Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

Dubby said:
If however, you do not -want- to use VATS at all (ever) then you should pick the Fast Shot trait at the beginning of the game. Otherwise, you will need to rely on VATS every now and then in close quarters combat.

Well, i think i got a save just before entering wastelands so i can test your suggestion quite easily.

But really, one trait just to smooth gameplay is one trait less for roleplay purposes for me :)
holstering & unholstering is --the only way possible-- to make the ap system work right now. and boundrose, might i suggest just lowering the difficulty setting if it's proving too hard? And please remember, the fast shot trait was taken directly from fallout 1 & 2. Turn-based gameplay would be too time consuming to implement in fallout 3, so a compromise was needed.

Kavryelh, right now, no that's not possible.
Dubby could u lower ap compsumtion for melee weapon since they eat alot of them and after 3-4 hits u end up standing near the foe defensless
Dubby said:
and boundrose, might i suggest just lowering the difficulty setting if it's proving too hard?

I was playing your mod at normal difficulity and the enemies wouldn't be impossible if i could just shot them ;)

Well, i guess i'll have to wait a few months more before someone make a mod like yours with G.E.C.K tools, i hope. Thanks for the tips though :)
I played it with very hard until i meet enclave it isn't that hard well u mostly are for 1 shot from hunting rifle and 2 shots from other rifles but it isnt impossible :D
Just press f5 and f9 alot xD
mrowa said:
Just press f5 and f9 alot xD

Next version will have those f5 & f9 removed :)

Any way i always play on balanced level 50/50 for player and AI i dont like either side to cheat...
mrowa said:
I played it with very hard until i meet enclave it isn't that hard well u mostly are for 1 shot from hunting rifle and 2 shots from other rifles but it isnt impossible :D
Just press f5 and f9 alot xD

I don't mind dying from two shots from the enemy. It's nice actually. But i need to be able to shot back (Action points). That's all about my rant is :P

But like i said, I'll stfu now, it's Dubby's mod afterall :)
Dubby said once he figures out things he will make AP system for AI too...so we need to wait...
If damage is increased during VATS, can the hud still be shown so you can monitor what exactly is happening to you
boundrose said:
mrowa said:
I played it with very hard until i meet enclave it isn't that hard well u mostly are for 1 shot from hunting rifle and 2 shots from other rifles but it isnt impossible :D
Just press f5 and f9 alot xD

I don't mind dying from two shots from the enemy. It's nice actually. But i need to be able to shot back (Action points). That's all about my rant is :P

But like i said, I'll stfu now, it's Dubby's mod afterall :)

What do you have, 1 agility? o_O And well, you -do- know you're not supposed to just stand there and let them shoot at you right?
After lvl 5 on very hard everything with hunting rifle changes to professional sniper lvl 7 to master sniper and with sniper rifle on open grounds ur dead instantly :D
Dubby said:
boundrose said:
mrowa said:
I played it with very hard until i meet enclave it isn't that hard well u mostly are for 1 shot from hunting rifle and 2 shots from other rifles but it isnt impossible :D
Just press f5 and f9 alot xD

I don't mind dying from two shots from the enemy. It's nice actually. But i need to be able to shot back (Action points). That's all about my rant is :P

But like i said, I'll stfu now, it's Dubby's mod afterall :)

What do you have, 1 agility? o_O And well, you -do- know you're not supposed to just stand there and let them shoot at you right?

Like i said before my agility ingame is 6. Also i mentioned i am hardcore first person shooters player, so keep your irony to yourself.

I have NO PROBLEMS with vanilla version on very hard settings <--it's damn easy and boring. But with your mod even crouch costs action points. So how i am supposed to shoot?

There is no point to take this convo any further. Your mod, your choice. I'll just wait in hope for other modders to come.
boundrose said:
Like i said before my agility ingame is 6. Also i mentioned i am hardcore first person shooters player, so keep your irony to yourself.

I have NO PROBLEMS with vanilla version on very hard settings <--it's damn easy and boring. But with your mod even crouch costs action points. So how i am supposed to shoot?

There is no point to take this convo any further. Your mod, your choice. I'll just wait in hope for other modders to come.

Well i play on normal and it balanced in my opinion sure its pain in ass if your run out of AP but this will be fixed...

Dubby maybe remove AP system until you figure out how to make it for AI too...
Dubby said:
Turn-based gameplay would be too time consuming to implement in fallout 3, so a compromise was needed.

Do you mean too time consuming from a gameplay or development prospective?