Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

Thank you Dubby :)

Still could you explain a bit better:

14. NPCs*Traveling Caravans are now essential and thus will not randomly die as you travel the wasteland...

Still in my normal games they never died...i know its big thing but would it be possible to make them respawn if they die? so i can rob caravans?:)
i was wondering dubby, what are your plans for fixing repair.

my problem with it is it's essential to any character for a number of reasons.

1. carry weight, with all the weapons you need a high repair to keep most of them for profit.

2. condition, condition by default drops really fast and thus leads to problem 1

some solutions:

1. this is kind of harder to fix as i can't really think of that good of a solution. for this a solution would be each weapon can be broken into small parts which don't weigh a lot and can be assembled to improve weapon condition.

2. this is easier, just make conditions deteriorate 50-70% slower.
As several others have stated, my biggest issue with f3c as it is right now is modularity. Some of this stuff is fantastic, but there's also some stuff that are true deal breakers on ever using the mod as a whole.

For instance, I like the skill changes, and the VATS changes, but the Run & Gun AP usage isn't something I want to deal with. Likewise, the Bobblehead bonuses replaced the Gifted perk, so I don't see why they were removed (considering they're even harder to acquire unless you're using a guide).

If each of the changes you made were available in say, two forms, one omnibus compilation, and a set of discrete .eps that were made from the compilation (thus maintaining compatibility) I think it would be much more end-user friendly.
i don't mind the run and gun as i see it as a temporary solution till either one of two things can be done

1. a proper vats system

2. a proper turn-based system

a turn based system would only work though if everyone used AP not just you.
Necro- said:
i don't mind the run and gun

if everyone used AP not just you.



Dubby said:
gregor_y said:
<snip> and i would love AP system for everyone not only player...

npcs *have* an AP value, but it's always, always zero... meaning, they don't use it. to get npcs to use AP would require overhauling all the combat ai in the game.

So...right now its imposible to make AI use AP :(

@Necro about repair well i was thinking to make repair skill scale duralabity of items...
The point I was making was that currently it is all or nothing, where a lot of these features fall into the "Your mileage may vary" category. What if there's someone out there who really likes the AP Run & Gun but doesn't want the skill changes? I think modularity would add a great deal of value to a mod set like this, especially as it grows. Every time a new feature is added, that's potentially a feature a current or new user doesn't want, but they don't want to give up all the other stuff that makes this mod awesome.
the problem with seperate esp's is its MUCH MUCH MUCH more likely to have conflict problems.
Such big mod shoud be modular at least to some degree since changes it introduces are related to many different aspects of the game: from camera to stats, from items to combat gameplay.
For example: some people would enjoy changes to items but not necessarily wish to have changed camera or VATS; some would enjoy changes to stats but not necessarily all that mod provides... etc., etc.

There is also possibility that player will choose some other mods that change specific aspects of the game and it may collide a bit with F3C if F3C will be created as 'everything in one' [I mean for example changes related to Repair/gun condition or with Power Armours].

Maybe this mod should be made a bit like one of the big complex moda for Oblivion that is called OOO [Oscuro Oblivion Overhaul] - there is normal version with all changes provided and there is "lite" version which allow player to choose what changes he/she wants in game.
Give him a break im sure when he will release full version it will be tip top for everyone...right now i like all in one...
Maybe it is passible to add some ap system to npcs weapons not npcs themselvs or change npc ai towards specific weapons for exapmple npc will be make 2 shots from chines assult rifle per 6 sec and 4 shots from chines pistol becouse its faster (and if npc ap system it would eat less ap)
well the problem is, for a true turn-based EVERYONE has to use ap as otherwise it'll turn into something like - you use ap for moving but they can run up and beat on you.

sure it makes it harder, but harder is not better when it's not fun (eg. v.hard mode it's harder but not in a fun way)
just noticed that there was a vault dweller perk..but the description was vague and couldnt select it at lvl 2 (even though its req was lvl 1)
PsychicToaster said:
The point I was making was that currently it is all or nothing, where a lot of these features fall into the "Your mileage may vary" category. What if there's someone out there who really likes the AP Run & Gun but doesn't want the skill changes? I think modularity would add a great deal of value to a mod set like this, especially as it grows. Every time a new feature is added, that's potentially a feature a current or new user doesn't want, but they don't want to give up all the other stuff that makes this mod awesome.

I'd like to remind you that this is a Beta version, which also means that it is incomplete.

If and when modularity is added, it will be done via script and internal game settings - and no other means.

Perks are going to be selectable only on even numbered levels. This is a lot of work, and taking a long time to finish. In the mean time, to allow a player to get out of the level up screen on odd-numbered levels, they have to select the vault dweller perk - which does nothing. It's just there to fill up the odd-numbered levels.
Necro- said:
the problem with seperate esp's is its MUCH MUCH MUCH more likely to have conflict problems.

This is completely untrue. Making it modular via multiple .esp's and not having 'conflicts' is very simple when you understand how 'conflicts' are caused. Technically, 'conflicts' can really only happen when using mods by different authors. If one authors own mod has problems with another mod by that author, it's not a conflict, it's a bug, and one that can be fixed.
r007 is ready.

Get it here-> http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=794.


[Beta] v0.4.8.3 - 11/29/08
*Added Skilled, Gifted, Bookworm, Foppish, & Hyperactive traits
*Added Combat Boy/Girl, Dodger perks
*Fixed a tutorial compatibility with F3C scripts
*Fixed negative skill points affecting skill adding perks/traits.
*Fixed minor navigation error with trait selection menu
*Lowered the rate at which XP is gained by a tiny, tiny amount
[Beta] v0.4.8.0 - 11/28/08
*All perks can now only be obtained on even-numbered levels.
*Max level is now 30 (however there are no new perks after level 20!)
Great thx Dubby :)

question its possible to make npcs like in old fallout? i mean i made a nerd character and in combat Jericho is helping but i dont get any xp for his kills...

Also i always start new game when new version comes up just in case...

Edit:Dubby its possible to make dynamic crosshair like in Deus Ex?
r008 is a go.


*Fixed bug where ammo weight could pile up during the CG02 to CG03 (tutorials in vault 101) quest transition
*VATS accuracy now depends on your Skill with the weapon you're using and your Perception score.
However, if throwing a grenade, strength is used instead of the explosives skill. Also
this does not apply to melee attacks or unarmed attacks (in vats).
*The AI is slightly less accurate
*The VATS window closes a little sooner than before now
*Dogmeat no longer regains 100% health after VATS combat
*Dogmeat recovers health over time on his own now (what a beast!)
*Modified Power Armor statistics