect to me. But that may just be me I guess.

As far as the dialogue wheel goes... eh, I'm not a big fan of that either (and I don't understand why people thought it was so very great in Mass Effect and is somehow the future of RPG dialogue), but it's not a big deal to me. The dialogue itself is much more important than how it's presented.

The combat is always a worry, but eh. Perhaps Obsidian will bring back the isometric turn-based combat of old some day... after all, there's a poll right on their site asking what your preference for a RPG combat system is, and iso/turn-based is the clear winner (with FP/real-time a distant third, I might add).
As nice as that would be, they can't. They can't break away from the Fo3 gameplay formula too much.
Well yeah, I don't mean for FO:NV or Alpha Protocol of course. I mean as far as their more future projects go.
Eyenixon: Sorry for being obscure back there. With these latest perks, you basically have 10 in all stats, 100 in all skills, and even more boosted VATS. And you actually run out of any decent rpg content by level 15. After that its just a mindless shooter. (As Kyuu explained in my absence. Thanks Kyuu). If you play the "whole" game story with heavy use of sandbox aspects, you can probably max out the level cap before going any further than Megaton/Tenpenny. Also considering the little fact that the quests become fetch the key or go to here after you finish the Rivet city, you can understand why I say the game finally shows what it really is: A medicore FPS that pretends to be a crpg for some time.
Giant robots. Check
Mammoth tanks. Check
Weapon platforms orbiting Earth. Check

Man this C&C Renegade 2: Red Alert is gonna be so cool...but why is it called Fallout?

Seriously, did they really want to buy the Fallout IP or did they mistake ( :drunk: ) it for another one?
There is no "giant tank". Or any endboss for that matter. It was a decent DLC, but the GFWL release has been a total disaster. Especially since the pirates got hold of a working version, while customers who actually paid for it get screwed over. Good job Bethesda!
TamaNeko said:
There is no "giant tank". Or any endboss for that matter. It was a decent DLC, but the GFWL release has been a total disaster. Especially since the pirates got hold of a working version, while customers who actually paid for it get screwed over. Good job Bethesda!
That's probably because one of them downloaded it legally while it was up and then hacked the file that the Beth employee told people not to hack in order to get it to work. Once they got it working, they started distributing it. That's what usually happens with games, especially when they have DRM, so I see no reason for this to be any different.
Actually the pirates didn't get a working English version until this afternoon when it was reposted. There was a German version though.
I_eat_supermutants said:
Well at least some challenge may come out of it.
The puppies perk you can see if you can make two dogmeats last long than ten minutes.

Seriously. I may get this if I get more free points with nothing to spend em on.

Although my birthday isn't until October.

The puppies perk is only there so that the Nuclear Anomaly doesn´t permanently kill your beloved dogmeat. Fallout 3 fans cannot deal with consequences like that, it looks like. Or maybe Bethesda cannot deal with that.
I don't get why people tout that as a consequence - If your pet dies, it stays dead. That's just common sense. There are no consequences in F3.
I don't get why you would want to waste a perk on the worst ally you can get... unless you really like watching a dog run into gunfire over and over again.
Alphadrop said:
I don't get why you would want to waste a perk on the worst ally you can get... unless you really like watching a dog run into gunfire over and over again.

Same reason people liked watching a dog run into a deadly forcefield over and over again. :wink:
TamaNeko said:
Same reason people liked watching a dog run into a deadly forcefield over and over again. :wink:

As far as I can remember, the original dog was at least quite a good combat ally with many knockdown criticals (though somewhat lacking in intelligence when dealing with forcefields). This one is simply lacking...